BAPE - Baltycka Agencja Poszanowania Energii SA
Katarzyna GRECKA - , ENNEREG Project Partner for Pomerania
Edmund Wach -
Joint action in the Province of Genova
Within the Province of Genova, 5 small municipalities located in the same area decided to join climate protection efforts and develop a common strategy. A multi-municipal integrated SEAP was approved by the local councils in June 2012, with implementation to start soon. This includes actions that they would not have been able to deal with on their own. Other notable examples of joint actions led by the Province through the Energy for Mayors project are also described.
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Rejoignez nous pour ouvrir la voie d'une Europe de l'Energie Durable
Plaquette de présentation du projet ENNEREG
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Regional Newsletter Blekinge 120629
A regional newsletter about the second meeting with the steering group for Climate Interaction Blekinge (Klimatsamverkan Blekinge). The newsletter highlights the content of the agenda along with updates after the meeting.
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Regional Newsletter Blekinge 111212
A regional newsletter about the newly initiated network Climate Interaction Blekinge (Klimatsamverkan Blekinge). Description of the first meeting with the steering group were also a prioritizing workshop took place with purpose to have a common picture of the most important
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Energistyrelsen Nyhedsbrev 17-11-2011 - Søg støtte til energiteknologisk udvikling i 2012
Er du ved at udvikle en ny energiteknologi, der kan gøre Danmark fri for fossil energi? Eller vil du etablere nye storskala testfaciliteter for nye energiteknologier? Så er Energiteknologisk Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram, EUDP, eller Green Labs DK programmet måske noget for dig. Der er indgået politisk aftale om at afsætte 371 millioner kr. til at støtte nye energiteknologiske udviklingsprojekter og 82 mio. kr. til nye Green Labs næste år. Programmerne holder informationsmøder den 18. januar 2012 i Århus og den 19. januar i København.
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Municipalities join forces to activate stakeholders
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 4 Autumn 2012 - EN
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Inspiring Twinning, Replication and Good Practice
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 4 Autumn 2012 - EN
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Насърчаване на побратимяване, трансфер на опит и добри практики
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 4 ЕСЕН 2012 - BG
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Общините обединяват усилия за задействане на заинтересованите страни
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 4 ЕСЕН 2012 - BG
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Agermanament, Replicació i Bones Pràctiques Inspiradores
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 4 Tardor 2012 - CA
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Els municipis uneixen forces per tal d’activar els grups d’interès
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 4 Tardor 2012 - CA
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Inspirující zdvojen, opakované využití zkušeností a dobrá praxe
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 4 Podzim 2012 - CS
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Obce spojily síly pro zapojení všech zainteresovaných subjektů
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 4 Podzim 2012 - CS
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Inspirieren zum Tandem, Nachahmen und guter Praxis
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 4 Herbst 2012 - DE
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Kommunen verbünden sich um Interessengruppen zu aktivieren
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 4 Herbst 2012 - DE
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Εμπνέοντος την Αδελφοποίηση, την Επανάληψη και την Καλή Πρακτική
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 4 Φθινόπωρο 2012 - EL
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Δήμοι ενώνουν τις δυνάμεις τους για την ενεργοποίηση των τοπικών φορέων
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 4 Φθινόπωρο 2012 - EL
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Inspirando Hermanamiento, Réplica y Buenas Prácticas
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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Los municipios se unen para activar las partes interesadas
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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Inspirirajući združivanje, preslikavanje i dobre prakse
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 4 Jesen 2012 - HR
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Općine udružuju snage u uključivanju dionika
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 4 Jesen 2012 - HR
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A Testvérkapcsolatok, a Replikáció és Jó Gyakorlatok ösztönzése
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 4 2012. Ősz - HU
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Az önkormányzatok egyesítik erőiket az érintettek aktiválása érdekében
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 4 2012. Ősz - HU
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Comuni uniscono le forze per attivare le parti interessate
Notizie dalle Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili
Numero 4 Autunno 2012 - IT
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Dvynių, Atkartojimo ir Geros Praktikos inspiravimas
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 4 2012 m. ruduo - LT
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Savivaldybės suvienija jėgas aktyvuoti suinteresuotuosius subjektus
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 4 2012 m. ruduo - LT
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Inspirująca współpraca i powielanie dobrych praktyk
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 4 Jesień 2012 - PL
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Gminy łączą siły, by zaktywizować mieszkańców i lokalnych interesariuszy
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 4 Jesień 2012 - PL
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Geminação inspiradora, Replicação e Boas Práticas
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 4 Outono 2012 - PT
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Municipios que unem forças para activar as partes interessadas
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 4 Outono 2012 - PT
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Înfrățiri ce inspiră, Replicare și Bune Practici
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 4 Toamna 2012 - RO
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Autoritățile locale își unesc forțele pentru activarea actorilor locali
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 4 Toamna 2012 - RO
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Inšpirácia Twinning-om, Odozvy a dobrá prax
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 4 Jeseň 2012 - SK
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Samosprávy spájajú sily na aktivizáciu akcionárov
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 4 Jeseň 2012 - SK
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Spodbujanje sodelovanja, prenos dobrih praks
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 4 Jesen 2012 - SL
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Občine združujejo moči pri aktivaciji deležnikov
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 4 Jesen 2012 - SL
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Gathering local data to assess energy efficiency and reconfirm estimates – example of El Brull
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 3 Winter/Spring 2012 - EN
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City_SEC News from Bielsko-Biała, Poland and South East Sweden
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 3 Winter/Spring 2012 - EN
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CoM Seminar and SEAP assistance in Denmark
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 3 Winter/Spring 2012 - EN
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The Sustainable Energy Action Plan of the Municipality of Modena: “Modena energy city 2020”
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 3 Winter/Spring 2012 - EN
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ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting
Support for Future Sustainable Energy Planning and Projects in European Regions
19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
The presentations from this invitation-only ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting are now available on this website. During the meeting ENNEREG partners summarised the results and progress of the project to date. In addition, invited speakers from Fedarene, ERRIN, EACI and ENNEREG Twin region, Tartu, provided further insight into the role regions can play in meeting European Sustainable Energy targets.
Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors
Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Conference
18 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Representatives from cities leading on sustainable energy actions gathered together in Brussels on Monday 18 March, at a European Commission forum organised by ManagEnergy. The event marked the commitment of 189 communities in going beyond the EU’s 2020 climate and energy targets. The cumulative results of the sustainable energy action plans are projected to be 2475080 MWh per annum of RES production and 5327473 MWh per annum of primary energy savings.
Energy Efficiency in European Regions
Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits
8 and 9 November 2012, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
The Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits, organised by EVE and Fedarene on 8-9 November 2012, was open to ENNEREG partners, Fedarene partners and selected invited participants. The Workshop on Thursday 8 November 2012 was a good opportunity to discuss interesting issues related to the management of energy efficiency at a regional level, and to share ENNEREG partner’s experience and good practices. The Workshop was followed on the morning of Friday 9 November by two technical visits, both in Zamudio, 10 km from Bilbao. Presentations are now available on the events page of the Regions 202020 website.
ManagEnergy Capacity Building Workshop:
SEAP Development in Western Denmark
19 September 2012, Horsens, Denmark
In Denmark, progress on the Covenant of Mayors initiative has taken place mostly in the region of Zealand in the eastern part of the country. This ManagEnergy workshop targeted municipalities in the west of Denmark - Jutland and Funen.
The goal was to help enable these municipalities to take the appropriate steps toward Sustainable Energy Action Plans, while exploring how this process can best be supported at the regional level through cross-municipal experience exchange and the organisation of joint sustainable energy projects.
Sustainable energy investments in cities and regions
ManagEnergy Annual Conference
20 June 2012, 09:00 - 13:00, Charlemagne Building, Brussels, Belgium
The ManagEnergy Annual Conference, traditionally among the most popular events of the EUSEW, is aimed at a broad spectrum of energy actors, from local and regional authorities, to energy agencies, policy makers, regional representatives, energy consultants and anyone interested in energy efficiency and renewable energy actions in local communities! Now in its twelfth year, the conference will host an impressive range of speakers from EU institutions, as well as from public authorities and energy agencies across Europe. This year’s conference will focus on sustainable energy investments.
