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Regions and Communities
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- - ENNEREG Pioneer Community
- - ENNEREG Pioneer Community
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- - City_SEC Community
- - ENNEREG Pioneer Community
- - Pioneer Region
- - Pioneer Region
- - Pioneer Region
- Opole Region - ENNEREG Twin
- - ENESCOM Region
- Pomerania - ENNEREG Pioneer Region
- - City_SEC Community
- - City_SEC Region
- - City_SEC Community
- - ENNEREG Pioneer Community
- Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship (Warmia–Masuria Region) - ENNEREG Twin
- Wielkopolska - ENNEREG Pioneer Region
- - City_SEC Community
- - City_SEC Community
- - ENNEREG Pioneer Community
Implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects in the ENNEREG Pioneer Regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
This report aims to evaluate the impacts of the implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs) in all ENNEREG Pioneer Regions during ENNEREG’s project implementation between May 2010 and April 2013.
It is hoped that this publication will act as Inspiration to others developing SEPs in their own regions and local communities.
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Development of ENNEREG Regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This document includes an evaluation of the achievements of the activities carried out in the ENNEREG partner’s regions related to the development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) and promoting sustainable energy since the beginning of the project. The document shows the added value of the ENNEREG project in the 12 participating regions, which not only have very different characteristics with respect to their size and their social features and the use of energy, but they also have had different starting points for this process.
Further information » (Last edited: 07/10/2013 6:37pm)
Report on overall results and strategy plans for continued promotional activities in EU regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This report aims to record the overall results of the work of each regional partners of the ENNEREG project as it was expressed in the last workshop. It is combined with the “Strategy on future action” regarding regions’ further perspectives of enhancing the adoption of sustainable energy.
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ENNEREG Summary of Project Achievements
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This document includes an evaluation of the achievements of the activities carried out during the ENNEREG project related to the development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and promoting sustainable energy since the beginning of the project. The document shows the added value of the ENNEREG project in the 12 participating regions, as well as in Europe as a whole. As such it serves as the Publishable Report of the project achievements.
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Evaluation of ENNEREG Communication and Dissemination Activities - Summary Report
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This report on the Evaluation of ENNEREG Communication and Dissemination Activities provides an analysis of the dissemination activities of the ENNEREG project. In particular it evaluates the effectiveness of the online dissemination via the ENNEREG Regions 202020 website. The aim of this Summary Report, is to illustrate the effectiveness of the Regions 202020 website and Regions 202020 Network as a dissemination, promotion, networking and communications platform for Sustainable Energy Regions throughout Europe.
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Report on ENNEREG Knowledge Transfer Workshops
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This document reports and evaluates each of the 4 Knowledge Transfer Workshops that were organised among regional partners of the ENNEREG project. The main aim of these workshops was to ensure cross-regional transfer of experience within the various cooperation topics (Sustainable Energy Themes) of the project. By sharing their experiences, the 12 ENNEREG regions hope to inspire and assist other regions in developing, implementing and evaluating their own Sustainable Energy Action Plans.
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BUILDUP Cases of good practice in energy saving
Good Practice Collections and Publications [EN] The BUILDUP database includes concrete, realised good practices in energy saving for buildings. These include, for example, demonstration projects, reports, energy saving campaigns, activities such as awarding new certificates. Cases may refer to different topics, including energy saving technologies, financial schemes, energy management in buildings, design and labels for low-energy buildings, monitoring, training & education.
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BUILDUP Tools to support energy saving in buildings
Tool / Methodology [EN] The BUILDUP tools section enables you to find and share interesting tools from all over Europe supporting the implementation of energy saving measures in buildings. Examples of tools include software applications (for energy performance certificates, regulation calculations, economic or environment calculations or multidisciplinary applications), excel lists, checklists for practitioners and other.
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BUILDUP - The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings
Initiative [EN] The official European web portal for energy efficiency in buildings.
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Evaluation of the regional programmes for coordinated promotional activities
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] The purpose of this document is to report on the investigation of the status of regional activities in the ENNEREG Regions as far as implementation and evaluation are concerned. It includes a status update from each region and itemises the lessons learned during the project.
Further information » (Last edited: 14/05/2013 8:58am)
ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Action Plan Implementation Report
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] The purpose of this document is to describe how ENNEREG regional partners worked towards the successful implementation of promotional activities regarding the Sustainable Energy Action Plans, the Sustainable Energy Projects and the Covenant of Mayors Initiative in their region and in other regions for replication.
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ENNEREG Guidelines for promotional activities at the regional level
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] The main purpose of this document is to serve as a guide for promotional activities in the ENNEREG Regions. These promotional activities will ensure the successful implementation of the project. They are a useful exercise for the region and can act as an example of good practice for other replication regions.
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ENNEREG Regional network establishment and approach for SEAP development - Summary document
Publication [EN] This document has been drafted based on the information provided by the regional partners of the ENNEREG project, at an early stage of the development of the ENNEREG foreseen activities and describes the activities that are planned in each region for the SEAP development. The regions shall work in this task with different approaches adapted to the characteristics of the region and its governance structures and will provide at a later phase of the project a description of the performed activities and update it in a second phase.
