SWEA - Severn Wye Energy Agency
United Kingdom
Andy BULL - , ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Wales, UK
Margaret KEVILLE -
Joint action in the Province of Genova
Within the Province of Genova, 5 small municipalities located in the same area decided to join climate protection efforts and develop a common strategy. A multi-municipal integrated SEAP was approved by the local councils in June 2012, with implementation to start soon. This includes actions that they would not have been able to deal with on their own. Other notable examples of joint actions led by the Province through the Energy for Mayors project are also described.
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Rejoignez nous pour ouvrir la voie d'une Europe de l'Energie Durable
Plaquette de présentation du projet ENNEREG
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Lettre information régionale Rhône-Alpes N°3
Lettre d'information régionale du projet ENNEREG - Rédigée par RAEE
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Cynnal Cymru June 2011 e-zine
Cynnal Cymru-Sustain Wales is a membership organisation that promotes sustainable development and raises awareness of good practice within Wales. (see www.cynnalcymru.com). It published e-zines ona monthly basis and is a very effective vehicle for ENNEREG Wales to reach its stakeholders. This June 2011 edition features an article submitted by Severn Wye Energy Agency on Anaerobic Digestion.
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Regional Newsletter Blekinge 120629
A regional newsletter about the second meeting with the steering group for Climate Interaction Blekinge (Klimatsamverkan Blekinge). The newsletter highlights the content of the agenda along with updates after the meeting.
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Regional Newsletter Blekinge 111212
A regional newsletter about the newly initiated network Climate Interaction Blekinge (Klimatsamverkan Blekinge). Description of the first meeting with the steering group were also a prioritizing workshop took place with purpose to have a common picture of the most important
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Free training on Anaerobic Digestion offered to community groups
Free training on Anaerobic Digestion offered to community groups to equip them with informing their communities on the benefits of processing domestic food-waste via anaerobic digestion.
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City_SEC Photo Exhibition
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 4 Autumn 2012 - EN
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City_SEC Zero Emission Days 2012
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 4 Autumn 2012 - EN
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Municipalities join forces to activate stakeholders
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 4 Autumn 2012 - EN
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Update from the ENNEREG Pioneer Regions
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 4 Autumn 2012 - EN
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Inspiring Twinning, Replication and Good Practice
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 4 Autumn 2012 - EN
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ENESCOM - Here the fun begins
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 4 Autumn 2012 - EN
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City_SEC Фото изложба
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 4 ЕСЕН 2012 - BG
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Насърчаване на побратимяване, трансфер на опит и добри практики
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 4 ЕСЕН 2012 - BG
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Актуално от ENNEREG Пилотните Региони
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 4 ЕСЕН 2012 - BG
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Общините обединяват усилия за задействане на заинтересованите страни
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 4 ЕСЕН 2012 - BG
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ENESCOM — забавлението започва
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 4 ЕСЕН 2012 - BG
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Dies d’Emissió Zero 2012 del projecte City_SEC
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 4 Tardor 2012 - CA
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Exposició Fotogràfica del projecte City_SEC
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 4 Tardor 2012 - CA
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Agermanament, Replicació i Bones Pràctiques Inspiradores
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 4 Tardor 2012 - CA
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Actualització de les regions pioneres de l’ENNEREG
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 4 Tardor 2012 - CA
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Els municipis uneixen forces per tal d’activar els grups d’interès
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 4 Tardor 2012 - CA
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ENESCOM - Aquí comença la diversió
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 4 Tardor 2012 - CA
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Městské dny nulových emisí 2012
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 4 Podzim 2012 - CS
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Výstava fotografií projektu City_SEC
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 4 Podzim 2012 - CS
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Inspirující zdvojen, opakované využití zkušeností a dobrá praxe
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 4 Podzim 2012 - CS
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Aktualizace z pilotních regionů ENNEREG
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 4 Podzim 2012 - CS
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Obce spojily síly pro zapojení všech zainteresovaných subjektů
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 4 Podzim 2012 - CS
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ENESCOM - zde začíná zábava
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 4 Podzim 2012 - CS
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City_SEC Null-Emissions-Tage 2012
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 4 Herbst 2012 - DE
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City_SEC Fotoausstellung
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 4 Herbst 2012 - DE
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Inspirieren zum Tandem, Nachahmen und guter Praxis
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 4 Herbst 2012 - DE
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Neuigkeiten aus den ENNEREG Pionierregionen
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 4 Herbst 2012 - DE
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Kommunen verbünden sich um Interessengruppen zu aktivieren
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 4 Herbst 2012 - DE
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ENESCOM – Der Spaß beginnt hier
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 4 Herbst 2012 - DE
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City_SEC Ημέρες Μηδενικών Εκπομπών 2012
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 4 Φθινόπωρο 2012 - EL
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Έκθεση Φωτογραφίας City_SEC
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 4 Φθινόπωρο 2012 - EL
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Εμπνέοντος την Αδελφοποίηση, την Επανάληψη και την Καλή Πρακτική
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 4 Φθινόπωρο 2012 - EL
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Τα νέα από τις περιοχές πιλότους του ENNEREG
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 4 Φθινόπωρο 2012 - EL
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Δήμοι ενώνουν τις δυνάμεις τους για την ενεργοποίηση των τοπικών φορέων
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 4 Φθινόπωρο 2012 - EL
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ENESCOM – Εδώ αρχίζει το ενδιαφέρον
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 4 Φθινόπωρο 2012 - EL
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City_SEC Días de Cero Emisión 2012
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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City_SEC Exposición de fotos
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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Inspirando Hermanamiento, Réplica y Buenas Prácticas
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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Actualización de las Regiones Pioneras ENNEREG
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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Los municipios se unen para activar las partes interesadas
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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ENESCOM - Aquí empieza la diversión
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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City_SEC Dani nulte emisije stakleničkih plinova 2012
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 4 Jesen 2012 - HR
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Izložba fotografija u sklopu projekta City_SEC
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 4 Jesen 2012 - HR
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Inspirirajući združivanje, preslikavanje i dobre prakse
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 4 Jesen 2012 - HR
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Izvješće iz ENNEREG pionirskih regija
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 4 Jesen 2012 - HR
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Općine udružuju snage u uključivanju dionika
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 4 Jesen 2012 - HR
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ENESCOM – Ovdje počinje zabava
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 4 Jesen 2012 - HR
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City_SEC Zéró Kibocsátási Napok 2012
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 4 2012. Ősz - HU
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City_SEC Fotó Kiállítás
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 4 2012. Ősz - HU
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A Testvérkapcsolatok, a Replikáció és Jó Gyakorlatok ösztönzése
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 4 2012. Ősz - HU
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Újdonság az ENNEREG Pioneer Régiókban
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 4 2012. Ősz - HU
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Az önkormányzatok egyesítik erőiket az érintettek aktiválása érdekében
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 4 2012. Ősz - HU
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ENESCOM - A szórakozás itt kezdődik
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 4 2012. Ősz - HU
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City_SEC Mostra Fotografica
Notizie dalle Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili
Numero 4 Autunno 2012 - IT
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City_SEC Zero Emission Days (emissioni zero giorni) 2012
Notizie dalle Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili
Numero 4 Autunno 2012 - IT
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Aggiornamento delle ENNEREG Pioneer regioni
Notizie dalle Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili
Numero 4 Autunno 2012 - IT
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Comuni uniscono le forze per attivare le parti interessate
Notizie dalle Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili
Numero 4 Autunno 2012 - IT
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ENESCOM - Qui inizia il divertimento
Notizie dalle Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili
Numero 4 Autunno 2012 - IT
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City_SEC Nulinės Emisijos Dienos 2012
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 4 2012 m. ruduo - LT
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City_SEC Fotografijų paroda
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 4 2012 m. ruduo - LT