EUSEW 2012
EU Sustainable Energy Week
18-22 June 2012 , Brussels & throughout Europe
Save the date! EUSEW 2012 will take place all over Europe and in Brussels from 18 to 22 June 2012. Between 18 and 22 June 2012 hundreds of events organised in all parts of Europe will show, promote, discuss and celebrate renewable energy and energy efficiency - and you can be a part of it.
Below you will find further details of events of specific interest to Regions and Local Communities in Europe:
ENNEREG International Conference
Transfer of knowledge in the field of sustainable use of energy
22 May 2012, Wielkopolska Voivodship Office, Poznan, Poland
The morning session of the ENNEREG International Conference in Poznan, Poland presented the ENNEREG Project and Regions 202020 Network as well as the Regional SEAPs for Wielkopolska and Pomerania, as well as Regions 202020 Good Practice case studies and Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs) at the regional and inter-regional levels from the ENNEREG Pioneer regions. After lunch, a number of experience exchange workshops were organised on relevant topics. The event was followed by a Replication Workshop on 23 May 2012 oriented towards other Polish regions, addressing monitoring aspects of the regional SEAP.
Międzynarodowej Konferencji projektu ENNEREG pt.
Transfer wiedzy w dziedzinie zrównoważonego wykorzystania energii
22 maja 2012 r. , Wielkopolski Urząd Wojewódzki w Poznaniu (Polska)
W części pierwszej konferencji, przedstawiony zostanie projekt ENNEREG, sieć Regions 202020 a także „Regionalny Plan Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii” (SEAPs) dla Województwa Wielkopolskiego i Pomorskiego. Zaprezentowane będą również przykłady Dobrych Praktyk - Regions 202020 oraz prowadzonych projektów i działań dotyczących zrównoważonej energii (SEPs) na poziomie regionalnym i lokalnym przez regiony pionierskie projektu ENNEREG. Na konferencji obecny będzie również Pan Krzysztof Gierulski, przedstawiciel Komisji Europejskiej DG ENNER, który wygłosi krótką prelekcję na temat polityki UE w odniesieniu do podmiotów na poziomie lokalnym i regionalnym.
W części drugiej konferencji, zaraz po lunchu, zapraszamy na warsztaty dotyczące wymiany doświadczeń w pokrewnych konferencji tematach.
Serdecznie zapraszamy również następnego dnia, 23 maja 2012 r., na Warsztaty Replikacji, poruszające aspekty „Regionalnego Planu Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii” w kontekście innych regionów Polski.
ENNEREG Exhibit at:
Fit for the Future - National Trust goes Green
3-5 April 2012, Centre for Alternative Technology, Machynlleth, Wales
From April 3rd to the 5th 2012 at the Centre for Alternative Technology, the National Trust is hosting a large conference focusing on sharing and learning about experiences with energy efficiency and renewable energy systems in historic and older buildings. Severn Wye Energy Agency will have a stand at the event and will be promoting ENNEREG and its work in developing a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for Wales.
EU DG Regional Policy Conference on Energy Efficiency
Cohesion policy investing in energy efficiency in buildings
29 & 30 November 2011, Brussels, Belgium
On 29 and 30 November experts from Member States, from civil society, from the academic world and the EU Institutions met in Brussels to discuss around “Cohesion policy investing in energy efficiency in buildings”. The aim of this conference and workshop, organised by DG Regional Policy, was to inform participants about developments at EU level which are relevant to the period 2014-2020, and to focus on implementation difficulties encountered and possible solutions for the future. A workshop session took place on 30 November to discuss difficulties in implementation experienced in Member States.
1.ª Conferência “Energia e Ambiente”
23 de Novembro de 2011, Vendas Novas, Portugal
The main objective of this conference, which took place on 23 November 2011, was to discuss strategies for improving energy and environmental performance, with special focus on issues of energy efficiency, "Smart Cities", Renewables and the Environment with respect to water use and waste recovery and what contribution these areas to attract new businesses to the Alentejo.
A 1.ª Conferência “Energia e Ambiente”, que se realizará dia 23 de Novembro de 2011, irá colocar à discussão os principais paradigmas e estratégias que se colocam à região e ao país na actual conjuntura em que se assume especial interesse a discussão de estratégias para a melhoria do desempenho energético e ambiental, com especial enfoque nas temáticas da Eficiência Energética, das “Smart Cities”, das Renováveis e do Ambiente no que concerne à utilização da água e da valorização de resíduos e qual o contributo destas áreas para a atracção de novos negócios para o Alentejo.
Europäische Förderprogramme für erneuerb. Energien u. Energieeffizienz
European Funding Schemes for EE and RES
28 September 2011, Hochschule Regensburg, Germany
In cooperation with OTTI, ZREU is organising a one day workshop to inform about financing schemes of the European Union in the field of renewable energy resources and energy efficiency. The workshop is to facilitate the development of new projects in these fields by informing about the various funding resources in different European programs. One specific session will deal with the requirements for preparing and submitting a successful proposal. Different Programms will be introduced to the audience like 7th Framework Programme, Intelligent Energy Europe, Life+, etc.
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ostbayerischen Technologie-Transfer-Institut e.V. (OTTI) informieren wir aufgrund der positiven Resonanz auch dieses Jahr wieder über Europäische Förderprogramme. Unsere Experten referieren am Mittwoch den 28. September 2011 über die Europäischen Fördermöglichkeiten und vermitteln das notwendige Fachwissen. Wir bieten Ihnen einen kompakten Überblick über die Auswahl geeigneter Fördermöglichkeiten und helfen Ihnen, eine Antragstellung für Ihr Projekt abzuschätzen.
ManagEnergy Workshop: The Covenant of Mayors and SEAP Development
The Role of Municipalities in Implementing and Financing Sustainable Energy Policy
15 September 2011, Kaunas, Lithuania
The workshop focused on energy planning and utilising ESCOs and Structural and Cohesion Funds for energy efficiency projects in the municipal building sector. It also provided an insight into the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) and its implications. It included expert presentations and good practice examples, as well as interactive discussion sessions between the participants and speakers.
Biomass as a competitive energy for the household sector
13 April 2011, Bilbao, Spain
At the workshop, examples of facilities of biomass boilers that use pellets or wood chips to obtain heat for heating and hot water will be presented.
Sustainable / Energy Efficient Buildings

The bioclimatic and high energy efficiency EREN building, León, Spain. © EREN
Typical technological measures relating to energy savings are:
- Roof insulation by mineral wool or insulation plates
- External insulation of exterior walls
- Exchange of windows
- Glazing of loggia
- Sealing of windows and doors
- Insulation of boilers
- Installation of solar collectors
- Connection to DH
- New biomass boiler
- Replacement of burner in the boiler
- Radiator thermostats
- Ambient temperature
- Installation of heat allocators
- Recirculation in mechanical ventilation system
- Insulation of ventilation ducts
- Heat recovery from exhaust air
- New cooling unit
- Regulation of hot tap water temperature
- Replacement of hot tap water tanks in DH systems
- Pre-heating of HTW
- Replacement of circulation pumps
- Installation of lighting presence detectors and/or daylight control
- Energy saving lamps
- Replacement of ventilation pumps
- PV systems
Feasibility studies shall be carried each time when taking decision on the RUE project. The result in most cases depends on investment cost, energy prices on local market and accessibility to RES potential in the region.
European Commission - Intelligent Energy eLibrary - Local/Regional Energy Management
[EN] This portal supported by the Intelligent Energy Programme of the EC provides a list of tools and guidebooks covering Local/Regional Energy Management. It is divided into several sections covering Islands, Regions, Rural Areas and Urban Areas. It includes guidelines, guidebooks, action plan models, contract models for green procurement, decision support systems, communication and training strategies and tools, evaluation systems and many other tools.