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Strategy for future action in the ENNEREG regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
During the project, the ENNEREG partners have worked in the development of sustainable energy action plans (SEAP) in their represented regions and in the promotion of sustainable energy projects (SEP). The objective of this document is to present how they intend to continue their efforts after the end of the project, developing the activities planned in the regional SEAP and ensuring the attraction of the necessary resources to promote sustainable energy projects.
Some of the SEAPs defined with the support of the project have been approved by the respective administrations and others still need to be matured to be accepted at the regional level and to be implemented. Thus, the situation is not the same in every region, and the approach to work in sustainable energy is not the same either. This document summarizes the common as well as the specific aspects about how the regions expect to organize and carry on the work on sustainable energy in the next future.
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ENNEREG Regional energy survey and establishment of initial goals “Conclusions document”
Publication [EN] This document summarizes the regional energy surveys provided by the partners of the 12 different regions in the ENNEREG project. There are important differences among these regions with respect to their size and population (from 70.000 to 6 million), or with respect to the energy sources they use.
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ENNEREG Guidelines for RES and RUE assessment at regional level
The purpose of this document is to provide guideline criteria to the ENNEREG project partners and other regions for preparing the following regional documents:
• Regional energy survey and targets to 2020
• Regional SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans)
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Integrated Traffic Management System TRISTAR, Pomerania, Poland - ENNEREG Useful Experience in Sustainable Transport
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies
The system enables traffic to be controlled automatically throughout the Tri-City (Gdańsk, Sopot, Gdynia) area thanks to use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology.
The project is implemented jointly by the three cities: Gdynia, Sopot and Gdańsk, on the basis of a trilateral agreement between these municipalities. Gdansk Municipal Investments Ltd. (Gdańskie Inwestycje Komunalne Sp. z o.o. – GIK) is responsible for the project implementation in the city of Gdańsk. TRISTAR system will support activities related to traffic and public transport management in terms of optimal use of road infrastructure, traffic safety improvement and reduction of negative impact of road traffic on the environment.
Further information » (Last edited: 01/05/2013 10:31am)
Pro-ecological public transport, Gdynia, Pomerania, Poland - ENNEREG Useful Experience in Sustainable Transport
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] “The primary objective of the city of Gdynia transportation policy is to create conditions for efficient and safe movement of people and goods while ensuring priority for public transport and reducing the burden of transport on the environment”. (Integrated Public Transport Development Plan for Gdynia for years 2004-2013)
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Polish Sustainable Energy Financing Facility - LEME - ENNEREG Useful Experience in Energy Efficient Products
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] LEME is the list of eligible materials and equipment - a revolutionary solution in the field of EU programmes to support Polish entrepreneurs.
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Solar lamps in Golina, Wielkopolska Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Products
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] Installation of solar lamp in Golina. The aim of this project was installation of street lighting which is powered by renewable energy sources. Ten hybrid lamps were installed on the street Stefanowski in Golina. These lamps have the photovoltaic panels and windmills in their construction, so they can draw energy from the Sun, as well as wind. Hybrid lamps are therefore independent of the electricity grids in the city, and most importantly the city does not bear any additional costs. The investment is going to repay quickly and cost savings will compensate cost of buying lamps.
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Reconstruction of heating system in Wyszyny, Wielkopolska Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] Thermo-modernization of Health Center and reconstruction of its heating system that uses renewable energy. The main objective of thermo-modernization was to increase the energy efficiency of the building through a major renovation of the building - both inside and outside. The whole project was also associated with a reduction of the pollutant emission to the atmosphere and reduction of energy costs by installing in the Health Center system which uses renewable energy sources.
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Energy crops in Wielkopolska, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] The purpose of the pilot project of cardoon cultivation is to overcome the environmental problems and effects of climate change by reducing carbon dioxide emissions through cultivation of energy crops after the exhaustion of the lignite deposits. By using this approach, Wielkopolska Region can increase the potential of biomass for the energy purposes. The elaboration of recommendations for cultivation in combination with an economic analysis about the production of this type of biomass will support the implementation of this energy crop into the agricultural practice.
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Biomass boiler in Koło, Wielkopolska Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] The objective of the project was to improve energy efficiency, which was implemented through the modernization of the boiler room. An important element of the project was to increase the installed power and the possibility of burning biofuels (biomass: wood chips and straw). In addition, a warehouse for the storage of biomass was built near to the boiler house. The boiler is completely automated and does not require manual service. Biomass, gathered in the magazine, goes to a special movable floor and then is transported directly to the boiler. The cost of this biofuels is estimated to be similar to the cost of coal.
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Thermo-modernization in Lisówki, Wielkopolska Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] The aim of the project was to improve energy efficiency of the Social Assistance House in Lisówki, which was realized by thermo-modernization measures. One important objective was to reduce GHG emissions. A second objective was to improve building quality by technical renovation measures – mainly the renewal of the building’s façade. The respective renovation measures at the building envelope were beneficial to the image of the surroundings and the whole city.
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Modernization of boiler room in Ostrzeszów, Wielkopolska Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] The most important purpose of the modernization of urban boiler in Ostrzeszów was the removal of two boilers with a total weight 10 MW and their replacement with two co-firing biomass boilers with a total capacity 16 MW. The project was associated as well with a reduction in emission of pollutants into the atmosphere.