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Dvynių, Atkartojimo ir Geros Praktikos inspiravimas
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 4 2012 m. ruduo - LT
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Naujienos iš ENNEREG Regionų pionierių
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 4 2012 m. ruduo - LT
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Savivaldybės suvienija jėgas aktyvuoti suinteresuotuosius subjektus
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 4 2012 m. ruduo - LT
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ENESCOM – Čia linksmybės prasideda
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 4 2012 m. ruduo - LT
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Dni Zerowej Emisji 2012 zorganizowane w ramach projektu City_SEC
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 4 Jesień 2012 - PL
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Wystawa fotografii w ramach projektu City_SEC
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 4 Jesień 2012 - PL
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Inspirująca współpraca i powielanie dobrych praktyk
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 4 Jesień 2012 - PL
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Aktualności z pionierskich regionów projektu ENNEREG
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 4 Jesień 2012 - PL
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Gminy łączą siły, by zaktywizować mieszkańców i lokalnych interesariuszy
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 4 Jesień 2012 - PL
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ENESCOM – zabawa dopiero się zaczyna
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 4 Jesień 2012 - PL
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Dias das Emissões Zero 2012
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 4 Outono 2012 - PT
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Geminação inspiradora, Replicação e Boas Práticas
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 4 Outono 2012 - PT
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Actualize as Regiões Pioneiras ENNEREG
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 4 Outono 2012 - PT
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Municipios que unem forças para activar as partes interessadas
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 4 Outono 2012 - PT
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ENESCOM – Aqui a diversão começa
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 4 Outono 2012 - PT
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City_SEC Exposição “Fotos Pela Mudança”
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 4 Outono 2012 - PT
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City_SEC Zilele Zero Emisii 2012
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 4 Toamna 2012 - RO
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Expoziția fotografică City_SEC
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 4 Toamna 2012 - RO
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Înfrățiri ce inspiră, Replicare și Bune Practici
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 4 Toamna 2012 - RO
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Actualități din Regiunile Pionere ENNEREG
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 4 Toamna 2012 - RO
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Autoritățile locale își unesc forțele pentru activarea actorilor locali
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 4 Toamna 2012 - RO
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ENESCOM - începe distracția
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 4 Toamna 2012 - RO
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City_SEC Deň s nulovými emisiami 2012
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 4 Jeseň 2012 - SK
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City_SEC Výstava fotografií
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 4 Jeseň 2012 - SK
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Inšpirácia Twinning-om, Odozvy a dobrá prax
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 4 Jeseň 2012 - SK
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Aktuality zo zakladajúcich regiónov ENNEREG
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 4 Jeseň 2012 - SK
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Samosprávy spájajú sily na aktivizáciu akcionárov
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 4 Jeseň 2012 - SK
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ENESCOM – Tu začína zábava
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 4 Jeseň 2012 - SK
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City_SEC Brez-emisijski dnevi 2012
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 4 Jesen 2012 - SL
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City_SEC Fotografska razstava
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 4 Jesen 2012 - SL
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Spodbujanje sodelovanja, prenos dobrih praks
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 4 Jesen 2012 - SL
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Posodobitev ENNEREG pionirskih regij
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 4 Jesen 2012 - SL
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Občine združujejo moči pri aktivaciji deležnikov
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 4 Jesen 2012 - SL
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ENESCOM – tukaj se začenja zabava
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 4 Jesen 2012 - SL
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Photoforchange in Europe – Sustainable living in Changing economy Competition
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 3 Winter/Spring 2012 - EN
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City_SEC News from Bielsko-Biała, Poland and South East Sweden
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 3 Winter/Spring 2012 - EN
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The Sustainable Energy Action Plan of the Municipality of Modena: “Modena energy city 2020”
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 3 Winter/Spring 2012 - EN
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ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting
Support for Future Sustainable Energy Planning and Projects in European Regions
19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
The presentations from this invitation-only ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting are now available on this website. During the meeting ENNEREG partners summarised the results and progress of the project to date. In addition, invited speakers from Fedarene, ERRIN, EACI and ENNEREG Twin region, Tartu, provided further insight into the role regions can play in meeting European Sustainable Energy targets.
Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors
Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Conference
18 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Representatives from cities leading on sustainable energy actions gathered together in Brussels on Monday 18 March, at a European Commission forum organised by ManagEnergy. The event marked the commitment of 189 communities in going beyond the EU’s 2020 climate and energy targets. The cumulative results of the sustainable energy action plans are projected to be 2475080 MWh per annum of RES production and 5327473 MWh per annum of primary energy savings.
Energy Efficiency in European Regions
Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits
8 and 9 November 2012, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
The Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits, organised by EVE and Fedarene on 8-9 November 2012, was open to ENNEREG partners, Fedarene partners and selected invited participants. The Workshop on Thursday 8 November 2012 was a good opportunity to discuss interesting issues related to the management of energy efficiency at a regional level, and to share ENNEREG partner’s experience and good practices. The Workshop was followed on the morning of Friday 9 November by two technical visits, both in Zamudio, 10 km from Bilbao. Presentations are now available on the events page of the Regions 202020 website.
Pomorskie Dni Energii 2012
25-26 października 2012, Gdańsk, Polska
Stowarzyszenie „Pomorskie w Unii Europejskiej” zaprasza Państwa do wzięcia udziału w największych targach poświęconych tematyce energetycznej w północnej Polsce – Pomorskich Dniach Energii 2012 w Gdańsku, które odbędą się w nowym Centrum Wystawienniczo-Kongresowym Międzynarodowych Targów Gdańskich w dniach 25-26 października 2012 roku.
Pomorskie Dni Energii są dynamiczną imprezą targową skupiającą wystawców z branży energetycznej, instytucje naukowe, podmioty zajmujące się edukacją ekologiczną. W połączeniu z towarzyszącymi jej 8. Targami Techniki Przemysłowej, Nauki i Innowacji Technicon-Innowacje 2012 oraz Międzynarodowymi Targami Termoizolacji i Termomodernizacji TERMO-BUD stanowi silny punkt na mapie działań promocyjnych największych firm z branży energetycznej, budowlanej i naukowej.
Sustainable energy investments in cities and regions
ManagEnergy Annual Conference
20 June 2012, 09:00 - 13:00, Charlemagne Building, Brussels, Belgium
The ManagEnergy Annual Conference, traditionally among the most popular events of the EUSEW, is aimed at a broad spectrum of energy actors, from local and regional authorities, to energy agencies, policy makers, regional representatives, energy consultants and anyone interested in energy efficiency and renewable energy actions in local communities! Now in its twelfth year, the conference will host an impressive range of speakers from EU institutions, as well as from public authorities and energy agencies across Europe. This year’s conference will focus on sustainable energy investments.
EUSEW 2012
EU Sustainable Energy Week
18-22 June 2012 , Brussels & throughout Europe
Save the date! EUSEW 2012 will take place all over Europe and in Brussels from 18 to 22 June 2012. Between 18 and 22 June 2012 hundreds of events organised in all parts of Europe will show, promote, discuss and celebrate renewable energy and energy efficiency - and you can be a part of it.
Below you will find further details of events of specific interest to Regions and Local Communities in Europe:
ENNEREG International Conference
Transfer of knowledge in the field of sustainable use of energy
22 May 2012, Wielkopolska Voivodship Office, Poznan, Poland
The morning session of the ENNEREG International Conference in Poznan, Poland presented the ENNEREG Project and Regions 202020 Network as well as the Regional SEAPs for Wielkopolska and Pomerania, as well as Regions 202020 Good Practice case studies and Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs) at the regional and inter-regional levels from the ENNEREG Pioneer regions. After lunch, a number of experience exchange workshops were organised on relevant topics. The event was followed by a Replication Workshop on 23 May 2012 oriented towards other Polish regions, addressing monitoring aspects of the regional SEAP.
Międzynarodowej Konferencji projektu ENNEREG pt.
Transfer wiedzy w dziedzinie zrównoważonego wykorzystania energii
22 maja 2012 r. , Wielkopolski Urząd Wojewódzki w Poznaniu (Polska)
W części pierwszej konferencji, przedstawiony zostanie projekt ENNEREG, sieć Regions 202020 a także „Regionalny Plan Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii” (SEAPs) dla Województwa Wielkopolskiego i Pomorskiego. Zaprezentowane będą również przykłady Dobrych Praktyk - Regions 202020 oraz prowadzonych projektów i działań dotyczących zrównoważonej energii (SEPs) na poziomie regionalnym i lokalnym przez regiony pionierskie projektu ENNEREG. Na konferencji obecny będzie również Pan Krzysztof Gierulski, przedstawiciel Komisji Europejskiej DG ENNER, który wygłosi krótką prelekcję na temat polityki UE w odniesieniu do podmiotów na poziomie lokalnym i regionalnym.
W części drugiej konferencji, zaraz po lunchu, zapraszamy na warsztaty dotyczące wymiany doświadczeń w pokrewnych konferencji tematach.
Serdecznie zapraszamy również następnego dnia, 23 maja 2012 r., na Warsztaty Replikacji, poruszające aspekty „Regionalnego Planu Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii” w kontekście innych regionów Polski.