Go to the Website
[EN - English]
Further information »
Energy for Mayors Toolbox of Methodologies
This innovative Toolbox is a growing collection of different types of resources and methodologies in many languages, addressing many different topics. It will help to centralise resources and guidance material online for those organizations giving guidance in any facet of SEAP development and implementation – also for the Covenant of Mayors (CoM). Resources include guide books, films, carbon dioxide calculators, Local Agenda 21 process guidance, and much more.
Fostering sustainable behaviour - Community based social marketing
[EN] This website, courtesy of Doug McKenzie-Mohr, consists of five resources for those working to foster sustainable behaviors, including conservation, energy efficiency, transportation, waste reduction, and water efficiency. The site includes searchable databases of articles, case studies, and turnkey strategies. It also includes, discussion forums for sharing information and asking questions of others.
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[EN - English]
Further information »
Business model in Middelfart - energy savings with ESCO firm
[EN] This publication describes the business model in Middelfart for energy savings with ESCO firm, as well as its attempt to evolve a business model for private houses. By head of Climate, Morten Mejsen Westergaard, Municipality of Middelfart. Updated version based upon article by Inger Stauning, University of Roskilde.
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[EN - English]
Further information »
Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impact (MESSAGE)
[EN] MESSAGE is a systems engineering optimization model used for medium- to long-term energy system planning, energy policy analysis, and scenario development (Messner and Strubegger, 1995). The model provides a framework for representing an energy system with all its interdependencies from resource extraction, imports and exports, conversion, transport, and distribution, to the provision of energy end-use services such as light, space conditioning, industrial production processes, and transportation.
Go to the Website [EN - English]
Environment Tools Directory
[EN] Listing over 500 green environmental accounting software tools, and techniques for measuring and monitoring, the Environment Tools Directory is the largest independent database of environmental software tools anywhere on the web. New tools can be listed and their details kept up-to-date for free. Users can rate and comment on any tools listed. Vendors can upgrade listings or advertise.
Go to the Website [EN - English]
DISPLAY Campaign (EN / FR / DE / HU)
The European Display® Campaign is a voluntary scheme designed by energy experts from European towns and cities. When started in 2003 it was initially aimed at encouraging local authorities to publicly display the energy and environmental performances of their public buildings using the same energy label that is used for household appliances.
La campagne européenne Display® est une initiative volontaire conçue par des experts en énergie de villes européennes. Elle est destinée à encourager les autorités locales à afficher publiquement les performances énergétiques et environnementales de leurs bâtiments publics, en utilisant le modèle de l’étiquette des appareils électroménagers.
Die europäische Display-Kampagne beruht auf einer freiwilligen Initiative von Energiefachleuten in europäischen Städten und Gemeinden. Der Startschuss erfolgte im Jahr 2003. Zunächst war die Kampagne als Impuls für Kommunen gedacht, in Anlehnung an das Energielabel für Elektrohaushaltsgeräte die Energie- und Umwelteffizienz ihrer öffentlichen Gebäude öffentlich bekannt zu geben.
Several activities can be performed in your region to increase awareness of stakeholder on the issue of energy efficiency:
- Raising awareness actions as to energy efficiency in buildings energy systems by organization of promotion campaigns at regional level addressed to local municipalities, energy producers, farmers, architects and final consumers; seminar conferences
- Construction and modernization of energy efficient public buildings as „flagship buildings” in the region
- Giving priority to energy efficient projects supported by Regional Operational Programmes in the Frome of structural funds
- Promotion of energy efficient buildings - good practice cases
- Joining EU initiatives supporting energy efficiency like: Declaration European Regions for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources
Considering above, 4 categories have been defined for ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Projects within the Buildings theme:
- Certification of energy-efficient buildings
- Policy guidance on energy-efficient refurbishment
- Energy-efficient public buildings/commercial building project*
- Energy-efficient residential building project
* Category No. 3 considers both efficient public building and commercial building projects.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Wales, UK
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in Wales. It represents the contribution of the Severn Wye Energy Agency to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Upper Palatinate Region, Germany
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in the Upper Palatinate Region. It represents the contribution of the ZREU to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Madeira, Portugal
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in the Madeira Autonomous Region. It represents the contribution of IDMEC and AREAM to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Wielkopolska, Poland
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in the Wielkopolska Region. It represents the contribution of the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region (UMWW) to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Pomerania, Poland
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in Pomerania. It represents the contribution of the BAPE to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Silistra, Bulgaria
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in Silistra, Bulgaria. It represents the contribution of the Sofia Energy Centre to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Rhône-Alpes, France
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in Rhône-Alpes. It represents the contribution of the Rhône-Alpes Energy Agency (RAEE – Rhônalpénergie-Environnement) to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Blekinge, Sweden
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in Blekinge. It represents the contribution of the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden (ESS) to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Cyclades, Greece
[EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in the Cyclades. It represents the contribution of the CRES - Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Brochure for Greek regional authorities
[EL] Brochure for Greek regional authorities with examples of good practices that can be replicated in Greek islands.
Development of ENNEREG Regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans
[EN] This document summarises the experience of the 12 Pioneer ENNEREG Regions in developing and implementing their regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) in order to inspire other regions throughout Europe to become Sustainable Energy regions and develop their own SEAPs.
Large PV installation on commercial building, Upper Palatinate Region, Germany - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
EuPD Research estimated the PV potential of commercial buildings in Germany at about 25 GW – so far only 4.8 percent have been realized.
A good example for tapping this potential is the company of Glapor from Mitterteich, Bavaria. Due to the installation of a photovoltaic system on its 13.000 square meter flat roof, Glapor is playing a pioneering role in terms of environmental protection. The annual generation of electricity about 750 MWh is resulting in a reduction of CO2 emissions of about 300 – 350 tonnes per year, thus significantly contributing to climate protection. In the future, industrial companies will not only be a current consumer – quite contrary, they will actively engage in energy transition.
RES and Energy Efficiency actions in schools - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
[EN] 15 public primary and secondary school buildings will be renovated in order to improve the energy efficiency, reduce the energy consumption and install renewable energy applications. Those school buildings are located in the islands/municipalities of Andros, Santorini, Ios, Kea, Naxos and Sifnos in Cyclades, and Lipsi in Dodecanese, in South Aegean region, in Greece.
Geothermal heat pumps in a dwelling at Mykonos - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
[EN] A Horizontal Geothermal Loop with Ground Sources Heat Pump was constructed in a two floor dwelling at Mykonos Island, with 151 m2 of total air conditioned area. The system was designed in order to cover the heating, cooling and hot water needs of the house.
Energy Performance Contract of the Museum of Modern Art in Saint-Etienne, Rhône-Alpes, France - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Services
[EN] Saint-Etienne Métropole has been engaged in a Climate Plan since 2008. To fulfill its commitment to this climate plan, the local authority opted to use the Energy Performance Contract (EPC) to renew the energy systems of the Museum of Modern Art. The first meeting on EPC between Saint-Etienne Métropole and SIEL took place in June 2009. The EPC focuses on a more efficient heating and cooling system while maintening a high level of requirements on performances (temperature, humidity,….) which is essential for the conservation of art works and for the welcoming quality of visitors and staff.
Bioenergie Mitterteich GmbH & CO. KG, Upper Palatinate Region, Germany - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Services and Financing
In the Upper Palatinate excellent preconditions exist for the use of biomass due to large areas of agricultural and forest land. However, this form of energy use is clearly limited. Only an environmentally sustainable use of biomass does not endanger the protection of nature and environment.
A good example for a regional energy company offering sustainable heat and electricity for local stakeholders is the Bioenergie Mitterteich GmbH & CO. KG.
The company operates a heating installation based on biomass, which is exclusively supplied with wood chips from regional foresters. Large wood resources and short transportation distances ensure a sustainable energy supply.
Additionally to a local district heating system, Bioenergie Mitterteich GmbH & CO. KG installed 3 PV systems on public buildings in September 2012.
Nearly Zero Energy Building in Portugalete - ENNEREG Good Practice on Energy Efficient Buildings
The Housing Department of the Basque Government is promoting a social dwelling building in Portugalete as a demonstration project of nearly zero energy buildings (NZEB). The building will be partially funded by the Buildsmart project.