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Solar panels in Baszków, Wielkopolska Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Sustainable Energy Buildings
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] The most important point of the target construction of 24 pieces of solar panels is the reduction in cost of energy. An additional advantage is the improvement of building conditions and environmental protection. In order to obtain the main objective, an economical profitability assessment and an energy audit were done.
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Thermo-modernization in Ostrowski Powiat, Wielkopolska Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] The most important objective of Thermo-modernization is mainly reduction of heating costs. An additional advantage is the increase in the comfort of living of the building users and protection of the environment by reduction of fuel consumption. To achieve the main object, it is needed the make economically viable investments, so before starting work, it is necessary to perform an energy audit. Under this definition are hidden actions designed to evaluate the current status and review the existing feasible improvements, as well as the analysis of economic efficiency modernization.
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Thermo-modernization of kindergarten building in Rychwał, Wielkopolska Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] The project concerns the thermo-modernization of a kindergarten building including modernization of boilers room into biomass combustion system. The main goal of the project was to improve energy efficiency, which was realized through thermo-modernization of kindergarten building. An important element of the project realization was the reduction of greenhouse gases emission into the atmosphere. The secondary goal was to make the object more attractive through renewal of the building façade making the surrounding environment and the whole city more attractive. Thermal insulation gives a positive effect on the quality and the value of building after the thermo-modernization.
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Passive house in Wielkopolska, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] Innovative passive construction: The aim of the passive construction is to obtain bigger financial and qualitative benefits for the building owner. The benefits of the passive house standard include: lower building maintenance costs, better living quality, building durability and high ease of use. Whereas in the World passive houses are increasingly becoming a usual standard, there is also a growing interest for this building standard in Poland. It ensures thermal comfort and high air quality in the building at minimum energy requirements.
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Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Wielkopolska, Poland
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in the Wielkopolska Region. It represents the contribution of the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region (UMWW) to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Further information » (Last edited: 15/04/2013 11:57am)
Inspire and... be inspired - The Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide - taster leaflet
Publication [EN] This 2 page A5 leaflet provides a short introduction to the Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide.
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Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Pomerania, Poland
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in Pomerania. It represents the contribution of the BAPE to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Further information » (Last edited: 10/04/2013 6:32pm)
ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Twinning Programme Summary
Presentation [EN] This presentation by Thomas Jensen, South Denmark European Office (SDEO), was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
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ENNEREG and its key achievements
Presentation [EN] This presentation by ENNEREG Coordinator, Nils Daugaard, was made on 18 March 2013 during the Intelligent Energy - Europe / ManagEnergy Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors.
Further information » (Last edited: 08/04/2013 5:06pm)
Development of SEAP in the city of Kościerzyna and the importance of stakeholders’ engagements - Pomerania, Poland
Presentation [EN] This presentation was made by ENNEREG Project Partner, Katarzyna Grecka (on behalf of Kościerzyna Municipality) on 18 March 2013 during the Intelligent Energy - Europe / ManagEnergy Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors.
Further information » (Last edited: 08/04/2013 4:42pm)
SEAP organization in the ENNEREG regions – current and future planning challenges
This Presentation by Mr Álvaro Pérez de Laborda, EVE - Basque Country Energy Agency was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013
Brussels, Belgium
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Regions 202020 Platform and Inspiration Guide
Presentation [EN] This presentation by Edward Rice, Regions 202020 website developer and Communications Officer for the ENNEREG Project, was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium.
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Introduction to the Advisory Board meeting of the ENNEREG project
Presentation [EN] This presentation by ENNEREG project coordinator, Nils Daugaard, was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013.
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Regional Sustainable Energy Action Plan - Summary - Pomerania, Poland
Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) [EN] As part of the project 12 Pioneer ENNEREG Regions have been producing regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and initiating Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs). This report summarises the Regional SEAP for Pomerania, Poland.
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Sponsorship Strategy - Report from the ENNEREG Pioneer Regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
The regional and local authorities committed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions have numerous sources of financing to develop their sustainable energy action plans (SEAPs) and finance the sustainable energy projects (SEPs) defined in them, including local and regional authorities own resources, municipal, regional and national subsidies or public-private partnerships.
The objective of this document is to present in a general way the possibilities of financing for SEAPs and SEPs at a regional level, and to summarize the financing tools available at national and regional level for the 12 regions participating in the ENNEREG Project.
Further information » (Last edited: 13/02/2013 12:47pm)
Warmińsko–Mazurska Agencja Energetyczna Fotocasty
Film / Animation
Warmińsko–Mazurska Agencja Energetyczna przygotowała serię krótkich filmów (7-9 min) na następujące tematy: Wiatrak w Zagrodzie; Ciepło Dobre z Natury;
The Energy Agency of Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship has produced a series of short films (7-9 min) on the following topics: windmill in the yard; good heat from nature; green gold; passive houses; energy fields; water power; wind energy facts and myths; sunny profit; green energy; energy from the interior of the earth.