ENNEREG Exhibit at:
Fit for the Future - National Trust goes Green
3-5 April 2012, Centre for Alternative Technology, Machynlleth, Wales
From April 3rd to the 5th 2012 at the Centre for Alternative Technology, the National Trust is hosting a large conference focusing on sharing and learning about experiences with energy efficiency and renewable energy systems in historic and older buildings. Severn Wye Energy Agency will have a stand at the event and will be promoting ENNEREG and its work in developing a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for Wales.
Europäische Förderprogramme für erneuerb. Energien u. Energieeffizienz
European Funding Schemes for EE and RES
28 September 2011, Hochschule Regensburg, Germany
In cooperation with OTTI, ZREU is organising a one day workshop to inform about financing schemes of the European Union in the field of renewable energy resources and energy efficiency. The workshop is to facilitate the development of new projects in these fields by informing about the various funding resources in different European programs. One specific session will deal with the requirements for preparing and submitting a successful proposal. Different Programms will be introduced to the audience like 7th Framework Programme, Intelligent Energy Europe, Life+, etc.
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ostbayerischen Technologie-Transfer-Institut e.V. (OTTI) informieren wir aufgrund der positiven Resonanz auch dieses Jahr wieder über Europäische Förderprogramme. Unsere Experten referieren am Mittwoch den 28. September 2011 über die Europäischen Fördermöglichkeiten und vermitteln das notwendige Fachwissen. Wir bieten Ihnen einen kompakten Überblick über die Auswahl geeigneter Fördermöglichkeiten und helfen Ihnen, eine Antragstellung für Ihr Projekt abzuschätzen.
Education and Training

Pupils from Ysgol Maes Y Morfa attend an energy efficiency workshop with event organiser Lorena Prise and Andy Bull from Severn Wye Energy Agency. Pictures: Jeff Connell
Education in the field of Energy
Increased energy prices, a critical situation of energy supply, natural disasters because of the fact of climate change and other problems affect us all. The EU has responded on this with a tough climate and energy policy which is more and more under expansion.
- But who except some experts is informed about this in detail?
- And how will we react without conveying the 20-20-20 goals to the public?
- Who needs to do what to tackle climate change?
- And do we need to involve new technologies or are there ways to start with intelligent energy right now?
All these questions show that without education nothing will change in the field of energy. Intelligent energy education is the key to change behavior and to break outdated structures. It is like a common theme which accompanies all actions which needs to be done and covers all kind of energy subjects.
There are three different, but sometimes also overlapping areas where education takes place:
“Classical education” – Energy at Schools & Universities
Children are very aware of energy related topics. Through their parents, their surroundings and the media they pick up a first impression on how to deal with the environment. The sooner energy education gets a self-evident part of children’s’ life, the better. Schools can offer the opportunity to deepen this knowledge and to show children the connection between energy, science, environment and climate. Important in this part is the role of teachers: Teachers need to be equipped with the appropriate education material according to the learning level and subject they teach. In addition there needs to be a lively exchange between schools and others about this topic. By including energy education in the lessons teachers give our children the right input on their ways to help on achieving a greener future.
On a higher education level intelligent energy has a second positive affect apart from teaching energy efficient behavior: It gives access to a wide working field and enhances the chance for young people to find a job after finishing their studies. Furthermore universities are the place for creation, inspiration, research and innovation. Within the scope of science, new energy technologies can be developed and tested and by introducing them to the market they will boost the economy.
Special attention should be paid to partnerships between universities and the business sector, where energy education can have a positive impact on both of them.
“Professional education” – Energy at work
Many people have a profession associated with energy – either directly or indirectly. Companies training their staff and bringing them up to date with current energy developments will benefit in a long term perspective. The correct management of energy provides a competitive advantage which can only be achieved through education. Energy efficient consumption will reduce cost, while education is a rather small investment for companies. Beside from the economical profit, it is part of the collective responsibility towards the environment.
Companies working on improving their energy performance often fall back on external professional consulting companies and training providers such as energy agencies who profit from their expertise and are able to teach where it is needed. The EUs’ goal is it to have knowledge clusters where different areas cooperate and benefit from each other.
“Public education” – Energy at home
The difference between schools, universities, workplaces and private householders is that nobody is there to guide or to supervise. Private householders are not easy to reach, but they are also the ones who can contribute the most by being educated on how to save energy. There are two possible ways that householders can improve their energy behavior: First by replacing their technical equipment at home through the right consumers’ behavior, and secondly through reducing energy consumption through behavior change. Both require somebody to convey the information on how to achieve this to them. With help of the media, big campaigns and competitions can be started to inform people, preferably in their native language, about the state of the art technologies and reducing energy consumption. Through the media good practice can be transmitted and stimulate the reaction of other people. However the key to delivering these is not simply providing information or self-motivation to inspire behavioral change. We must design programmes that focus on specific behaviors and ensure realisation of the change and this can be a challenge.
Sunflower Project "Guide to Create A Start-Up Company in Renewable Energy Sources"
This Guide addresses one of the main barriers to the successful development of the
renewable energy industry across Europe; the availability of trained and skilled people. The Guide details how to start a renewable energy business at a European level from initial idea to the developed project. There are sections dealing with trading, financial and legal aspects and several case studies of best practice. Job profiles and market trends are also analysed.
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Energy for Mayors Toolbox of Methodologies
This innovative Toolbox is a growing collection of different types of resources and methodologies in many languages, addressing many different topics. It will help to centralise resources and guidance material online for those organizations giving guidance in any facet of SEAP development and implementation – also for the Covenant of Mayors (CoM). Resources include guide books, films, carbon dioxide calculators, Local Agenda 21 process guidance, and much more.
Fostering sustainable behaviour - Community based social marketing
[EN] This website, courtesy of Doug McKenzie-Mohr, consists of five resources for those working to foster sustainable behaviors, including conservation, energy efficiency, transportation, waste reduction, and water efficiency. The site includes searchable databases of articles, case studies, and turnkey strategies. It also includes, discussion forums for sharing information and asking questions of others.
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Here are some examples:
- Provide teachers with good contacts, links etc. where to find teaching material on energy education (see link list below);
- As legislator/policy maker: Involve energy in your agenda for education policy;
- Help on building co-operations between schools, universities and other stakeholders by giving access to regional network;
- Offer incentives like scholarships for students in the field of energy;
- Start public competitions and campaigns by involving the media; Publish your climate strategy and distribute it;
- Organize energy training for your own staff and promote for professional training institutions to get in touch with companies;
- Organize “open days” where people can learn from public or private operators working with energy topics how to reduce consumption etc.;
- Stay in close interchange with experts from universities or the business sector to improve own knowledge about energy and to stay up to date
Specific project categories identified as the focus for Intelligent Energy Education Topic are:
- Education for energy awareness focussed at children/teachers/students – this topic focuses on the traditional avenues for education through schools, universities and colleges and includes activities and support for both the educator and the learner
- Education for energy awareness focussed at trades/craftsmen – this topic focuses on educating people who have left traditional education but undertake a job or trade which could implement or advise on energy efficiency or renewable energy measures.
- Education for energy awareness focussed at manufactures and those involved in production and design processes – many education topics focus on inspiring the public to make energy efficient choices in the products, services and transportation they select. My focusing education at the original designers and manufacturers we can reduce this burden and make the process simpler for the consumer.
- Education for energy awareness communicators such and non-energy related professionals – this topic aims to provide the tools for people from all professions to communicate and deliver effective messages and behavioural changes.
- Eco-Friendly agriculture and land management – for many of the regions farming, the landscape and community structure are important parts of our economic and social structure. Education about how sustainable energy and agriculture, community and landscape can be integrated is important to motivate behavioural change.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Wales, UK
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in Wales. It represents the contribution of the Severn Wye Energy Agency to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Madeira, Portugal
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in the Madeira Autonomous Region. It represents the contribution of IDMEC and AREAM to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Rhône-Alpes, France
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in Rhône-Alpes. It represents the contribution of the Rhône-Alpes Energy Agency (RAEE – Rhônalpénergie-Environnement) to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Blekinge, Sweden
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in Blekinge. It represents the contribution of the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden (ESS) to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Cyclades, Greece
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in the Cyclades. It represents the contribution of the CRES - Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Brochure for Greek regional authorities
[EL] Brochure for Greek regional authorities with examples of good practices that can be replicated in Greek islands.
Development of ENNEREG Regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans
[EN] This document summarises the experience of the 12 Pioneer ENNEREG Regions in developing and implementing their regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) in order to inspire other regions throughout Europe to become Sustainable Energy regions and develop their own SEAPs.