The high energy performance of the building is based on an optimized architectonic design (solar gains, insulation levels and thermal mass), the integration of active innovative envelope elements (trombe wall and active curtain wall) and RES and DG technology deployment. The Optimized control of systems and active envelope elements plays also a key role.
Green Business Growth - ENNEREG Good Practice in IE Education
[EN] A project called Grøn Erhvervsvækst (Green Business Growth) has developed an education concept named “Energi renovering for håndværksvirksomheder” (Energy Renovation for small construction companies), targeting owners and leaders in SME’s within construction industries. The goal is to increase the energy saving competencies among the employees and be able to implement it in private houses.
ESCO in Sports Centres, Triangle Region, Denmark - ENNEREG Good practice in Energy services and Financing
[EN] The Triangle Region Denmark is working on an ESCO project on sports centers in the region with focus on energy renovation and integration of renewables. 33 sports centers from 4 municipalities are included in the project. The project is divided into 3 subprojects, 1 for the municipality of Vejle, 1 for the municipalities of Middelfart, Kolding and Fredericia and finally 1 regarding integration of renewables.
Window replacement program, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Sustainable Buildings
The object of the project promoted by the Basque Government is to replace old and inefficient windows in residential buildings through grant programs, covering a maximum of 22% of the replacement cost.
In any case, the maximum subsidy for each house is 1,200 Euro.
The replacement program has been implemented in 6,765 households during 2010-2011.
Begiralea: Energy consumption monitoring project, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Monitoring
The Begiralea project aims to raise awareness about the importance of saving energy and also aims to involve directly workers of municipal buildings to reduce energy consumption. For this purpose, municipal workers will have information available about the real consumption of the building with tools for its analysis and advices that will help them achieve important levels of energy saving.
All this is possible thanks to the building monitoring system for the energy consumption that the Association of Basque Municipalities-EUDEL has developed with the advice of the Basque Energy Agency-EVE making possible to know how much and how is consumed energy in each building.
Thus, good practices and new habits developed by workers will have their reflection in the energy consumption and it may be checked in the comparatives with previous months.
Solar solution in building renovation, Panevėžys Region, Lithuania - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
[EN] This good practice is one of the first multi-apartment residential houses in Lithuania using RES solutions and other innovative technologies, e.g.: innovative heating system, individual regulation and metering, solar collectors. In this project, a complex two-stage renovation was implemented, using support from JESSICA revolving fund. The achieved results were significantly improved living standards, reduced heating costs, energy and CO2 emissions savings.
Building renovation with geothermal solution, Alytus Region, Lithuania - ENNEREG Good Practice in Sustainable and Energy Efficient Buildings
[EN] This building is the first multi-apartment residential house in Lithuania using RES solution - geothermal heating (heat pumps). Complex two-stage renovation was implemented, using support from JESSICA revolving fund. The achieved result was significantly improved living standards, reduced heating costs, energy savings and consequently reduced CO2 emissions.
Energy-efficient secondary school Lappersdorf, Upper Palatinate Region, Germany - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
The EU Directive on the energy performance of buildings (Directive 2010/31/EC) obliges Member States in Article 9 to ensure that after 31 December 2018 all new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities are nearly zero-energy buildings.
The District Government of Regensburg, Bavaria, aims to fulfill this role model function by the construction of a new low carbon school building for a secondary school in Lappersdorf. The construction of this innovative building, which was finalized in September 2012, strives for achieving nearly carbon-neutrality as regards the annual generation and use of energy. Although not achieving the passive house standard in total (maximum heating demand of 15 kWh/(m²*a), heating load of max. 10 W/m²), it is an excellent example that current state-of-art technology is established for realizing nearly-zero emission buildings.
Today's Energies Award, Rhône-Alpes, France - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficiency in Buildings
[EN] Back in the 1980s, energy efficiency and renewable energy projects did not have the same attention as they have today. Thus the Regional Council and the regional delegation of ADEME decided to create an energy award contest to raise public awareness, encourage local initiatives as well as highlight regional political commitments in this field. This gave birth to the "Concours Energies d'Aujourd'hui" (Today's Energies Award) in the early 1980s as a key communication tool encouraging the development of forward-thinking sustainable energy approaches and projects in the region.
Termomodernizacja budynków Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu w Gdańsku, Województwo Pomorskie, Polska - ENNEREG Przykłady Dobrej Praktyki – Budownictwo Efektywne Energetycznie
[PL] System Zielonych Inwestycji (Green Investment Scheme - GIS) jest pochodną mechanizmu handlu uprawnieniami do emisji. Idea i cel GIS sprowadzają się do stworzenia i wzmacniania proekologicznego efektu wynikającego ze zbywania nadwyżek jednostek AAU. Systemem zarządza Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. Odpowiedzialny za organizowanie naboru wniosków o udzielenie wsparcia finansowego oraz ich ocenę. Jednym z programów priorytetowych w ramach GIS jest zarządzanie energią w budynkach użyteczności publicznej.
Thermo-modernisation of the Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Pomerania Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
[EN] Green Investment Scheme (GIS) - Green Investment Scheme (GIS). GIS is a mechanism linking sales of AAUs to investments that reduce GHG emissions through allocation of proceeds from the sales of AAUs for implementation of projects and programs focusing on GHG emissions reduction and adaptation to climate changes (so called “greening”). The scheme is managed by National Fund for Environmental Protection (NFOSiGW). NFOSiGW selects, by means of a competition, applications for co-financing to be granted. The rules for the selection of applications needs to be approved by the Minister of the Environment. Energy management in buildings is one of the priorities.
Energy Ambassador Campaign Sofia and Silistra, Bulgaria - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Education
[EN] Energy Ambassador Campaign is an initiative under IEE Programme with the main aim to help alleviate fuel poverty throughout Europe. The Campaign has been implemented in a number of EU countries and consisted of training of local social workers and provision of energy advice on behavioral changes and structural improvements leading to energy savings at home. Sofia Energy Centre implemented the Campaign in Sofia Capital Region while Silistra Municipality was a replication region for the Campaign.
Birštonas - Ecotown, Kaunas, Lithuania - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings and Renewables
[EN] Birštonas – the smallest Municipality of Kaunas region - participated in the ECO-Life project (Sustainable zero carbon ECO-town developments improving quality of life across EU) under CONCERTO initiative in FP7. The large number of demonstration activities is based on both the demand side (demonstration of ECO-buildings and rational use of energy) and the production side (demonstration of various renewable energy technologies). All demonstration projects are defined in a "Whole Community Approach".
Churches and Chapels Guide Wales, UK - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
[EN] Very many Welsh church and chapel buildings that were built or substantially refurbished during periods of significant church growth in the 19th century and key features of the buildings point towards similar solutions to the modern problem of rendering them comfortable for intermittent use today – at reasonable cost. This is often true even though the external appearance of the buildings may vary dramatically. The guide provides low carbon solutions to fit most circumstances.
Famille à énergie positive, Rhône-Alpes, France - ENNEREG Good practice in Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] The challenge "Familles à énergie positive" aims to demonstrate that together we can fight effectively against the emission of greenhouse gas emissions by participating in a concrete, measurable, and friendly approach. It is already possible to register for the next competition 2011-2012. This competition, lead by ALE of the Lyon and its suburbs and AGEDEN will try to gather more participants for more energy savings!
Thermo-modernization of the complex of buildings in the School of Economics in Tczew, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
[EN] The project covers thermo-modernisation of two objects in the School of Economics in Tczew. Estimated energy consumption after thermo-moderniastion will reach 61,8 (toe/year), what means savings of thermal energy at the level 46% annually. Additionally to wall insulation, on a boarding building the solar collectors will be installed The investment results in energy savings of 4,2 (toe/year).
Improving the technical conditions of buildings with large slabs, Housing Cooperative in Goldap - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
[EN] The project involves implementation of the 8 tasks in buildings in Goldap Housing Association. The work will be carried out in 16 residential buildings (with 42, which Housing Association is owner) and also the boiler house at E. Plater Street.