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Alter-Motive Policy Tools
Tool / Methodology
The core objective of the Alter-Motive project has been to derive an action plan for implementing effective least-cost policy strategies (for the EU, specific countries & regions) to achieve a significant increase in innovative alternative fuels (AF) and corresponding alternative more efficient automotive technologies (AAMT) to head towards a sustainable individual & public transport system. AF comprise bioethanol, biodiesel, synthetic fuels, biogas, hydrogen,renewable electricity, LPG & natural gas, whilst AAMT include biofuel, fuel cell & electric vehicles and various types of hybrid systems as well as systems based on natural or biogas.
This Intelligent Energy - Europe project has developed a number of resources, including the Alter-Motive Policy Toolbox and a Internet based scenarios tool.
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Wielkopolski Regionalny Plan Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii w zakresie źródeł odnawialnych i efektywności energetycznej
Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) [PL]
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Wielkopolska Regional Sustainable Energy Action Plan for renewable sources and energy efficiency - Summary
Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) [EN] The Polish version of “Wielkopolska Regional Sustainable Energy Action Plan for renewable sources and energy efficiency” was approved by the regional government, i.e. the Board of the Wielkopolska Region on 6th of December, 2012. This document is a summary of the SEAP in English.
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Porozumienie między Burmistrzami
Porozumienie między Burmistrzami
2. Pomorskie Dni Energii - Gdańsk, 25 Października 2012
Katarzyna Grecka, BAPE SA - National Expert
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Workshop report for Be SMART-think CITY! - Workshop during Open Days 2012 - 9 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium
Event Conclusions [EN] Sustainable and integrated development of European cities is an essential part of the EUROPE 2020 strategy. The multidisciplinary debate Be SMART – think CITY! brought together representatives of the European institutions, thirteen European regions in consortium led by Pomorskie Region and the City of Łódź and networks such as ERRIN to discuss Smart Cities and the possible ways of applying the concept in urban areas.
Further information » (Last edited: 05/12/2012 3:25pm)
Katarzyna Grecka, BAPE, wprowadza pierwszy na Pomorzu Dni Energii w dniu 15-16 kwietnia 2011
Film / Animation
Katarzyna Grecka introduces the first Energy Days in Pomerania on 15-16th April 2011 on Panorama.
Katarzyna Grecka wprowadza na rynek pierwszy na Pomorzu Dni Energii w dniu 15-16 kwietnia 2011 w Panorama.
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How to Develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) – Covenant of Mayors Guidebook
Publication [EN] The current guidebook provides detailed step-by-step recommendations for the entire process of elaborating a local energy and climate strategy, from initial political commitment to implementation.
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New Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) - Concrete measures to fill an urgent need
Presentation [EN] This presentation by Mr. Patrick Biard, Rhônalpénergie-Environnement was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
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The EU's Energy and Climate Packages to 2020 - Interaction with previous legislation and position of the European Union (EU) to 2050
Presentation [EN] This presentation by Mr. Gonzalo Molina Igartua, CADEM Counselor - EVE Group was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012. Mr Molina Igartua is a Professor at the UPV/EHU and Former Head of Unit in several units for sustainable energies and development in the Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission.
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come2CoM Video presenting the Covenant of Mayors
Film / Animation
This video was produced in the framework of the IEE-funded come2COM project. It is available in German, Swedish, Danish, Italian, Slovenian, Portuguese, Polish and Czech. Feel free to contact the come2COM team to request a DVD copy.
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Experiences with implementation of Structural Funds in Pomerania Region - Poland
Presentation [EN] Presentation by Katarzyna Grecka, Baltic Energy Conservation Agency during the event, Use of Structural Funds in Sustainable Development Projects, in Koprivnica, Croatia on 7th March 2012.
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Local forums for active stakeholder involvement in the SEAP process, Poland
Event Conclusions [EN] Energy for Mayors co-organised local forums with Polish Covenant Supporter, the Association of Municipalities Polish Network “Energie Cités”, in four Polish municipalities – Bielawa, Dzierżoniów, Niepołomice and Raciechowice. These forums for active stakeholder involvement in the SEAP process turned out to be very successful! Citizens and local stakeholders not only became better acquainted with their municipalities’ SEAP and the context thereof, but could also explore their expectations and expressed willingness to actively participate in SEAP implementation.
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Termomodernizacja budynków Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu w Gdańsku, Województwo Pomorskie, Polska - ENNEREG Przykłady Dobrej Praktyki – Budownictwo Efektywne Energetycznie
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [PL] System Zielonych Inwestycji (Green Investment Scheme - GIS) jest pochodną mechanizmu handlu uprawnieniami do emisji. Idea i cel GIS sprowadzają się do stworzenia i wzmacniania proekologicznego efektu wynikającego ze zbywania nadwyżek jednostek AAU. Systemem zarządza Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. Odpowiedzialny m.in. za organizowanie naboru wniosków o udzielenie wsparcia finansowego oraz ich ocenę. Jednym z programów priorytetowych w ramach GIS jest zarządzanie energią w budynkach użyteczności publicznej.