Eco Driving - Wales, Greece & Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Cooperation – Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] It is recognized that smarter driving techniques can save up to 15% on your fuel bill. There are simple rules that can be applied to save money on fuel, whilst reducing your carbon footprint. The projects featured here look at ways to make this happen.
ENNEREG Good Practice - Relearning Sustainability - Impulses from Micro-Projects, City of Neumarkt i.d. OPf., Upper Palatinate Region, Germany
[EN] The funding programme “Relearning Sustainability – Impulses from Micro-Projects” was launched to motivate and involve local organizations, associations and working groups to contribute to sustainable development with the implementation of educational projects. So far 19 educational projects were finalized. The basic idea of this funding programme is to activate and support civil and voluntary engagement with small financial incentives in different educational projects. Projects can be linked to such topics as climate protection, healthy nutrition, fair trade, environmental protection and nature conservation, etc.
The Blekinge Trip, Sweden - ENNEREG Good Practice in Sustainable Transport
[EN] During The Blekinge Trip, groups of 12 years old children travel for a day within their region with buses and trains. They learn to plan their trip with their teacher and they report their trip by delivering a poster or a film to the public transport provider.
Community Pathways, Wales, UK - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] Community Pathways is a website developed by the Community Energy Practitioners’ Forum, which aims to help communities find the right approach to take action on climate change. The website shows how other communities have reduced their carbon footprint, and outlining 40 different approaches, provides resources along with independent information and guidance to support communities in their efforts.
Energy Neighbourhoods 2 UK! - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
The aim of the Energy Neighbourhoods Project is to inspire and encourage communities to achieve energy savings through taking specific action to reduce energy consumption through changes in behaviour alone. There will be prizes for the winning neighbourhood in each country as well as prizes awarded throughout the competition for initiative and dedication!
Good Practice in Cooperation - Education through Entertainment - United Kingdom and Madeira, Portugal
[EN] Entertainment and play are very effective tools in communicating sustainability and energy efficiency. Efforts to raise awareness in matters of energy and climate change should engage the target audience using media that relates to them. It is important to provide motivating, creative, hands on activities. With this in mind, ENNEREG project partners from Wales and Madeira have come together to highlight some interesting activity in their regions.
Green Island - Agios Efstratios
The “Green Island - Ai Stratis” is a research-demonstration project aiming to achieve 100% (and in any case not less than 85%) renewable energy sources (RES) electricity penetration on the island.
Moreover, energy efficient technologies will be applied to the building and transport sector.
Promoting best practice to support energy efficient consumer behaviour - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] The overall goal of the project is to support better information provision by tackling the main barriers that still exist today for taking up energy efficient behaviour among consumers in Rhodes Island, Dodecanese, Greece.
Energy Academy - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
The energy academy is a training programme for local energy officers in the Aegean Region – Cyclades and Dodecanese islands, on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Efficiency.
The Energy Academy is an advanced training programme on energy issues for municipal staff of the Aegean Islands region. The programme aims to assist islands in their obligations (e.g. Covenant of Mayors, Pact of Islands) and their goals regarding CO2 emissions’ reduction through capacity building, so that their ability to be actively involved in energy planning and to participate in strategic decision making is supported and enhanced.
Introduction to Sustainable Living via Wales/Africa Links - ENNEREG Good Practice in Education
[EN] Five Wales and Africa Community linking partnerships have put together this exhibition which has been funded by a grant administered by the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action as part of the Welsh Government’s “Wales for Africa”. Community Linking involves exchange of knowledge and experience in both directions.
Technology Interpretation Centre, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Education
[EN] The aim of BTEK, the Technology Interpretation Centre of the Bizkaia Technology Park, is to bring technology closer to young people, mainly at secondary school level, promoting the scientific and technological culture. To achieve this objective, this space has been designed for a broad range of technological areas, and divided into various modules.
CIDEA, Citizen Driven Environmental Action - ENNEREG Good Practices in Intelligent Energy Education
CIDEA is a project that focuses on how citizens get there information and how they can be motivated to behave more climate friendly and thereby lower their CO2 footprint. The project also aims at developing new tools for municipalities to use in their efforts to influence citizens to at more climate friendly behavior.
It is a research project led by University of Copenhagen where both the municipalities of Middelfart and Kolding are participating.
Green Business Growth - ENNEREG Good Practice in IE Education
[EN] A project called Grøn Erhvervsvækst (Green Business Growth) has developed an education concept named “Energi renovering for håndværksvirksomheder” (Energy Renovation for small construction companies), targeting owners and leaders in SME’s within construction industries. The goal is to increase the energy saving competencies among the employees and be able to implement it in private houses.
GENEERA TV, Rhône-Alpes, France - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] The action consists in developing a WEB TV dedicated to promote and support local initiatives at the regional level in the areas of renewable energies and energy efficiency. Geneera TV is a communication tool financed by the Regional Council and coordinated by the regional energy agency Rhônalpénergie-Environnement. It was created in 2008 and is now considered as a reference tool for a large audience of inhabitants and companies in the Rhône-Alpes region.
Seminar on European Funding Schemes for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Upper Palatinate Region, Germany - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
In September 2011, ZREU organized a national seminar about European Funding Schemes at the premises of University of Applied Science in Regensburg. The objective of the seminar was to inform regional and national stakeholders on possible financing schemes for sustainable energy projects (SEPs) from European funding schemes. Accordingly the seminar addressed possible solutions for reducing existing financing barriers of SEP implementation.
The target group was experts and management of research and development, engineers, municipalities, companies of the renewable energy sector and the building industry.
The seminar was attended by about 15 participants who were very satisfied with the content of it.
Fluid ‘Art, Rhône-Alpes, France - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
The Fluid’Art competition is part of the Energy Plan for High Schools in the Rhône-Alpes region, which goal is to focus on the fluid consumption in high schools.
The competition principle is to design an animated object integrated in the scholar buildings by the pupils which would change of appearance as a function of the fluids consumption (heating, water, electricity) measured in high schools.
Thanks to the change of aspect of this original objective, on-time information on the level of fluid consumption of the high school will be disseminated in a visible place to the entire scholar community. That will ensure that all involved are informed and will induce behaviour changes and encourage the schools to carry out further energy monitoring.
Eco-driving courses, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Education
Eco-driving courses given by experienced professionals encourage a new style for vehicle driving, obtaining 15% reductions in fuel consumption. Eco-Driving means smarter and more fuel-efficient driving and it represents a new driving culture that makes best use of advanced vehicle technologies, while improving road safety.
Courses given by experienced professionals on efficient driving for cars and industrial vehicles for encouragement of energy efficiency in the transport sector.
Basic courses last for 3 hours and consist in a practical class on a car followed by a theoretical one on good practices for efficient. Finally, the car is taken again to put into practice what have been learned and to make measurements of consumption, speeds, and other indicators. Furthermore, it is intended that the course attendees understand the technical basis which justify the efficient driving.
Young Energy People! Wales, United Kingdom - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] YEP! seeks to develop a whole school energy saving ethos and management practice through the development and training of a student led energy management team; energy managers, IT specialists, marketing officers, and ‘energy detectives’ seek out wasteful energy in the school. Once trained, pupils at Llanidloes High School, Powys conduct a technical survey of the school’s lighting, heating and insulation systems with the aim of identifying possible energy saving measures.
Supply Chain Development Programme Wales, United Kingdom - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] The Supply Chain Development Programme, delivered by the Energy Saving Trust, supports small to medium Welsh businesses to enter the renewable energy installation market, and supports them in achieving quality accreditation under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) which is an industry recognised standard. The project also aims to develop the supply chain to ensure a regulated industry of high quality energy generation installers.
Energy Ambassador Campaign Sofia and Silistra, Bulgaria - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Education
[EN] Energy Ambassador Campaign is an initiative under IEE Programme with the main aim to help alleviate fuel poverty throughout Europe. The Campaign has been implemented in a number of EU countries and consisted of training of local social workers and provision of energy advice on behavioral changes and structural improvements leading to energy savings at home. Sofia Energy Centre implemented the Campaign in Sofia Capital Region while Silistra Municipality was a replication region for the Campaign.
Kaunas City Christmas Trees - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] The Kaunas City Christmas Tree can be considered as a very nice educational project on energy efficiency and environmental issues. The main objective of the project was the erection of a Christmas Tree composed of a combination of recycled waste material (e.g. plastic bottles) and innovative technologies (e.g. LED lighting). It was a highly discussed project receiving wide public attention. The tree was elected as the most beautiful Christmas tree in Lithuanian towns. A second environmentally-friendly Christmas Tree in Kaunas City was decorated by students.
