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Green Island - Agios Efstratios - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy

The “Green Island - Ai Stratis” is a research-demonstration project aiming to achieve 100% (and in any case not less than 85%) renewable energy sources (RES) electricity penetration on the island.

Moreover, energy efficient technologies will be applied to the building and transport sector.


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The “Green Island - Ai Stratis” is a research-demonstration project aiming to achieve 100% (and in any case not less than 85%) renewable energy sources (RES) electricity penetration on the island.Moreover, energy efficient technologies will be applied to the building and transport sector.

Aims and Objectives of this Sustainable Energy Action

The island Ai Stratis has about 250 inhabitants. It is a small island with annual energy demand 1073 MWh, maximum power demand 360 kW, and average daily consumption of 4 MWh.

The project includes:

  1. Interventions to the electricity production system
  2. Energy efficient technologies to transport sector
  3. Autonomous stationary applications
  4. Use of RES for heating and air-conditioning
  5. Promotion of energy efficient technologies in buildings - Use of environmental friendly materials

Results and Impacts

It is expected that the island of Ai Stratis will be the first energy autonomous Green Island that will use energy efficient and environmental friendly technologies.

For the electricity production, a hybrid system will be installed including:

  • 2 wind turbines 500-800 kW
  • PV station  100-250 kWp
  • Energy storage  system, Central, with accumulators   4000-6000 kWh and in the PV station
  • Electrolysis Unit for Hydrogen production
  • Hydrogen storage tank
  • 2 electricity pairs
  • 2 Hydrogen Power generating pairs (75 kW each)
  • Central and additional systems for monitoring and control.

An integrated station for refueling vehicles with hydrogen will be developed in order to demonstrate the use of hydrogen in the Transport sector.

Technical and Financial Implementation

The technical part of the project mainly contains:

  1. Energy efficiency measures in public buildings (Energy analysis and proposals for the energy upgrade of the primary school and Marasleios building, implementation of the proposed energy efficient applications)
  2. Installation of RES systems for heating/air-conditioning and sanitary hot water for the primary school and 3 municipality buildings
  3. Stationary autonomous applications for demonstration (Fuel cells for the outdoor lighting of specific buildings, fuel cells for the operation of an electric refrigerator)
  4. Transport-Purchase of 3 electric vehicles and 5 electric scooters, Hydrogen vehicles
  5. Electricity production (The system for the electrical supply of the island will include the existing thermal station and the RES-based hybrid system)

The Partners and Stakeholders

The project has been designed by the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, while the funding comes from the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs.

The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES) is responsible for its implementation.

The budget is 8, 9 million €.

Lessons Learnt

Ai Stratis is a small island and that helps in the penetration of existing technologies, which will adapted in the local needs. In the middle of 20th century it was an exile place for more than 20 years. This project will symbolise the pass of the country to a new era of progress, innovation, quality of life and the environment.

How this Action could be Replicated

The “Green Island – Ai Stratis” project is an ambitious project financed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Technologies used in this integrated approach can be replicated in other municipalities especially in isolated islands. Specific results will be available following the completion of the action.

Related Information on the Regions 202020 Website:

Last updated: 02/05/2013 11:04am - Contact: Elena TAXERI -