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Thermo-modernisation of the Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Pomerania Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] Green Investment Scheme (GIS) - Green Investment Scheme (GIS). GIS is a mechanism linking sales of AAUs to investments that reduce GHG emissions through allocation of proceeds from the sales of AAUs for implementation of projects and programs focusing on GHG emissions reduction and adaptation to climate changes (so called “greening”). The scheme is managed by National Fund for Environmental Protection (NFOSiGW). NFOSiGW selects, by means of a competition, applications for co-financing to be granted. The rules for the selection of applications needs to be approved by the Minister of the Environment. Energy management in buildings is one of the priorities.
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Action Plan for Energy Efficiency: Realising the Potential - COM(2006)545 final
Policy & Legislation This Action Plan outlines a framework of policies and measures aiming to intensify the process of realising the over 20% estimated savings potential in EU annual primary energy consumption by 2020. The Plan lists a range of cost-effective measures, proposing priority actions to be initiated immediately, and others to be initiated gradually over the Plan's six-year period. Further action will subsequently be required to reach the full potential by 2020.
Further information » (Last edited: 05/03/2012 1:46pm)
Climact Regions Map of Best Practices
Good Practice Collections and Publications [EN] Climactregions partners identified more than 120 best practices in 60 regions representing 23 countries in the field of greenhouses gas observation, climate protection policies, and governace.
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Improving the technical conditions of buildings with large slabs, Housing Cooperative in Goldap - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies [EN] The project involves implementation of the 8 tasks in buildings in Goldap Housing Association. The work will be carried out in 16 residential buildings (with 42, which Housing Association is owner) and also the boiler house at E. Plater Street.
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The role of the regions in the achievement of the 202020 European objectives
Presentation [EN] Álvaro Pérez de Laborda of Ente Vasco de la Energía (the Basque Energy Board – EVE) gave a speech in Warsaw on the 26th of October 2011 representing the ENNEREG project in the framework of the Concerted Action for the Energy Service Directive (CA-ESD). The CA-ESD provides a structured framework for the exchange of information between the 27 Member States and Croatia during their implementation of the Energy Service Directive.
Further information » (Last edited: 06/12/2011 1:43pm)
Covenant of Mayors Benchmarks of Excellence
Good Practice Collections and Publications [EN] Benchmarks of Excellence are relevant examples of initiatives which Covenant signatories, Coordinators and Supporters feel particularly proud of, and moreover endorse as useful actions for other local authorities, provinces, regions or networks to replicate. are relevant examples of local initiatives which Covenant actors have realised in their territories, feel particularly proud of and endorse as useful actions for other local authorities to replicate.
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ManagEnergy good practice case studies
Good Practice Collections and Publications [EN] ManagEnergy good practice case studies are projects that demonstrate a positive contribution to energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in Europe and are suitable for replication by energy actors at the local and regional level.
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Atsinaujinančių energijos šaltinių novatoriškų technologijų panaudojimo galimybės Lietuvoje
Šis dr. V. Kveselio ir E.F. Dzenajavičienės iš Lietuvos energetikos instituto pristatymas vyko seminaro Alytaus kolegijoje metu, 2011 m. lapkričio 15 d.. Seminaras buvo surengtas pagal Norvegijos finansuojamą projektą "Žinių perkėlimo veiksnys AEŠ novatoriškų technologijų plėtroje Euroregione Nemunas".
Further information » (Last edited: 25/11/2011 6:39am)
Wielkopolska Region, Poland - Becoming a Sustainable Region
e-Bulletin [EN] This leaflet provides an update of the journey of the Wielkopolska Region in Poland towards becoming a European Sustainable Energy Region.
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Notes: How to Contribute to the Regions 202020 website
Presentation This annotated slide presentation gives step-by-step guidance on how to contribute to the Regions 202020 Network. A slide set is also available.
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Preparation of a regional SEAP
Presentation [EN] Preparation of a regional SEAP - a presentation by Álvaro Pérez de Laborda, Ente Vasco de la Energía – EVE (October 2011).
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Slides: How to Contribute to the Regions 202020 website
Presentation [EN] This slide presentation gives step-by-step guidance on how to contribute to the Regions 202020 Network. A version with additional notes is also available.
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Porozumienie między Burmistrzami - Pomorskie Dni Energii - 15 kwietnia 2011
Porozumienie między Burmistrzami - Porozumienie między Burmistrzami
Pomorskie Dni Energii - 15 kwietnia 2011
Katarzyna Grecka, BAPE
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A roadmap to a low carbon economy in 2050
Film / Animation [EN] On 8 March 2011, the European Commission set out its vision of how the EU can meet its objective of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% by the middle of this century in the communication, "A roadmap for moving to a low-carbon economy in 2050". The Roadmap shows how key economic sectors can cut most of their emissions over the coming decades by increasing investments in clean technologies and energy efficiency measures. On the same day, The European Commission presented the Energy Efficiency Plan, which elaborated further on energy efficiency measures.
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Strategia przyszłych działań w regionach ENNEREG
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [PL]
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Energy for Mayors Toolbox of Methodologies
Tool / Methodology
This innovative Toolbox is a growing collection of different types of resources and methodologies in many languages, addressing many different topics. It will help to centralise resources and guidance material online for those organizations giving guidance in any facet of SEAP development and implementation – also for the Covenant of Mayors (CoM). Resources include guide books, films, carbon dioxide calculators, Local Agenda 21 process guidance, and much more.