Famille à énergie positive, Rhône-Alpes, France - ENNEREG Good practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] The challenge "Familles à énergie positive" aims to demonstrate that together we can fight effectively against the emission of greenhouse gas emissions by participating in a concrete, measurable, and friendly approach. It is already possible to register for the next competition 2011-2012. This competition, lead by ALE of the Lyon and its suburbs and AGEDEN will try to gather more participants for more energy savings!
Thermo-modernization of the complex of buildings in the School of Economics in Tczew, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
[EN] The project covers thermo-modernisation of two objects in the School of Economics in Tczew. Estimated energy consumption after thermo-moderniastion will reach 61,8 (toe/year), what means savings of thermal energy at the level 46% annually. Additionally to wall insulation, on a boarding building the solar collectors will be installed The investment results in energy savings of 4,2 (toe/year).
Climate Interaction Southeast Sweden - ENNEREG Good Practice in Cooperation – Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] The three counties Kronoberg, Blekinge and Kalmar each has a regional network working for climate protection and a sustainable use of energy. The Climate Interaction Southeast Sweden project creates collaboration between these regional networking groups.
EEQAI Project: Technical and Educational Action for Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality in Schools - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
[EN] The EEQAI project aims to promote energy efficiency in the schools of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. In its intervention, the project involves technical approaches for 35 schools and educational support for all regional schools. The actions include: development of technical contents and implementation of information and public awareness sessions; preparation of a guide on energy efficiency; support to the establishment of energy management clubs in schools; two contests between schools on renewable energy and energy efficiency and three exhibitions of the work developed by the students; development of energy and indoor air quality audits in 35 schools and the obtainment of the respective Energy Performance and Indoor Air Quality Certificates.
Integrated energy savings plan at Rhodes - ENNEREG Good Practice
The aim of this Action is the implementation of an integrated plan of interventions to specific sectors of infrastructures of the Municipality of Rhodes, with a view to energy savings and better management of energy resources in buildings - public spaces.
Develop a SEAP employing backcasting - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] The municipality of Karlskrona has developed a SEAP employing backcasting as a method and as the foundation of a sustainable framework.
Education of all employees in sustainable development - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] The Executive Committee in the municipality of Karlshamn has decided that all employees and elected officials in the Municipality and its companies should participate in conversations about sustainability.
Awareness Raising Campaign: Madeira+Eficiente - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] An awareness raising campaign, entitled Madeira+Eficiente, on energy efficiency and use renewable energy was presented to different publics of all ages, literacy and cultural levels. The campaign involved different approaches according to the different public groups, including presentations, didactic games, debates, virtual theatre and practical classes on how to make solar ovens and solar collectors.
ManagEnergy good practice case studies
[EN] ManagEnergy good practice case studies are projects that demonstrate a positive contribution to energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in Europe and are suitable for replication by energy actors at the local and regional level.
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Good Practice Guide - Energy Efficiency Excellence from EnercitEE regions
[EN] EnercitEE is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG IVC Programme. Neither the Managing Authority nor the Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture are liable for any information published in this brochure which presents the good practices identified by the EnercitEE partner regions.
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Gute Praxisbeispiele - Energieeffizienz Erfahrungen aus fünf europäischen Regionen
[DE] EnercitEE wird im Rahmen des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung durch das Programm INTERREG IVC ko-fi nanziert. Weder die Managing Authority noch das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft sind haftbar für Informationen, die in dieser Broschüre veröffentlicht werden. Die dargestellten guten Praxisbeispiele wurden von den Partnerorganisationen in den beteiligten EnercitEE-Regionen identifi ziert und Meinungsaussagen geben die Einschätzung des Verfassers / der Verfasser wieder.
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ManagEnergy Good Practice Brochures
Every year, ManagEnergy rewards some of the most outstanding energy actions at the local and regional level with the Local Energy Action Award.
Good practice case studies are selected, through an annual call, for their strong contribution to the promotion of sustainable energy and for their high potential for replication.
So far, five brochures of ManagEnergy good practice case studies have been published. View the brochures and get inspired!
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MORE4NRG Good Practice Catalogue - November 2009
[EN] This catalogue includes 24 good practices in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) and energy efficiency (EE) put forward by the MORE4NRG project partners. It shows that there are many good initiatives in all the participating regions. MORE4NRG provides the participating regions with the opportunity to share these good practices and become even more inspired by the knowledge and experiences they have come across.
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ManagEnergy Summary of EU programmes and funding
Initiative [EN] This page on the ManagEnergy website lists the main EU funding programmes in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport.
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European Citizens Climate Cup
The European Citizens Climate Cup is a household competition between different countries/regions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. ECCC addresses European private householders, families and singles, and is based on the energy consumption of their houses. Participants have one year to implement in their own houses strategies and measures to reduce their overall energy consumption – the greater the reduction the bigger their chance of winning the competition!
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Energy Neighbourhoods
Initiative [EN] An Energy Neighbourhood is a group of 5 to 15 households who accepted the challenge to reduce their energy consumption by up to 9% over 4 months. The group would ideally live in the same neighbourhood or know each other from a club, society or residents group etc. Each neighbourhood has its own energy master - a householder who will lead the neighbourhood to glory! The energy master helps people on how to save energy. The energy master is given a full training and provided with the appropriate tools to aid success.
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What can you apply for? (see next year's - 2012 - IEE programme)
Initiative [EN] A summary of the 2012 Intelligent Energy - Europe call prepared by the Central Denmark EU Office, including: EIB-Elena; KfW-ELENA (and EBRD-ELENA); CEB-ELENA; MLEI (Mobilising Local Energy Investment); EEE-F
Certified European Passive House Designer
Initiative Throughout Europe interest in Passive Houses has risen sharply in recent years and the "Passive House Standard" has now become widely known amongst stakeholders in the construction sector. This website provides information on the concept as well as resources and links for the quality requirements for the Passive House standard. It includes information indicating how designers and architects are able to acquire the required skills to meet these objectives, for example in a course for passive house designers.
ManagEnergy Education Corner and Vocational Training Corner
Supporting a network of thousands of local energy actors across Europe, ManagEnergy is ideally placed to disseminate information on intelligent use of energy. ManagEnergy Education Corner includes a wealth of information and links on: Renewable Energy Sources; Energy Saving; Sustainable Transport; Climate Change; Energy Careers and Vocational Training.
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ECOWILL - ECOdriving – Widespread Implementation for Learner Drivers and Licensed Drivers
Initiative [EN] The ECOWILL project, launched in May 2010, aims at reducing carbon emission by up to 8 Mt until 2015 by boosting the application of eco-driving across Europe. To reach such an ambitious target the project will roll out short duration eco-driving training programs for licensed drivers in 13 European countries. At the same time, ECOWILL promotes the education of eco-driving for learner drivers.
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ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Twinning Programme Summary
[EN] This presentation by Thomas Jensen, South Denmark European Office (SDEO), was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
ENNEREG and its key achievements
[EN] This presentation by ENNEREG Coordinator, Nils Daugaard, was made on 18 March 2013 during the Intelligent Energy - Europe / ManagEnergy Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors.
SEP initiation in the ENNEREG regions – organization and finance (Preliminary Results)
[EN] This presentation by André Suck, ZREU – Zentrum für rationelle Energieanwendung und Umwelt GmbH, Germany, was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
SEAP organization in the ENNEREG regions – current and future planning challenges
This Presentation by Mr Álvaro Pérez de Laborda, EVE - Basque Country Energy Agency was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013
Brussels, Belgium
New Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) - Concrete measures to fill an urgent need
[EN] This presentation by Mr. Patrick Biard, Rhônalpénergie-Environnement was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
The EU's Energy and Climate Packages to 2020 - Interaction with previous legislation and position of the European Union (EU) to 2050
[EN] This presentation by Mr. Gonzalo Molina Igartua, CADEM Counselor - EVE Group was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012. Mr Molina Igartua is a Professor at the UPV/EHU and Former Head of Unit in several units for sustainable energies and development in the Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission.
SETatWork Training Packages: 1. Certified Energy Management Systems and 2. Sustainable Design
[EN] The SETatWork project had an emphasis on helping to improve energy efficiency in companies covered by the European Union Emission Trading scheme. One of the key activities related to this was the training of EU ETS companies, including creation of Training Packages and handouts.