Integrated energy savings plan at Rhodes - ENNEREG Good Practice
The aim of this Action is the implementation of an integrated plan of interventions to specific sectors of infrastructures of the Municipality of Rhodes, with a view to energy savings and better management of energy resources in buildings - public spaces.
Mur-Mur campaign, Rhône-Alpes, France - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
Mur-Mur - is a campaign of insulation to meet the ambitious concerns (environment and habitat) of the inhabitants of the town. It is part of the energy conservation and the fight against climate change (adoption by the Metro Local Climate Plan in 2004). This policy also aims to reduce household expenditure, affected by increases in the cost of energy. In 2009, Metro has reaffirmed this commitment by signing with its partners a new charter commitment for 2020: 20% energy savings, 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 20% renewable energy in the city.
Solar system for Domestic Hot Water (DHW) production in home for elderly people, Silistra, Bulgaria - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
[EN] A project for installation of a solar system for Domestic Hot Water (DHW) production in home for elderly people – Silistra, was realized in 2001. The activity was part of a bigger project combining as well measures for street lighting improvements and energy efficiency in 3 other municipal buildings
Covenant of Mayors Benchmarks of Excellence
[EN] Benchmarks of Excellence are relevant examples of initiatives which Covenant signatories, Coordinators and Supporters feel particularly proud of, and moreover endorse as useful actions for other local authorities, provinces, regions or networks to replicate. are relevant examples of local initiatives which Covenant actors have realised in their territories, feel particularly proud of and endorse as useful actions for other local authorities to replicate.
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ManagEnergy good practice case studies
[EN] ManagEnergy good practice case studies are projects that demonstrate a positive contribution to energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in Europe and are suitable for replication by energy actors at the local and regional level.
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Good Practice Guide - Energy Efficiency Excellence from EnercitEE regions
[EN] EnercitEE is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG IVC Programme. Neither the Managing Authority nor the Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture are liable for any information published in this brochure which presents the good practices identified by the EnercitEE partner regions.
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Gute Praxisbeispiele - Energieeffizienz Erfahrungen aus fünf europäischen Regionen
[DE] EnercitEE wird im Rahmen des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung durch das Programm INTERREG IVC ko-fi nanziert. Weder die Managing Authority noch das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft sind haftbar für Informationen, die in dieser Broschüre veröffentlicht werden. Die dargestellten guten Praxisbeispiele wurden von den Partnerorganisationen in den beteiligten EnercitEE-Regionen identifi ziert und Meinungsaussagen geben die Einschätzung des Verfassers / der Verfasser wieder.
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Case studies on Build Up - the European Portal for energy solutions for better buildings
[EN] As part of the Build Up website this section covers case studies. It is divided into two sub-sections, Highlighted Cases and Cases of Good Practice in Energy Saving. In all around 250 cases are presented from around the world with an emphasis on European Member States.
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ManagEnergy Good Practice Brochures
Every year, ManagEnergy rewards some of the most outstanding energy actions at the local and regional level with the Local Energy Action Award.
Good practice case studies are selected, through an annual call, for their strong contribution to the promotion of sustainable energy and for their high potential for replication.
So far, five brochures of ManagEnergy good practice case studies have been published. View the brochures and get inspired!
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SETatWork Good Practice and Case Studies Database
[EN] This Case Studies search facility enables you to find Good Practice, Case Studies and other documents detailing projects, publications, events, websites and other information within the scope of the SETatWork Project with an emphasis on helping to improve energy efficiency in companies covered by the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS).
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ESENUR – Informação, conhecimento e educação sobre utilização racional de energia e energias renováveis
Objecto: Utilização racional de energia, energias renováveis e educação.
Parceiros: Secretaria Regional de Educação e Cultura; Açores: Agência Regional da Energia e Ambiente da Região Autónoma dos Açores; Canárias: Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias, Ayuntamiento Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Ayuntamiento Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Consejería de Educación.
Financiamento: Programa de Iniciativa Comunitária Interreg IIIB AMC (contrato nº 05/MAC/4.3/C6); Vice-presidência do Governo Regional da Madeira.
Duração: 2006 a 2008 (concluído).
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EEQAI-Escolas - Acção Técnica e Didáctica para a Eficiência Energética e a Qualidade do Ar Interior nas Escolas da RAM
Objecto: Certificação do desempenho energético e da qualidade do ar interior em estabelecimentos de ensino, educação e sensibilização.
Parceiros: Secretaria Regional da Educação e Recursos Humanos
Financiamento: Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional no âmbito do Programa Intervir+, Programa Operacional de Valorização do Potencial Económico e Coesão Territorial da RAM (contrato nº MADFDR-01-0143-FEDER-000002); e Secretaria Regional da Educação e Recursos Humanos da Região Autónoma da Madeira.
Duração: Julho de 2009 a Setembro de 2012 (em curso).
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Innovative Sustainable Construction: Together for the low-energy city with a high quality of life
[EN] The Sustainable Energy Systems in Advanced Cities (SESAC) project ran from 2006 to 2011 under the Concerto programme of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). The cities illustrated many different innovative energy measures in both new buildings and in renovating existing stock, with energy in districts another key area addressed. Delft (The Netherlands), Grenoble (France) and Växjö (Sweden) carried out multiple demonstration projects together with local partners.
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MORE4NRG Good Practice Catalogue - November 2009
[EN] This catalogue includes 24 good practices in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) and energy efficiency (EE) put forward by the MORE4NRG project partners. It shows that there are many good initiatives in all the participating regions. MORE4NRG provides the participating regions with the opportunity to share these good practices and become even more inspired by the knowledge and experiences they have come across.
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Climate Initiatives in the Triangle Region
[DA] The Triangle Region Denmark has described a number of good practice examples, covering biogas, ESCO/EPC, energy efficient houses, electric cars, LED street light, eco-friendly agriculture and construction, etc.
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ManagEnergy Summary of EU programmes and funding
Initiative [EN] This page on the ManagEnergy website lists the main EU funding programmes in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport.
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European Citizens Climate Cup
The European Citizens Climate Cup is a household competition between different countries/regions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. ECCC addresses European private householders, families and singles, and is based on the energy consumption of their houses. Participants have one year to implement in their own houses strategies and measures to reduce their overall energy consumption – the greater the reduction the bigger their chance of winning the competition!
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What can you apply for? (see next year's - 2012 - IEE programme)
Initiative [EN] A summary of the 2012 Intelligent Energy - Europe call prepared by the Central Denmark EU Office, including: EIB-Elena; KfW-ELENA (and EBRD-ELENA); CEB-ELENA; MLEI (Mobilising Local Energy Investment); EEE-F
Shining Examples for the Implementation of the Energy End-use Efficiency & Energy Services Directive (MINUS 3%)
Initiative [EN] The goal of the project was to establish shining examples for the implementation of the Energy End-Use Efficiency & Energy Services Directive (2006/32/EC) in cities. The participating cities aimed to show that it was possible to save 3% of the City Authority’s own energy consumption per year. The energy reduction targets are long term aiming to reach minus 30% by 2020.
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Certified European Passive House Designer
Initiative Throughout Europe interest in Passive Houses has risen sharply in recent years and the "Passive House Standard" has now become widely known amongst stakeholders in the construction sector. This website provides information on the concept as well as resources and links for the quality requirements for the Passive House standard. It includes information indicating how designers and architects are able to acquire the required skills to meet these objectives, for example in a course for passive house designers.
Build Up - Energy solutions for better buildings
Initiative [EN] The European web portal for energy efficiency in buildings, covering news, events, publications, case studies and tools as well as links to organizations, networks and useful information from throughout Europe.
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ManagEnergy Education Corner and Vocational Training Corner
Supporting a network of thousands of local energy actors across Europe, ManagEnergy is ideally placed to disseminate information on intelligent use of energy. ManagEnergy Education Corner includes a wealth of information and links on: Renewable Energy Sources; Energy Saving; Sustainable Transport; Climate Change; Energy Careers and Vocational Training.