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Introduction to European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)
This presentation was made by Marco Canton during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
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Gdynia w Porozumieniu Burmistrzów
Łukasz Dąbrowski
Asystent ds. energii
Biuro Planowania Przestrzennego Miasta Gdyni
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Kościerzyna - Sygnatariusz Porozumienia Między Burmistrzami
Kościerzyna - Sygnatariusz Porozumienia Między Burmistrzami
Zdzisław Czucha – Burmistrz Miasta Kościerzyna
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Energy Neighbourhoods
Initiative [EN] An Energy Neighbourhood is a group of 5 to 15 households who accepted the challenge to reduce their energy consumption by up to 9% over 4 months. The group would ideally live in the same neighbourhood or know each other from a club, society or residents group etc. Each neighbourhood has its own energy master - a householder who will lead the neighbourhood to glory! The energy master helps people on how to save energy. The energy master is given a full training and provided with the appropriate tools to aid success.
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Good Practice Guide - Energy Efficiency Excellence from EnercitEE regions
Good Practice Collections and Publications [EN] EnercitEE is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG IVC Programme. Neither the Managing Authority nor the Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture are liable for any information published in this brochure which presents the good practices identified by the EnercitEE partner regions.
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Gute Praxisbeispiele - Energieeffizienz Erfahrungen aus fünf europäischen Regionen
Good Practice Collections and Publications [DE] EnercitEE wird im Rahmen des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung durch das Programm INTERREG IVC ko-fi nanziert. Weder die Managing Authority noch das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft sind haftbar für Informationen, die in dieser Broschüre veröffentlicht werden. Die dargestellten guten Praxisbeispiele wurden von den Partnerorganisationen in den beteiligten EnercitEE-Regionen identifi ziert und Meinungsaussagen geben die Einschätzung des Verfassers / der Verfasser wieder.
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What can you apply for? (see next year's - 2012 - IEE programme)
Initiative [EN] A summary of the 2012 Intelligent Energy - Europe call prepared by the Central Denmark EU Office, including: EIB-Elena; KfW-ELENA (and EBRD-ELENA); CEB-ELENA; MLEI (Mobilising Local Energy Investment); EEE-F
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Clearinghouse Facilitation - Cost and Energy Savings for RUE measures in buildings
Publication [EN] The overall aim of this report is to help develop standardised solutions for RUE in buildings. The main objectives of the work were to collect and prepare information on technical issues related to retrofitting buildings for RUE and to encourage an adequate level for RUE applications in new buildings, as well as to evaluate the impact of retrofitting RUE applications in buildings.
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RES Champions League
Initiative [EN] The RES Champions League is a network of national RES leagues, which aims at creating a positive renewable energy competition between European cities, towns and villages.
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ManagEnergy Good Practice Brochures
Good Practice Collections and Publications
Every year, ManagEnergy rewards some of the most outstanding energy actions at the local and regional level with the Local Energy Action Award.
Good practice case studies are selected, through an annual call, for their strong contribution to the promotion of sustainable energy and for their high potential for replication.
So far, five brochures of ManagEnergy good practice case studies have been published. View the brochures and get inspired!
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ManagEnergy Education Corner and Vocational Training Corner
Supporting a network of thousands of local energy actors across Europe, ManagEnergy is ideally placed to disseminate information on intelligent use of energy. ManagEnergy Education Corner includes a wealth of information and links on: Renewable Energy Sources; Energy Saving; Sustainable Transport; Climate Change; Energy Careers and Vocational Training.
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European Renewable Energy Legislation
Policy & Legislation [EN] This webpage includes information and links to EU Renewable Energy Legislation including the use of renewable energy in transport.
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Gdynia, Gniewino, Hel, Kościerzyna and Władysławowo, signed the Covenant of Mayors during the Pomeranian Energy Days on 15th to 17th April, 2011.
Image Five communes of Pomeranian Region, Gdynia, Gniewino, Hel, Kościerzyna and Władysławowo, signed the Covenant of Mayors during the Pomeranian Energy Days on 15th to 17th April, 2011.
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National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs)
Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) [EN] Article 4 of the renewable energy Directive (2009/28/EC) requires Member States to submit national renewable energy action plans by 30 June 2010. These plans, to be prepared in accordance with the template published by the Commission, provide detailed roadmaps of how each Member State expects to reach its legally binding 2020 target for the share of renewable energy in their final energy consumption.
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Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings
Policy & Legislation [EN] The buildings sector represents 40% of the European Union’s (EU) total energy consumption. Reducing energy consumption in this area is therefore a priority under the “20-20-20” objectives on energy efficiency. This Directive contributes to achieving this aim by proposing guiding principles for Member States regarding the energy performance of buildings.
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Directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services
Policy & Legislation [EN] The European Union (EU) has adopted a framework for energy end-use efficiency and energy services. Among other things, this includes an indicative energy savings target for the Member States, obligations on national public authorities as regards energy savings and energy efficient procurement and measures to promote energy efficiency and energy services.