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Finansieringsinstrumenter – et overblik
[DA] Finansieringsinstrumenter – et overblik v. Birgitte K. Frederiksen, Midtjyllands EU-kontor: EIB-ELENA; KfW-ELENA; CEB-ELENA; MLEI - Mobilising Local Energy Investment; Genopretingsmidler (EEE-F) til energiprojekter
Klimaplanlægning i Kolding Kommune - fra strategi til projekterv
[DA] Eksempel på en klimahandlingsplan v. Merete Valbak, Kolding Kommune
EU programmer – et overblik
[DA] EU programmer – et overblik v. Ture Hammar, Energistyrelsen
SEP (Sustainable Energy Project) evaluation
[EN] Presentation of the status of SEP evaluation within the ENNEREG project (October 2011) by André Suck, ZREU
Notes: How to Contribute to the Regions 202020 website
This annotated slide presentation gives step-by-step guidance on how to contribute to the Regions 202020 Network. A slide set is also available.
Slides: How to Contribute to the Regions 202020 website
[EN] This slide presentation gives step-by-step guidance on how to contribute to the Regions 202020 Network. A version with additional notes is also available.
Anaerobic Digestion in Wales - A Presentation for Schools
[EN] Presentation to schools on 12th April, 2011 by Andy Bull, Severn Wye Energy Agency. The presentation is part of the larger ‘Carmarthenshire is greener every day’ event, and focuses on explaining in appropriate terms, how Anaerobic Digestion works, and the benefits of it.
Introduction to European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)
This presentation was made by Marco Canton during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Smart City Århus
[DA] Smart City Århus - Line Gerstrand Knive fra Sekretariatet for Smart Århus
Die Umsetzung der Energiewende mit Energiegenossenschaften – Erfolgsbilanz am Beispiel verschiedener Organisationsmodelle, Hr. Hornauer, Bayerischer Genossenschaftsverband e.V.
[DE] Das Organisationsmodell der Genossenschaft vermag zur Umsetzung der Ziele einer Energiewende in Deutschland besonders auf der kommunalen Ebene einen großen Beitrag zu leisten. Hr. Hornauer zeigt in seinem Überblicksvortrag, welche Rolle den Energiegenossenschaften für die genannten Zielsetzungen zukommt und in welchem Umfang diese Organisationsform die Verwirklichung der Energiewendeziele in Deutschland bereits unterstützt. Die Grundlagen zur Gründung einer Genossenschaft werden ebenso erläutert wie der Aufbau und die Funktionsweise dieses Organisationsmodells. Verschiedene Modelle zur Gründung von Bürgerenergie-Genossenschaften werden für die Technologiebereiche Photovoltaik, Windkraft und Nahwärme vorgestellt.
Darstellung des Gründungsprozesses von Energiegenossenschaften am Beispiel der KERL eG und BERR eG in der Region Regensburg, Fr. Politzka, Landratsamt Regensburg
[DE] Der Landkreis Regensburg hat im Dezember 2011 bzw. Januar 2012 zwei Energiegenossenschaften gegründet, um im Landkreis die Errichtung von Anlagen zur Erzeugung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Energien zu fördern und damit die regionalen Wirtschaftskreisläufe zu stärken. Für diese Ziele wurde zum einen die Kommunale Energie Regensburger Land eG (kurz: KERL eG) gegründet, an der sämtliche Gemeinden des Landkreises wie auch der Landkreis als eigene Gebietskörperschaft beteiligt sind. Diese Energiegenossenschaft übernimmt im Wesentlichen regionale Steuerungs- und Koordinationsaufgaben zur Projektierung möglicher Energieanlagen. Ergänzt wird diese kommunale Energiegenossenschaft durch die Bürger Energie Region Regensburger Land eG (kurz: BERR eG), an der sich Bürger- u. sonstige juristische Personen an der Finanzierung, dem Bau und Betrieb von Anlagen zur Energiegewinnung aus erneuerbaren Energien beteiligen können. Fr. Politzka stellt in ihrem Vortrag die politischen Hintergründe wie auch die Motivation und Ziele vor, die zur Gründung dieses Genossenschaftsmodells geführt haben.
WELT: Windenergie Landkreis Tirschenreuth GmbH & Co. KG - Interkommunales Modell mit Bürgerbeteiligung, Fr. Hehenberger-Risse, KEWOG Energie und Dienste GmbH
[DE] Die Bayerische Staatsregierung verfolgt bis zum Jahr 2021 das Ziel, den Anteil des durch Windenergie erzeugten Stroms am Gesamtstromverbrauch von derzeit ca. 0,6 % auf 6 bis 10% zu vervielfachen. Zur Verwirklichung dieses Ziels ist die Errichtung von mindestens 1.500 Windenergieanlagen in Bayern erforderlich. Ein wichtiges Instrument zur Sicherstellung der erforderlichen Akzeptanz dieses Windenergieausbaus ist die Planung, Errichtung und der Betrieb der neuen Anlagen über kommunale Organisationsformen, die sowohl eine Kooperation zwischen beteiligten Kommunen als auch eine angemessene Bürgerbeteiligung ermöglichen. Fr. Hehenberger-Risse stellt am Beispiel der WELT: Windenergie Landkreis Tirschenreuth GmbH & Co. KG die derzeitige Realisierung eines solchen Modells für die Region der nördlichen Oberpfalz vor.
Rechtsfragen zu kommunalen Bürgerbeteiligungsmodellen, Hr. Dr. Thomas Wolf, Rödl & Partner GbR
[DE] Die Gründung von Energiegenossenschaften stellt nur eine mögliche Form zur wirtschaftlichen Betätigung von Kommunen dar. In seinem Vortrag gibt Hr. Dr. Wolf einen Überblick über die verschiedenen organisationsrechtlichen Möglichkeiten für eine wirtschaftliche Betätigung von kommunalen Gebietskörperschaften im Energiesektor. Hierbei werden unterschiedliche Rechtsfragen zu kommunalen Bürgerbeteiligungsmodellen bei den verschiedenen Organisationsformen vertiefend behandelt. Als Beteiligungsmodelle werden die GmbH, die GmbH & Co. KG sowie die Genossenschaft erläutert.
ENNEREG - Ein regionaler Rahmenplan Energie für die Oberpfalz, Hr. Dr. André Suck, ZREU GmbH
[DE] In dem Vortrag werden die wichtigsten Zwischenergebnisse des ZREU für den Regionalen Rahmenplan Energie für die Oberpfalz als Grundlage für einen nachhaltigen Aktionsplans Energie dargestellt.
European Energy Award® - Ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem zur Umsetzung des kommunalen Klimaschutzes, Hr. Martin Sambale, eza! energie- und umweltzentrum allgäu gGmbH
[DE] Wie kann eine Gemeinde oder Stadt sicherstellen, dass die Ziele ihres erstellten Energie- oder Klimaschutzkonzeptes dauerhaft umgesetzt werden? Welche Instrumente und Strategien bestehen, damit die kommunale Querschnittaufgabe Klimaschutz nachhaltig in die Verwaltungs- und Verfahrensabläufe der öffentlichen Verwaltung eingebunden werden? In seinem Vortrag stellt Hr. Sambale den European Energy Award (eea®) als dauerhaft zu implementierendes Prozessmanagementsystem für die Umsetzung des kommunalen Klimaschutzes vor.
Best-Practice-Beispiel: Die Gemeinde Wasserburg (Bodensee) als Beispiel einer erfolgreichen eea®-Gemeinde, Hr. Bgm Thomas Kleinschmidt, Gemeinde Wasserburg a. Bodensee
[DE] Hr. Bgm Kleinschmidt stellt in seinem Vortrag die Gemeinde Wasserburg als Energie- und Klimabündnisgemeinde vor. Ein Schwerpunkt des Vortrags liegt auf der Darstellung der Arbeiten des mit dem Energieteam im Rahmen des eea® umgesetzten Maßnahmen sowie des Prozesses der eea® -Zertifizierung. Dieser Prozess führte in der Gemeinde Wasserburg im Jahr 2010 zur Verleihung des eea®.
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Energienutzungsplan oder Klimaschutzkonzept - Konkurrierende Förderinstrumente für nachhaltig kommunale Energieplanung?, Hr. Josef Konradl, ZREU GmbH
[DE] Für die strategische Energieplanung auf kommunaler Ebene bestehen verschiedene methodische Ansätze mit jeweils eigener Förderung: Klimaschutzkonzepte nach der Förderung der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative / BMU und Energienutzungspläne nach dem Bayerischen Programm Rationellere Energiegewinnung und -verwendung. In dem Vortrag werden die wesentlichen inhaltlich-methodischen sowie finanziellen Unterschiede einer Förderung kommunaler Energiekonzepte über die beiden Förderprogramme erläutert.
