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Faro - SEAP development in Portugal

In this article in the Autumn 2012 issue of Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS, ADENE presents a synthesis of the work elaborated under the Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) project come2CoM in partnership with the local energy agency, AREAL and the consultant company, IRRADIARE. The work of this working group enabled the development of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) of the city of Faro. This action plan, foresees measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the different sectors of activity. Thus, it predicts with the implementation of the measures set up, that Faro could reach a carbon dioxide reduction of 20% by 2020.


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On 14th April 2012, ADENE prepared a seminar in Beja city. At this seminar ADENE presented the come2CoM project to a number of significant entities, namely, AREAL the Regional Energy Agency of Algarve. Faro, the region’s capital with 63,967 inhabitants, signed the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) on 21st November 2011, as one of the first CoM adherents in the region. A project was set up to develop the needed CoM instruments under which a cooperation between the municipality of Faro, AREAL and IrRADIARE was established and an additional collaboration with ADENE was organised as a result of come2CoM, namely concerning Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) development.

The BEI and SEAP were developed using a methodology from IRRADIARE. The methodology extensively uses mathematical modelling to assess energy demand by sector, carrier and conversion and allows predicting medium-term demand scenarios under business-as-usual and SEAP measures implementation contexts. AREAL developed the set of measures and used local data for foresight analysis.

The baseline year 2010 was taken as a static baseline. A dynamic baseline, under which an energy demand reference was defined to the 2010-2020 period was set.

The developed BEI and SEAP consider all the main activity sectors: municipal public consumption, tertiary buildings, transportation and mobility, street lighting, sports and leisure facilities, water supply, housing, namely social housing, agriculture among others. Corresponding greenhouse gas emissions were estimated. In figure 1 an energy demand corresponding to the CO2 emissions breakdown for Faro in 2010 is presented.

Figure 1: CO2 emissions in Faro for 2010 breakdown per sector.

Figure 1: CO2 emissions in Faro for 2010 breakdown per sector. (Source: SEAP of Faro)

To ensure the feasibility of the SEAP, the potential reduction of CO2 emissions, per sector, throughout the years until 2030 was analysed. In figure 2, examples of a CO2 emissions scenario corresponding to 2020 and 2030 under business as usual conditions are illustratively presented. The previously considered sectorial breakdown is kept.

CO2 predicted emissions breakdown per sector for 2020 in Faro.

Figure 2a: CO2 predicted emissions breakdown per sector for 2020 in Faro. (Source: SEAP of Faro)

CO2 predicted emissions breakdown per sector for 2030 in Faro.

Figure 2b: CO2 predicted emissions breakdown per sector for 2030 in Faro. (Source: SEAP of Faro)

Having analysed the graphic above it was possible to estimate the CO2 emissions by activity sector in the years 2020 and 2030. As can be seen, there is a big energy demand by the transportation sector, responsible for maintaining a high level of emissions over the period under review. It is expected that this sector accounts for about 37 - 43% of the CO2 emissions per year throughout this period.

Also noteworthy are the high contributions in the domestic and service sectors. Its CO2 emissions account for 28-30% and 24-27% of the total emissions in the county, respectively.

To achieve the goals of the CoM (reducing CO2 emissions by 20% until 2020), all the measures presented in the SEAP of Faro were studied as follows:

  1. What are the CO2 emissions with and without the implementation of the measure?
  2. Is it worth the implementation considering the investment required?
  3. Is it possible to implement a better measure to achieve the same goal?
  4. How long does the implementation take and what are the human resources needed?

Using the BEI as a starting point, priority measures were established throughout the different sectors, always taking into consideration the local business, citizens, universities, etc.

In the following tables some of the expected results are depicted:

Table 1: Street lighting measure summary considered in Faro’s SEAP main indicators. (Source: SEAP of Faro)
Scope Measures
Energy Consumption: 9.154 MWh/y Intensity Modulation
Energy Cost: 897 k€/y Integrated Management
Results Profitability
Saved Energy: 2.527 MWh/y Investment: 1.298 k€/y
Saved CO2: 932 tCO2eq/y Payback: 5,2 y
Saved Cost: 248 k€/y Benefit/Cost: 2,9
Table 2: Public buildings measures summary considered in Faro’s SEAP main indicators. (Source: SEAP of Faro)
Scope Measures
Energy Consumption: 15.761 MWh/y Optimisation
per capita: 249 kWh/hab.y Active Management
Energy bill: 2.144 k€/y  Appliances and Lighting
Integrated Renewables
Results  Profitability
Saved Energy: 2.375 MWh/y  Investment: 2.661 k€/y
Saved CO2: 876tCO2eq/y  Payback: 8,2 y
Saved Cost: 323 k€/y  Benefit/Cost: 1,7

In that context, the municipality of Faro will promote the formation of a Local Support Group for the implementation of the SEAP. This group will play a role supporting to the municipality on the dissemination of good practices for energy efficiency and renewable integration in order to achieve the CoM goals. Such work-groups will be in charge of organising thematic days, with the purpose of sharing experiences and knowledge about energy efficiency and the environment.

In total, the implementation of Faro’s SEAP will lead to a reduction by the year 2020 of the targets presented below:

Summary of Faro’s SEAP measures impact on CO2 emissions (Source: ADENE)

Figure 3: Summary of Faro’s SEAP measures impact on energy demand (Source: ADENE)

Summary of Faro’s SEAP measures impact on CO2 emissions (Source: ADENE)

Figure 4: Summary of Faro’s SEAP measures impact on CO2 emissions (Source: ADENE)

An overall reduction of 22% in total of the municipal (public and private) energy bill is foreseen. This will result in an averaged pay-back of corresponding investments between 6 and 7 years.

Energy efficiency measures are typically in line with retrofitting measures, overall efficiency projects, equipment replacement and market agents’ adhesion to new technological platforms and solutions. Thus, investment in sustainable energy solution goes in line with the region’s innovation and competitiveness policies. As part of SEAP related mobilised investment, concurring to energy efficient solutions implementation was estimated as presented in table below:

Table 3: Estimated mobilised investment of the SEAP measures concurring with the implementation of energy efficient solutions (Source: SEAP of Faro)
Funding and Investment Sources
Investment 2011-12
Structural funding (ERDF)
4.865.723 €
Private investment from energy service companies (ESCO and EPC)
770.462 €
Direct private (entrepreneurial) investment in terciary sector
2.692.418 €
Direct industrial investment
185.600 €
Private (and CAP funded) investment in agriculture
8.272 €
Private domestic investment in housing
74.769.729 €
Private investment in transport sector
24.844.115 €
Municipal investment in public services and urban management
23.870.097 €
Municipal investment in fleets renewal
128.814 €
Government programmes
15.499.174 €
Total 147.634.406 €

Related Information on the Regions 202020 Website:

Last updated: 01/11/2012 4:23pm - Contact: Paulo NOGUEIRA -