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European Energy Efficiency Legislation
Policy & Legislation [EN] Reducing energy consumption and eliminating energy wastage are among the main goals of the European Union (EU). EU support for improving energy efficiency will prove decisive for competitiveness, security of supply and for meeting the commitments on climate change made under the Kyoto Protocol. There is significant potential for reducing consumption, especially in energy-intensive sectors such as buildings, manufacturing, energy conversion and transport. At the end of 2006, the EU pledged to cut its annual consumption of primary energy by 20% by 2020. To achieve this goal, it is working to mobilise public opinion, decision-makers and market operators and to set minimum energy efficiency standards and rules on labelling for products, services and infrastructure.
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ENNEREG Biuletyn Informacyjny: Numer 1, listopad 2010
e-Bulletin [PL] Osoby zainteresowane otrzymywaniem aktualności dotyczących zrównoważonego rozwoju i efektywności energetycznej zachęcamy do subskrypcji bezpłatnego Newslettera na stronie projektu Ennereg.
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Join the National Covenant of Mayors Clubs! (NET-COM)
Film / Animation [EN] This video promotes NET-COM, a European initiative boosting the Covenant of Mayors at national level by creating Covenant Clubs and promoting creative networking strategies.
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Wyjazd studyjny do Szwecji 5-8 marca 2012
Study visit Sweden 5-8 March 2012.
W dniach 5-8 marca 2012 odbyła się wizyta studyjna do Szwecji, której celem było bezpośrednie zapoznanie się z dobrymi praktykami produkcji i obróbki biomasy pochodzącej z gospodarstw rolnych do produkcji energii cieplnej i elektrycznej. Organizatorem spotkania była Warmińsko-Mazurska Agencja Energetyczna Sp. z o.o. Finansowo przedsięwzięcie to zostało wsparte dotacją z Wojewódzkiego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Olsztynie. Uczestnikami projektu byli rolnicy zainteresowani inwestycjami w OZE.
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Biogazownia w Boleszynie
The first agricultural biogas plant in the Warmia-Masuria Region (Boleszyn) started production in 2012. The biogas plant with a capacity of 1.2 MW will supply public buildings and the inhabitants of Boleszyn with thermal energy and electrical energy, which will be resold to energy networks. Substrates for biogas production will be corn silage, slurry from pig farms, as well as seasonally waste from the distillery and whey.
Pierwsza biogazownia rolnicza w Województwie Warmińsko – Mazurskim oficjalnie otwarta! 18 maja 2012 r. w Boleszynie, gmina Grodziczno, powiat nowomiejski, miało miejsce oficjalne otwarcie pierwszej biogazowni rolniczej w Województwie Warmińsko – Mazurskim. Na uroczystości nie zabrakło przedstawicieli Władz Województwa, w tym Wicemarszałka – Jarosława Marka Słomy oraz licznych delegatów zaproszonych na oficjalne otwarcie.
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Bezpieczny i piękny dom, przyjazne osiedle w Ornecie
On the renovated buildings of Housing Community in Orneta were installed solar panels which are used for heating domestic hot water. In this way safe and beautiful housing was created for local inhabitants.
15 września 2012r. odbyło się oficjalne spotkanie, którego celem była inauguracja zakończonych robót budowlanych oraz przekazanie budynków mieszkańcom Wspólnot Mieszkaniowych Nieruchomości przy ul. Kwiatowej 1-3, ul. Kwiatowej 5-7 oraz ul. Kwiatowej 9-11 w Ornecie.
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Alter-Motive Show Case Directory
Good Practice Collections and Publications
The core objective of the Alter-Motive project has been to derive an action plan for implementing effective least-cost policy strategies (for the EU, specific countries & regions) to achieve a significant increase in innovative alternative fuels (AF) and corresponding alternative more efficient automotive technologies (AAMT) to head towards a sustainable individual & public transport system. AF comprise bioethanol, biodiesel, synthetic fuels, biogas, hydrogen,renewable electricity, LPG & natural gas, whilst AAMT include biofuel, fuel cell & electric vehicles and various types of hybrid systems as well as systems based on natural or biogas.
This Intelligent Energy - Europe project has developed a number of resources, including a Show Case Directory.
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ENESCOM A tool for your community
Publication [EN] ENESCOM Project Brochure
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SETatWork Good Practice and Case Studies Database
Good Practice Collections and Publications [EN] This Case Studies search facility enables you to find Good Practice, Case Studies and other documents detailing projects, publications, events, websites and other information within the scope of the SETatWork Project with an emphasis on helping to improve energy efficiency in companies covered by the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS).
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EU ENERGY IN FIGURES 2010 - CO2 Emissions by Sector
Background Information [EN] This website produced by the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (DG TREN) presents data covering reported CO2 emmissions from EU Member States, 2 Candidate Countries and other European Countries.
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The European Greenlight Programme - An initiative promoted by the European Commission
Initiative [EN] The GreenLight Programme is a voluntary pollution prevention initiative encouraging non-residential electricity consumers (public and private), referred to as Partners, to commit towards the European Commission to install energy-efficient lighting technologies in their facilities when (1) it is profitable, and (2) lighting quality is maintained or improved. GreenLight was launched on 7 February 2000 by the European Commission Directorate General Energy & Transport.