Kommunale und regionale Rahmenbedingungen eines Ausbaus der Windenergie in Bayern, Hr. Dr. Peter Niebauer, Bundesverband Windenergie e.V.
[DE] In diesem Vortrag werden die aktuellen kommunalen und regionalen Rahmenbedingungen für einen Ausbau der Windenergie in Bayern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zielsetzungen im Bayerischen Energiekonzept aus Sicht des Bundesverbandes WindEnergie e.V. dargestellt (Stand Mai 2012).
SETatWork Školení Balíček 1: Certifikovaný systém energetického manažmentu
[SL] SETatWork Projekt měl důraz na pomoc ke zlepšení energetické účinnosti v podnicích, které se vztahuje evropská unie pro obchodování s emisemi režimu. Jedním z hlavních činností spojených s to byl trénink společností EU ETS, včetně vytváření vzdělávacích balíčků a podkladů.
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Un Patto per il futuro
Un gruppo di sindaci emiliano-romagnali visita la città svedese di Växjö: la più "verde" d'Europa. Un viaggio studio che li porterà a scoprire dove ci sta conducendo il Riscaldamento Globale e come si possono davvero trovare risposte efficaci a uno dei problemi più immensi che l'umanità si sia mai trovata ad affrontare.
Questo documentario è una produzione ANCI Emilia Romagna - ENESCOM ed è stato realizzato nel contesto del programma EnercitEE in collaborazione con la Regione Emilia Romagna che oggi sostiene con forza il Patto dei Sindaci come strumento di risposta glocale alle sfide dei cambiamenti climatici.
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The Natural Step and Sustainability explained in 2 minutes
[EN] This animation video explains the core concepts of The Natural Step Framework, including the four sustainability principles. It was written by RealEyes in Dublin, who help organizations benefit from sustainability and developed by Trevor Courtney at Igloo Animations.
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A roadmap to a low carbon economy in 2050
[EN] On 8 March 2011, the European Commission set out its vision of how the EU can meet its objective of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% by the middle of this century in the communication, "A roadmap for moving to a low-carbon economy in 2050". The Roadmap shows how key economic sectors can cut most of their emissions over the coming decades by increasing investments in clean technologies and energy efficiency measures. On the same day, The European Commission presented the Energy Efficiency Plan, which elaborated further on energy efficiency measures.
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Wyjazd studyjny do Szwecji 5-8 marca 2012
Study visit Sweden 5-8 March 2012.
W dniach 5-8 marca 2012 odbyła się wizyta studyjna do Szwecji, której celem było bezpośrednie zapoznanie się z dobrymi praktykami produkcji i obróbki biomasy pochodzącej z gospodarstw rolnych do produkcji energii cieplnej i elektrycznej. Organizatorem spotkania była Warmińsko-Mazurska Agencja Energetyczna Sp. z o.o. Finansowo przedsięwzięcie to zostało wsparte dotacją z Wojewódzkiego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Olsztynie. Uczestnikami projektu byli rolnicy zainteresowani inwestycjami w OZE.
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Energy Day on the island of Öland, South East Sweden, Summer 2011
Ellen Svensson (CoM contact for Mörbylånga) during an Energy Day on the island of Öland, South East Sweden, Summer 2011. Photographer: Tommy Lindström (Borgholm).
Energy education in action on the island of Öland, South East Sweden, Energy Day Summer 2011, South East Sweden, Energy Day Summer 2011
Photographer: Ellen Svensson (CoM contact for Mörbylånga).
Europejskie Słoneczne Dni z Wmae Sp. z o.o.
The organisation of annual "Solar Day" events on a local level aims to raise public awareness of intelligent energy solutions and behaviours, particularly for Solar Thermal and Photovoltaics.
Europejskie Słoneczne Dni z Warmińsko – Mazurską Agencją Energetyczną Sp. z o.o. rozpoczęły się 10 maja i trwały 2 dni. Pierwszego dnia zorganizowaliśmy krótkie warsztaty wprowadzające do tematyki energii słonecznej przeznaczone dla uczniów Szkół Podstawowych.
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Farm Diversification Drop In Event
Free Drop-in Surgeries and Advice, Wednesday 5th September 2012
From 1.00pm to 6.00pm, Hafod a Hendre, Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells
An opportunity to discuss your farm diversification project with representatives from Glasu, Severn Wye Energy Agency, Visit Wales, Farming Connect, Lantra, CLA, Brecon Beacons National Park, Powys County Council, Antur Business, Open Farm Sunday and the Sustainable Tourism Powys Project. Get advice on your idea or find out about grant funding. Come along at any time that suits you, no appointment necessary
Demonstration - Young Energy People !
Students in the Young Energy People ! project are given a talk. Image supplied by Severn Wye Energy Agency
Young Energy People !
Student involved in the Young Energy People ! (YEP) project. Photograph supplied by Severn Wye Energy Agency
Good Energy Exhibition, Poznan, Poland
[EN] UMWW staff in front of the exhibition 'Good Energy’ - 23 March 2011
Energy Roadshow, Wales
Andy Bull from Severn Wye Energy Agency talks to a visitor during the "Carmarthenshire is greener every day" Roadshow on 15 April 2011.
Education is something which cannot start early enough. Education is also something which is never too late to start with. Therefore the EU developed the Strategy of Lifelong Learning which reflects that EU politicians have realized that education is the fundamental for Europe’s competitiveness. With each EU Member State responsible for its own education and training systems, Union- level policies are designed to support national actions and help address common challenges and demand joint responses so that countries can benefit from sharing experiences. Education and training are essential to the development of today’s knowledge society and economy. The long-term strategic objectives of EU education and training policies are (1):
- Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality;
- Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training;
- Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship;
- Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.
Action Plan for Energy Efficiency: Realising the Potential - COM(2006)545 final
This Action Plan outlines a framework of policies and measures aiming to intensify the process of realising the over 20% estimated savings potential in EU annual primary energy consumption by 2020. The Plan lists a range of cost-effective measures, proposing priority actions to be initiated immediately, and others to be initiated gradually over the Plan's six-year period. Further action will subsequently be required to reach the full potential by 2020.
Inspire and... be inspired - The Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide - taster leaflet
Publication [EN] This 2 page A5 leaflet provides a short introduction to the Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide.
First phase of implementing sustainable energy projects (SEPs) in the ENNEREG regions
Publication [EN] This report aims to evaluate the first phase of implementing sustainable energy projects (SEPs) in the ENNEREG regions. The report covers the period from May 2010 to April 2011 (first twelve months of ENNEREG`s project time). The report comprises a description of SEP measures in each region, especially with respect to Performance Indicators, which were defined with the start of the ENNEREG project.
Local forums for active stakeholder involvement in the SEAP process, Poland
Conclusions [EN] Energy for Mayors co-organised local forums with Polish Covenant Supporter, the Association of Municipalities Polish Network “Energie Cités”, in four Polish municipalities – Bielawa, Dzierżoniów, Niepołomice and Raciechowice. These forums for active stakeholder involvement in the SEAP process turned out to be very successful! Citizens and local stakeholders not only became better acquainted with their municipalities’ SEAP and the context thereof, but could also explore their expectations and expressed willingness to actively participate in SEAP implementation.
Joint action in the Province of Genova
e-Bulletin [EN] Within the Province of Genova, 5 small municipalities located in the same area decided to join climate protection efforts and develop a common strategy. A multi-municipal integrated SEAP was approved by the local councils in June 2012, with implementation to start soon. This includes actions that they would not have been able to deal with on their own. Other notable examples of joint actions led by the Province through the Energy for Mayors project are also described.
Energy for Mayors Energy Days during EUSEW 2012
Conclusions [EN] Many activities have been initiated in spring 2012 in communities across Europe – with Energy Days enthusiastically organised by municipalities. Several of the Energy for Mayors partners, as Covenant Coordinators, prepared appealing programmes to involve a variety of local stakeholders. This year there was a special focus on children, in part for fun, but also as an “amplifier group” of key messages to and in their community.