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Energy audits in the domestic sector, Province of Huelva, Spain
Initiative [EN] The Province of Huelva, Spain, has launched a pilot project for energy audits in households of various municipalities. This forms part of a larger networking project – PATRES - in the province, supporting the municipalities that have signed the Covenant of Mayors.
European project on consumer response to energy labels in buildings
Initiative [EN] The European Union has committed itself to increase energy efficiency with 20% up to the year 2020. A main instrument for reaching this target in the residential sector is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), originally introduced in 2002 and recently recast by Directive 2010/31/EU. This European directive proposes, among others actions, the introduction of energy performance labels for dwellings in all European Member States.
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GreenBuilding - Improved Energy Efficiency for Non-Residential Buildings
In 2005 the European Commission launched the GreenBuilding Programme (GBP), a voluntary programme aiming at improving the energy efficiency of non-residential buildings in Europe. The programme encourages owners of non-residential buildings to implement cost-effective measures which enhance the energy efficiency of their buildings in one or more technical areas. The programme covers both existing and new buildings.
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Programa HOSPISOL en Castilla y León
Initiative [ES] El EREN, conjuntamente con la Consejería de Sanidad, ha desarrollado el Programa HOSPISOL, programa que prevé la instalación de la energía solar térmica en todos los hospitales de la Comunidad Autónoma dependientes del SACyL bajo la modalidad de prestación de servicios energéticos. Además, el programa prevé la asistencia técnica del EREN al SACyL, habiéndose desarrollado una base de datos energética y una Directriz sobre aprovechamiento de la energía solar en centros sanitarios para su inclusión en los correspondientes pliegos de contratación.
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Key Information related to energy efficiency
Initiative [EN] A wealth of experience in the energy efficiency field is available on the ManagEnergy website.
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ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Twinning Programme Summary
[EN] This presentation by Thomas Jensen, South Denmark European Office (SDEO), was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
ENNEREG and its key achievements
[EN] This presentation by ENNEREG Coordinator, Nils Daugaard, was made on 18 March 2013 during the Intelligent Energy - Europe / ManagEnergy Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors.
SEP initiation in the ENNEREG regions – organization and finance (Preliminary Results)
[EN] This presentation by André Suck, ZREU – Zentrum für rationelle Energieanwendung und Umwelt GmbH, Germany, was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
SEAP organization in the ENNEREG regions – current and future planning challenges
This Presentation by Mr Álvaro Pérez de Laborda, EVE - Basque Country Energy Agency was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013
Brussels, Belgium
Euskadi - Basque Country Smart Cities in a Smart Community: Covenant of Mayors and Regions
[EN] This presentation by Natalia Díaz de Arcaya, EVE, Basque Region, Spain was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
Energy-efficient buildings & retrofitting – the experiences in Upper Austria
[EN] This presentation by Christiane Egger & Gerhard Dell, O.Ö. Energiesparverband (Upper Austria Energy Agency) was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
The Basque Energy Strategy (3E2020): a case of regional SEAP in the framework of the ENNEREG Project
[EN] This presentation by Mr. José Ignacio Hormaeche, EVE Managing Director, was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
Pay as You Save example Stroud District, Gloucestershire, England, UK
[EN] This presentation by Mr. Andy Bull, Severn Wye Energy Agency (SWEA), Gloucestershire, UK was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
Planning for Sustainable Buildings in Wales, UK
[EN] This presentation by Mr. Andy Bull, Severn Wye Energy Agency (SWEA), representing Wales, UK was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
New Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) - Concrete measures to fill an urgent need
[EN] This presentation by Mr. Patrick Biard, Rhônalpénergie-Environnement was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
The EU's Energy and Climate Packages to 2020 - Interaction with previous legislation and position of the European Union (EU) to 2050
[EN] This presentation by Mr. Gonzalo Molina Igartua, CADEM Counselor - EVE Group was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012. Mr Molina Igartua is a Professor at the UPV/EHU and Former Head of Unit in several units for sustainable energies and development in the Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission.
Experiences with implementation of Structural Funds in Pomerania Region - Poland
[EN] Presentation by Katarzyna Grecka, Baltic Energy Conservation Agency during the event, Use of Structural Funds in Sustainable Development Projects, in Koprivnica, Croatia on 7th March 2012.
be Smart – think City presentation of Triangle Region Denmark and the City of Vejle
[EN] Presentation by Peter Lind, Executive Adviser at Triangle Region, representing the ENNEREG project and the City of Vejle at the Open Days 2012 debate “be Smart – think City” in Brussels
Steps taken to approve and develop the SEAP for Vitoria-Gasteiz
[EN] Vitoria-Gasteiz is a medium sized city covering an area of 276,81 km² with 240.580 inhabitants and 63 villages (5.135). One-third of the municipal area is forest and one-third of the urban surface is green. The municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz, represented by Iñaki Arriba, had the opportunity to present in the Intelligent Energy - Europe Info Day 2012 the steps taken to approve and develop the city’s SEAP and to explain the general outline of the document and the foreseen actions in the residential buildings and services sector and sustainable mobility, promoting public transport and mobility by foot and bicycle. The SEAP of Vitoria-Gasteiz targets a 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
Finansieringsinstrumenter – et overblik
[DA] Finansieringsinstrumenter – et overblik v. Birgitte K. Frederiksen, Midtjyllands EU-kontor: EIB-ELENA; KfW-ELENA; CEB-ELENA; MLEI - Mobilising Local Energy Investment; Genopretingsmidler (EEE-F) til energiprojekter
Klimaplanlægning i Kolding Kommune - fra strategi til projekterv
[DA] Eksempel på en klimahandlingsplan v. Merete Valbak, Kolding Kommune
EU programmer – et overblik
[DA] EU programmer – et overblik v. Ture Hammar, Energistyrelsen
Energy plan for City of Växjö, draft 2011
[EN] Presentation of the SEAP for Växjö by Hans Gulliksson, Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden - October 13th 2011, Tartu, Estonia
SEP (Sustainable Energy Project) evaluation
[EN] Presentation of the status of SEP evaluation within the ENNEREG project (October 2011) by André Suck, ZREU
Notes: How to Contribute to the Regions 202020 website
This annotated slide presentation gives step-by-step guidance on how to contribute to the Regions 202020 Network. A slide set is also available.
Slides: How to Contribute to the Regions 202020 website
[EN] This slide presentation gives step-by-step guidance on how to contribute to the Regions 202020 Network. A version with additional notes is also available.
Introduction to European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)
This presentation was made by Marco Canton during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Smart City Århus
[DA] Smart City Århus - Line Gerstrand Knive fra Sekretariatet for Smart Århus
Die Photovoltaik als Bestandteil der kommunalen Energiewende in Bayern, Hr. Stefan Dobler, Iliotec Solar GmbH
[DE] Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung "Energiewende in Bayern - Spielräume und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für eine nachhaltige kommunale Planung" stellt dieser Vortrag vor dem Hintergrund der laufenden Novellierung des EEG im Bereich der Photovoltaik die aktuellen und voraussichtlichen rechtlichen Rahmbedingungen zur Errichtung von PV-Anlagen dar (Stand Mai 2012).
SEAP development experience from Kaunas, Lithuania
A presentation on the SEAP development experience from Kaunas, Lithuania presented by Mr. Feliksas Zinevičius, Director, Kaunas Regional Energy Agency during the joint ManagEnergy and Regions 202020 event in Tartu, Estonia on 12 October 2011.
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Lessons from the IEE projects ClearSupport and ENNEREG as how to develop SEP investments
[EN] Nils Daugaard, Energy Consulting Network, Denmark - coordinator or the ENNEREG project - presents two IEE projects, ClearSupport and ENNEREG, that both entail a systematic approach on how to develop sustainable energy investments and seeking financing of those, as well a informing about Good Practice and Lessons learned of the project activities.
