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Kaunas City Christmas Trees - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education

The Kaunas City Christmas Tree can be considered as a very nice educational project on energy efficiency and environmental issues. The main objective of the project was the erection of a Christmas Tree composed of a combination of recycled waste material (e.g. plastic bottles) and innovative technologies (e.g. LED lighting). It was a highly discussed project receiving wide public attention. The tree was elected as the most beautiful Christmas tree in Lithuanian towns. A second environmentally-friendly Christmas Tree in Kaunas City was decorated by students.


[EN - English]

The Kaunas City Christmas Tree can be considered as a very nice educational project on energy efficiency and environmental issues.
The main objective of the project was the erection of a Christmas Tree composed of a combination of recycled waste material (e.g. plastic bottles) and innovative technologies (e.g. LED lighting). It was a highly discussed project receiving wide public attention. The tree was elected as the most beautiful Christmas tree in Lithuanian towns.

A second environmentally-friendly Christmas Tree in Kaunas City was decorated by students.


Aims and Objectives of this Sustainable Energy Action

It is difficult to indicate quantitative objectives, however some facts about the project are:

  • the main Christmas Tree was produced by designer Jolanta Šmidtienė (Director of Textile Guild) and her group;
  • The project used emerald colour PET bottles (the condemned part from the plant, which had to be disposed in the landfill) for the Christmas Tree and for the surrounding decorations;
  • Modern technologies inside the tree: mirrors, laser-rays for the top, LED bulbs for sparkling effect; special air cleaning technology for surrounding air;
  • The former Christmas Tree (used for 2 years 2009 - 2010) was also an environmental project from the same designer, using the branches of natural tree and plastic film for decoration;
  • Students of the Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) decorated the natural fir tree in the central street of Kaunas – it was decorated with used plastic files, which were provided by their lecturers from former homework.

Results and Impacts

Project outcomes in terms of ENNEREG’s performance indicators

Start Date: 2011 November
End Date: 2012 February

  • Approximately 40,000 PET bottles were re-used
  • LED bulbs for sparkling effects
  • 8 laser rays for the top
  • Approximately 4,000 used plastic files from lecturer’s archives were used for the 2nd Christmas Tree for production of nearly 400 “balls”;

The project generated numerous discussions on the “environmental” origin of the project, which is a key result, showing that project encouraged people to start thinking about damage to forests and damage from PET production and plastic utilization.

Lessons Learnt

The environmental ideas for Christmas decorations become more and more popular (the third year in Kaunas City). The main benefit is raising discussions within society on environmental issues, which becomes an awareness raising campaign. This awareness becomes a lasting project.

How this Action could be Replicated

As far as information was presented in the media, some foreign communities were interested in the project and in the Christmas Tree itself and it was agreed that next year this tree will be presented in some other EU community. The idea appeared to be interesting in raising public awareness and will certainly be replicated.

Related Information on the Regions 202020 Website:

Last updated: 06/02/2012 8:35pm - Contact: Eugenija Farida DZENAJAVIČIENĖ -