El recorrido de la energía en Castilla y León (Nueva edición 2011)
Publication [ES] El objetivo de este material educativo es que la formación comience en los estudiantes permitiéndoles conocer todo lo relacionado con la producción, transporte, distribución y utilización de la energía en Castilla y León. La energía en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León ha sido y es un sector económico fundamental que constituye un enclave energético de relevancia en el panorama nacional, en el que cada vez con más fuerza las energías renovables aumentan su participación.
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Vitoria-Gasteiz: ciudad neutra en carbono Escenario 2020-2050
SEAP Document [ES] Se realiza un ejercicio de prospectiva con objeto de analizar por una parte, las potencialidades que tiene el territorio municipal y el provincial en generación de energías renovables: eólica, hidráulica, térmica, etc., y por otra, las potencialidades de reducción y eficiencia energética de cada uno de sectores consumidores de energía. Para cada sector se especifica el contexto y cuál es la energía básica para su funcionamiento. Una energía que se calcula en base a una determinada reducción y eficiencia, acorde con el contexto, la tecnología y los conocimientos actuales.
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Montaione (FI) A Short Introduction
SEAP Document
On 15 March 2012, the municipality of Montaione (supported by the come2CoM project for the development of BEI and SEAP) is to become the first municipality to receive the European Energy Award, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001. The municipality achieved the first award in January 2008 (eea) and the last on the 29th December 2011 (ISO 50001), they are part of the CoM with a submitted SEAP (November 2011) with a target of the 27% of carbon dioxide reduction.
Green Tech Center - International Smart Grid Living Lab
Event Resource [DA] Smart Grid - Jørgen Andersen fra Green Tech Center
Make your building smile - Renewable energy in buildings
Publication [EN] This publication from the European Commission (2009) covers 25 projects funded by the IEE programme within the Renewable Energy sector. It shows that although buildings are amongst the greatest consumers of energy, they also have the greatest potential to reduce the EU’s conventional energy consumption by combining energy-saving measures with renewable energy sources, the total consumption of conventional energy in buildings can be reduced to zero. Buildings can even become net producers of clean energy since they can be fitted with solar water and space heating and cooling.
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Overview on the status of ecodriving integration in the driver education and testing
Publication [EN] ECODRIVE, the predecessor to the ECOWILL project, was a European-wide campaign - aimed to improve driving behaviour, energy-efficiency and traffic safety among drivers of passenger cars, delivery vans, lorries and buses – was organised within the Ecodriven project. Conducted between 2006 and 2008, the project was supported by the European Commission's "Intelligent Energy Europe" Programme. The main deliverable from the ECODRIVE project was the publication "Overview on the status of ecodriving integration in the driver education and testing".
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Energy eductation - changing their habits in our lifetime
Publication [EN] This publication presents 16 projects funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe by the European Commission (EC) within the Integrated Initiatives sector. The European Union recognises the strategic role education has in stimulating more responsible, sustainable energy use. Although education is usually the responsibility of national authorities, the EC is also active in this field. Specifically, it disseminates information and encourages the transfer of successful ideas and practices across borders. This The programme supports schools and educational authorities as well as other stakeholders such as local and regional energy agencies to bring about a behavioural change towards a low-carbon society.
EnerCities - Stimulate energy awareness of youngsters with online serious gaming
Project EnerCities created an online elearning game for young people to experience energy-related implications. The goal of the game is to create and expand virtual cities dealing with pollution, energy shortages, renewable energy etc. The game is web-based and suitable to play on low-budget computers.
Kaip taupyti energiją - 8 lankstinukai vaikams ir jų mokytojams
Kaip taupyti energiją - 8 lankstinukai vaikams ir jų mokytojams: Taupykite žiūrėdami televizorių, klausydami muzikos, dirbdami kompiuteriu; Kaip taupyti elektros energiją, pasirenkant tinkamas lemputes; Kaip taupiai naudotis šaldytuvu; Kaip taupyti šilumą namuose; Kaip taupiai naudotis skalbykle; Kaip taupiai naudoti; smulkiąją buitinę techniką; Kaip taupyti vandenį namuose; Kaip taupiai naudotis virykle
Vitoria-Gaseiz - European Green Capital Winner 2012
Publication [ES]
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Linking regional and local actions for SEAPs
SEAP Document [FR] This document formulates some recommendations of articulation between regional and local actions on energy and climate.
Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie - Orientations
SEAP Document [FR]
Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie - Etat des lieux - partie 3
SEAP Document [FR]
Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie - Etat des lieux - partie 1
SEAP Document [FR] Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie pour la région Rhône-Alpes - Etat des lieux
Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie - Etat des lieux - partie 2
SEAP Document [FR]
Rejoignez nous pour ouvrir la voie d'une Europe de l'Energie Durable
e-Bulletin [FR] Plaquette de présentation du projet ENNEREG
Lettre information régionale Rhône-Alpes N°3
e-Bulletin [FR] Lettre d'information régionale du projet ENNEREG - Rédigée par RAEE
Cynnal Cymru June 2011 e-zine
e-Bulletin [EN] Cynnal Cymru-Sustain Wales is a membership organisation that promotes sustainable development and raises awareness of good practice within Wales. (see www.cynnalcymru.com). It published e-zines ona monthly basis and is a very effective vehicle for ENNEREG Wales to reach its stakeholders. This June 2011 edition features an article submitted by Severn Wye Energy Agency on Anaerobic Digestion.
Education through Entertainment
Publication [EN] The advantage of using entertainment to educate is that along with increasing audience awareness, it creates a favourable environment for behavourial changes.
Eco Driving
Publication [EN] Fuel efficient driving techniques cut fuel costs and reduce the wear and tear on your car making you a smarter driver.
Cynnal Cymru December 2010 e-zine
Publication [EN] Cynnal Cymru-Sustain Wales is a membership organisation that promotes sustainable development and raises awareness of good practice within Wales (www.cynnalcymru.com). It publishes e-zines on a monthly basis and is a very effective vehicle for ENNEREG Wales to reach its stakeholders. This December 2010 edition features an article from Severn Wye Energy Agency on the ENNEREG project - see page 11.
Regional Newsletter Blekinge 120629
e-Bulletin [SV] A regional newsletter about the second meeting with the steering group for Climate Interaction Blekinge (Klimatsamverkan Blekinge). The newsletter highlights the content of the agenda along with updates after the meeting.
Regional Newsletter Blekinge 111212
e-Bulletin [SV] A regional newsletter about the newly initiated network Climate Interaction Blekinge (Klimatsamverkan Blekinge). Description of the first meeting with the steering group were also a prioritizing workshop took place with purpose to have a common picture of the most important
Plan climat : Les actions engagées par le Grand Besançon
SEAP Document [FR] Le Grand Besançon a décidé d'élaborer un Plan Climat Energie Territorial afin de répondre aux objectifs nationaux (réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et maîtriser les consommations énergétiques) mais aussi de valoriser les actions déjà menées sur son territoire. Ce Plan Climat, centré sur la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, constitue le volet opérationnel de la démarche Agenda 21, dans laquelle s'est également engagé le Grand Besançon.
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Fit for the Future - National Trust goes Green
Event Resource [EN] At the Fit for the Future conference (3rd-5th April 2012) at the Centre for Alternative Energy, Machynlleth, Wales the National Trust hosted a large conference focusing on sharing and learning about experiences with energy efficiency and renewable energy systems in historic and older buildings.
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Free training on Anaerobic Digestion offered to community groups
e-Bulletin [EN] Free training on Anaerobic Digestion offered to community groups to equip them with informing their communities on the benefits of processing domestic food-waste via anaerobic digestion.
Covenant of Mayors - Plan de Lucha contra el Cambio Climático de Vitoria-Gasteiz (2010-2020)
SEAP Document [EN] Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Vitoria-Gasteiz on the Covenant of Mayors website.
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MORE4NRG Peer Review - Gabrovo, Bulgaria - November 2009
Assessment / Review [EN] This is one of a number of Energy Peer Reviews carried out as part of the MORE4NRG Project.
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MORE4NRG Report - Connecting (Flevoland, The Netherlands)
Assessment / Review [EN] Connecting - A qualitative study into how organisations in Flevoland are being stimulated to invest in sustainable energy.
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MORE4NRG Peer Review - Prahova, Romania - December 2009
Assessment / Review [EN] This is one of a number of Energy Peer Reviews carried out as part of the MORE4NRG Project.
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MORE4NRG Energy Peer Review in Maramures, Romania - creating the basis for the development of a regional energy strategy
Assessment / Review [EN] This is one of a number of Energy Peer Reviews carried out as part of the MORE4NRG Project.
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