Presentation Steering group Meeting Climate Interaction Blekinge April 26th 2012
[SV] Second meeting for the steering group started with a seminar on climate change in the morning. In the afternoon the development of the SEAP was presented among other things and resulted in giving discussions. The county Governor is very happy with the network activities and the progress of the SEAP
Warmińsko–Mazurska Agencja Energetyczna Fotocasty
Warmińsko–Mazurska Agencja Energetyczna przygotowała serię krótkich filmów (7-9 min) na następujące tematy: Wiatrak w Zagrodzie; Ciepło Dobre z Natury;
The Energy Agency of Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship has produced a series of short films (7-9 min) on the following topics: windmill in the yard; good heat from nature; green gold; passive houses; energy fields; water power; wind energy facts and myths; sunny profit; green energy; energy from the interior of the earth.
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Kubik experimental building for testing sustainable energy technologies
[EN] Participants in the Regions 202020 Workshop “Energy Efficiency in European Regions”, Bilbao, Spain on 8 November 2012 will be able to join a technical visit to the Kubik experimental building for testing sustainable energy technologies.
El Edificio EREN 1 de junio de 2011
Image: The bioclimatic and high energy efficiency EREN building, León, Spain. © EREN
El Edificio EREN 1 de junio de 2011 como representación palpable de la aplicación de las energías renovables a la arquitectura.
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A roadmap to a low carbon economy in 2050
[EN] On 8 March 2011, the European Commission set out its vision of how the EU can meet its objective of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% by the middle of this century in the communication, "A roadmap for moving to a low-carbon economy in 2050". The Roadmap shows how key economic sectors can cut most of their emissions over the coming decades by increasing investments in clean technologies and energy efficiency measures. On the same day, The European Commission presented the Energy Efficiency Plan, which elaborated further on energy efficiency measures.
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Bezpieczny i piękny dom, przyjazne osiedle w Ornecie
On the renovated buildings of Housing Community in Orneta were installed solar panels which are used for heating domestic hot water. In this way safe and beautiful housing was created for local inhabitants.
15 września 2012r. odbyło się oficjalne spotkanie, którego celem była inauguracja zakończonych robót budowlanych oraz przekazanie budynków mieszkańcom Wspólnot Mieszkaniowych Nieruchomości przy ul. Kwiatowej 1-3, ul. Kwiatowej 5-7 oraz ul. Kwiatowej 9-11 w Ornecie.
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Bioclimatic architecture at Naxos island
Bioclimatic architecture at Naxos island. © Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of EU CO2 emissions. Energy performance of buildings is a key to achieve the EU Climate & Energy objectives, namely the reduction of a 20% of the Greenhouse gases emissions by 2020 and a 20% energy savings by 2020. Improving the energy performance of buildings is a cost-effective way of fighting against climate change and improving energy security, while also creating job opportunities, particularly in the building sector.
General EU policy targets in the topic:
- Action Plans, Lisbon Strategy and its successor Europe 2020 strategy for jobs and growth, etc
- Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings (recast)
- Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products (recast)
The Directive on energy performance of buildings (2002/91/EC) is the main legislative instrument at EU level to achieve energy performance in buildings. Under this Directive, the Member States must apply minimum requirements as regards the energy performance of new and existing buildings, ensure the certification of their energy performance and require the regular inspection of boilers and air conditioning systems in buildings.
Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings has been amended and Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products substituted the previous one.
Together with an increased use of energy from renewable sources, measures taken to reduce energy consumption in the Union would allow the Union to comply with the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and to achieve its long term commitment to maintain the global temperature rise below 2 °C, and its commitment to reduce, by 2020, overall greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 % below 1990 levels, and by 30 % in the event of an international agreement being reached.
Action Plan for Energy Efficiency: Realising the Potential - COM(2006)545 final
This Action Plan outlines a framework of policies and measures aiming to intensify the process of realising the over 20% estimated savings potential in EU annual primary energy consumption by 2020. The Plan lists a range of cost-effective measures, proposing priority actions to be initiated immediately, and others to be initiated gradually over the Plan's six-year period. Further action will subsequently be required to reach the full potential by 2020.
Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings
[EN] The buildings sector represents 40% of the European Union’s (EU) total energy consumption. Reducing energy consumption in this area is therefore a priority under the “20-20-20” objectives on energy efficiency. This Directive contributes to achieving this aim by proposing guiding principles for Member States regarding the energy performance of buildings.
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Directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services
[EN] The European Union (EU) has adopted a framework for energy end-use efficiency and energy services. Among other things, this includes an indicative energy savings target for the Member States, obligations on national public authorities as regards energy savings and energy efficient procurement and measures to promote energy efficiency and energy services.
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European Energy Efficiency Legislation
[EN] Reducing energy consumption and eliminating energy wastage are among the main goals of the European Union (EU). EU support for improving energy efficiency will prove decisive for competitiveness, security of supply and for meeting the commitments on climate change made under the Kyoto Protocol. There is significant potential for reducing consumption, especially in energy-intensive sectors such as buildings, manufacturing, energy conversion and transport. At the end of 2006, the EU pledged to cut its annual consumption of primary energy by 20% by 2020. To achieve this goal, it is working to mobilise public opinion, decision-makers and market operators and to set minimum energy efficiency standards and rules on labelling for products, services and infrastructure.
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Inspire and... be inspired - The Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide - taster leaflet
Publication [EN] This 2 page A5 leaflet provides a short introduction to the Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide.
Energy Strategy for the Basque Country 2020
SEAP Document [EN] Sustainable energy action plan for the Basque Country, approved by the Basque Government in December 2011.
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Regions 202020 International Conference Energy efficiency in European regions 8th May 2012, Bilbao: Minutes of the parallel sessions
Conclusions [EN] The aim of the conference was to allow energy agencies and partners of Fedarene, participants in the ENNEREG project and other stakeholders to meet and share their experiences and good practices in the management of activities in the field of sustainable energy. During 3 parallel sessions, innovative or successful actions were discussed in the areas of energy efficiency in buildings, the Covenant of Mayors and the general area of financing projects together with the more specific one of ESCO.
First phase of implementing sustainable energy projects (SEPs) in the ENNEREG regions
Publication [EN] This report aims to evaluate the first phase of implementing sustainable energy projects (SEPs) in the ENNEREG regions. The report covers the period from May 2010 to April 2011 (first twelve months of ENNEREG`s project time). The report comprises a description of SEP measures in each region, especially with respect to Performance Indicators, which were defined with the start of the ENNEREG project.
Joint action in the Province of Genova
e-Bulletin [EN] Within the Province of Genova, 5 small municipalities located in the same area decided to join climate protection efforts and develop a common strategy. A multi-municipal integrated SEAP was approved by the local councils in June 2012, with implementation to start soon. This includes actions that they would not have been able to deal with on their own. Other notable examples of joint actions led by the Province through the Energy for Mayors project are also described.
Comune di Genova (Genoa) - Summary Sustainable Energy Action Plan
SEAP Document [EN] The Municipality of Genoa was the first city in Europe to submit its Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in accordance with the Covenant of Mayors (CoM), the initiative of the European Commission whereby each city makes a voluntary and unilateral commitment to reduce its emissions beyond the target of 20% by 2020.
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Vitoria-Gasteiz: ciudad neutra en carbono Escenario 2020-2050
SEAP Document [ES] Se realiza un ejercicio de prospectiva con objeto de analizar por una parte, las potencialidades que tiene el territorio municipal y el provincial en generación de energías renovables: eólica, hidráulica, térmica, etc., y por otra, las potencialidades de reducción y eficiencia energética de cada uno de sectores consumidores de energía. Para cada sector se especifica el contexto y cuál es la energía básica para su funcionamiento. Una energía que se calcula en base a una determinada reducción y eficiencia, acorde con el contexto, la tecnología y los conocimientos actuales.
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Montaione (FI) A Short Introduction
SEAP Document
On 15 March 2012, the municipality of Montaione (supported by the come2CoM project for the development of BEI and SEAP) is to become the first municipality to receive the European Energy Award, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001. The municipality achieved the first award in January 2008 (eea) and the last on the 29th December 2011 (ISO 50001), they are part of the CoM with a submitted SEAP (November 2011) with a target of the 27% of carbon dioxide reduction.
Clearinghouse Facilitation - Cost and Energy Savings for RUE measures in buildings
Publication [EN] The overall aim of this report is to help develop standardised solutions for RUE in buildings. The main objectives of the work were to collect and prepare information on technical issues related to retrofitting buildings for RUE and to encourage an adequate level for RUE applications in new buildings, as well as to evaluate the impact of retrofitting RUE applications in buildings.
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Vitoria-Gasteiz Plan against Climate Change 2010-2020. Executive Summary.
SEAP Document [EN] This document presents a strategy to achieve by 2020 a reduction in the emissions of precursors of greenhouse gases (GhG) and a mitigation of the effects caused by climate change through actions on energy efficiency and production. The starting point is the Covenant of Mayors.
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Green Tech Center - International Smart Grid Living Lab
Event Resource [DA] Smart Grid - Jørgen Andersen fra Green Tech Center
Faro - SEAP development in Portugal
SEAP Document
In this article in the Autumn 2012 issue of Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS, ADENE presents a synthesis of the work elaborated under the Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) project come2CoM in partnership with the local energy agency, AREAL and the consultant company, IRRADIARE. The work of this working group enabled the development of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) of the city of Faro. This action plan, foresees measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the different sectors of activity. Thus, it predicts with the implementation of the measures set up, that Faro could reach a carbon dioxide reduction of 20% by 2020.
Make your building smile - Renewable energy in buildings
Publication [EN] This publication from the European Commission (2009) covers 25 projects funded by the IEE programme within the Renewable Energy sector. It shows that although buildings are amongst the greatest consumers of energy, they also have the greatest potential to reduce the EU’s conventional energy consumption by combining energy-saving measures with renewable energy sources, the total consumption of conventional energy in buildings can be reduced to zero. Buildings can even become net producers of clean energy since they can be fitted with solar water and space heating and cooling.
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The beauty of efficiency - Energy-efficient homes and buildings
This publication (2008) from the European Commission covers 48 projects funded by the IEE programme in the Energy Efficiency sector. A key element of the programme concerns energy-efficient buildings with the aim to tap into the energy saving potential through innovative measures designed to raise the energy
performance of new and existing buildings. The savings potential is estimated at around 28%, mainly through environmentally-friendly retrofitting enabling European citizens to benefit in the short term from improved comfort and reduced environmental impact.
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Low energy buildings in Europe - current state of play, definitions and best practice
[EN] The proposal for a revision of the Directive on the energy performance of buildings suggested that all EU Member States should endorse national plans and targets in order to promote the uptake of very low and close to zero energy buildings. This document provides background information regarding definitions, calculation methods and policies, as well as best practice examples of low energy buildings in Europe.
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Vitoria-Gaseiz - European Green Capital Winner 2012
Publication [ES]
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Linking regional and local actions for SEAPs
SEAP Document [FR] This document formulates some recommendations of articulation between regional and local actions on energy and climate.
Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie - Orientations
SEAP Document [FR]
Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie - Etat des lieux - partie 3
SEAP Document [FR]
Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie - Etat des lieux - partie 1
SEAP Document [FR] Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie pour la région Rhône-Alpes - Etat des lieux
Projet de Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie - Etat des lieux - partie 2
SEAP Document [FR]
Rejoignez nous pour ouvrir la voie d'une Europe de l'Energie Durable
e-Bulletin [FR] Plaquette de présentation du projet ENNEREG
Regional Newsletter Blekinge 120629
e-Bulletin [SV] A regional newsletter about the second meeting with the steering group for Climate Interaction Blekinge (Klimatsamverkan Blekinge). The newsletter highlights the content of the agenda along with updates after the meeting.
Regional Newsletter Blekinge 111212
e-Bulletin [SV] A regional newsletter about the newly initiated network Climate Interaction Blekinge (Klimatsamverkan Blekinge). Description of the first meeting with the steering group were also a prioritizing workshop took place with purpose to have a common picture of the most important
Plan climat : Les actions engagées par le Grand Besançon
SEAP Document [FR] Le Grand Besançon a décidé d'élaborer un Plan Climat Energie Territorial afin de répondre aux objectifs nationaux (réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et maîtriser les consommations énergétiques) mais aussi de valoriser les actions déjà menées sur son territoire. Ce Plan Climat, centré sur la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, constitue le volet opérationnel de la démarche Agenda 21, dans laquelle s'est également engagé le Grand Besançon.
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Fit for the Future - National Trust goes Green
Event Resource [EN] At the Fit for the Future conference (3rd-5th April 2012) at the Centre for Alternative Energy, Machynlleth, Wales the National Trust hosted a large conference focusing on sharing and learning about experiences with energy efficiency and renewable energy systems in historic and older buildings.
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Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock
Background Information
This website of the Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock provides information on the BEENetwork and the related BEEN project as well as information on publications, activities and events related with energy efficiency in the European residential building stock, with special geographical focus on the Baltic Sea Region.
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Sustainable energy Communites - Common actions for common goals
Publication [EN] This publication (April 2009) covers 34 projects dealing with sustainable communities funded under the integrated initiatives action of the IEE programme of the European Communities. Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) are communities that implement a set of sustainable energy policy measures in the field of renewable energy, rational use of energy and sustainable mobility with the strong involvement of the local population in the planning and implementation process. More than 30 projects have been funded involving more than 290 cities and regions across Europe representing most European countries.
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Field Trial of Solar Heating Systems
Assessment / Review [EN] This study provides results from the largest independent trial of solar water heating systems so far carried out in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
Energistyrelsen Nyhedsbrev 17-11-2011 - Søg støtte til energiteknologisk udvikling i 2012
e-Bulletin [DA] Er du ved at udvikle en ny energiteknologi, der kan gøre Danmark fri for fossil energi? Eller vil du etablere nye storskala testfaciliteter for nye energiteknologier? Så er Energiteknologisk Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram, EUDP, eller Green Labs DK programmet måske noget for dig. Der er indgået politisk aftale om at afsætte 371 millioner kr. til at støtte nye energiteknologiske udviklingsprojekter og 82 mio. kr. til nye Green Labs næste år. Programmerne holder informationsmøder den 18. januar 2012 i Århus og den 19. januar i København.
Churches & Chapel Energy Guide in Welsh - ADRODDIAD ac ARGYMHELLION Dewisiadau Ynni Cynaliadwy ar gyfer Eglwysi a Chapeli Hŷn yng Nghymru
Publication [CY] Cafodd llawer iawn o eglwysi a chapeli Cymru eu hadeiladu neu eu hadnewyddu’n sylweddol yn ystod y cyfnod o dwf aruthrol mewn eglwysi yn y 19eg ganrif, ac mae rhai o nodweddion allweddol yr adeiladau’n cyfeirio tuag at atebion tebyg i’r broblem fodern o’u gwneud yn gyfforddus i’w defnyddio’n achlysurol heddiw - am gost resymol. Mae hyn yn aml yn wir er bod ymddangosiad allanol yr adeiladau’n gallu amrywio’n fawr.
Sustainable Energy Options for Older Churches and Chapels
Publication [EN] This document outlines recommendations for sustainable energy options for older Churches and Chapels in Wales. Prepared by Andy Bull, Severn Wye Energy Agency, July 2011
Covenant of Mayors - Plan de Lucha contra el Cambio Climático de Vitoria-Gasteiz (2010-2020)
SEAP Document [EN] Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Vitoria-Gasteiz on the Covenant of Mayors website.
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MORE4NRG Peer Review - Gabrovo, Bulgaria - November 2009
Assessment / Review [EN] This is one of a number of Energy Peer Reviews carried out as part of the MORE4NRG Project.
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MORE4NRG Peer Review - Abruzzo (June 2010)
Assessment / Review [EN] This is one of a number of Energy Peer Reviews carried out as part of the MORE4NRG Project.
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Strategic vision Province of Flevoland - Making sustainable energy work
Vision [EN] In this strategic vision, the Province of Flevoland specifies the measures it wants to take to give definite shape to its ambitions in the area of sustainable energy, economy and employment.
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