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Overview on the status of ecodriving integration in the driver education and testing
Publication [EN] ECODRIVE, the predecessor to the ECOWILL project, was a European-wide campaign - aimed to improve driving behaviour, energy-efficiency and traffic safety among drivers of passenger cars, delivery vans, lorries and buses – was organised within the Ecodriven project. Conducted between 2006 and 2008, the project was supported by the European Commission's "Intelligent Energy Europe" Programme. The main deliverable from the ECODRIVE project was the publication "Overview on the status of ecodriving integration in the driver education and testing".
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ECOWILL - ECOdriving – Widespread Implementation for Learner Drivers and Licensed Drivers
Initiative [EN] The ECOWILL project, launched in May 2010, aims at reducing carbon emission by up to 8 Mt until 2015 by boosting the application of eco-driving across Europe. To reach such an ambitious target the project will roll out short duration eco-driving training programs for licensed drivers in 13 European countries. At the same time, ECOWILL promotes the education of eco-driving for learner drivers.
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ENNEREG Regiony Przecierajace Szlak dla Zrównowa-onej Energii w Europie
Publication [PL] To europejski projekt realizowany w ramach programu Inteligentna Energia dla Europy (IEE). Celem projektu ENNEREG jest utworzenie europejskiej sieci regionów pn. Regiony 202020 i zainspirowanie ich do opracowania regionalnych Planów Działan na rzecz Zrównowa_onej Energii (SEAP) oraz wdro_enia projektów z zakresu zrównowa_onej energii (SEP).
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BEn-Energy Register
Map [EN] One of the core objectives of BEn (Biomass energy register for sustainable site development for European Regions) has been to set up a regional energy register indicating regional energy sinks as well as biomass potentials for energy production in the four model regions. The envisaged regional energy register is now available in English and can be accessed on this website; a multilingual structure of the register is planned for late 2011.
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Reportaż "Pomorskie Dni Energii 2011" zrealizowany na prośbę
Film / Animation [PL] You Tube video: Reportaż "Pomorskie Dni Energii 2011" zrealizowany na prośbę
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Pięć pomorskich samorządów podpisało Porozumienie Burmistrzów
e-Bulletin [PL] Gdynia, Hel, Kościerzyna, Władysławowo i gmina Gniewino podpisały w piątek w Gdańsku Porozumienie Burmistrzów. Samorządy zobowiązały się m.in. do zmniejszenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych do 2020 r. o 20 proc. w porównaniu z 1990 r.
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Lessons from the IEE projects ClearSupport and ENNEREG as how to develop SEP investments
Presentation [EN] Nils Daugaard, Energy Consulting Network, Denmark - coordinator or the ENNEREG project - presents two IEE projects, ClearSupport and ENNEREG, that both entail a systematic approach on how to develop sustainable energy investments and seeking financing of those, as well a informing about Good Practice and Lessons learned of the project activities.
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Existing Methodologies and Tools for the Development and Implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP)
Tool / Methodology [EN] This Covenant of Mayors publication aims to provide guidance and/or recommendations to help local authorities aiming to develop Sustainable Energy Action Plans to select the tools and methodologies that best suit them, according to their own needs and characteristics.
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Covenant of Mayors Library Online
Publication [EN] The Covenant of Mayors Library Online includes numerous documents aimed at assisting signatory cities and municipalities to create and submit their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs).
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The regional energy balance in Euskadi
Presentation [EN] Presentation given by EVE during the first meeting of the ENERGee-Watch network, on 5th October 2012
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Regional energy balances in Eurostat format
Presentation [EN] Presentation given by EVE during the European Conference on Regional Observatories in Lyon, December 2012.
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ENNEREG - Regions 202020 - paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe
Publication [EN] ENNEREG Regions paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe is a European project supported by the Intelligent Energy - Europe programme. ENNEREG aims to establish and inspire a network of regions throughout Europe – Regions 202020 - to produce regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and Implement Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs).
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Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impact (MESSAGE)
Tool / Methodology [EN] MESSAGE is a systems engineering optimization model used for medium- to long-term energy system planning, energy policy analysis, and scenario development (Messner and Strubegger, 1995). The model provides a framework for representing an energy system with all its interdependencies from resource extraction, imports and exports, conversion, transport, and distribution, to the provision of energy end-use services such as light, space conditioning, industrial production processes, and transportation.
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Environment Tools Directory
Tool / Methodology [EN] Listing over 500 green environmental accounting software tools, and techniques for measuring and monitoring, the Environment Tools Directory is the largest independent database of environmental software tools anywhere on the web. New tools can be listed and their details kept up-to-date for free. Users can rate and comment on any tools listed. Vendors can upgrade listings or advertise.
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Koncepcja Wykorzystania Ciepla Odpadowego ze Schladzania Mleka Jako Alternatywnego Źródla Energii do Ogrzewania Budynku
Publication [PL] The concept of using waste heat from milk cooling as an alternative source of energy to heat the building.
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Program Ekoenergetyczny Województwa Warmińsko – Mazurskiego Na Lata 2005 – 2010: Sprawozdanie Końcowe z Realizacji Programu
Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) [PL] Eco-Energy Programme Warmia - Mazury for the years 2005 - 2010: Final Report of the Implementation of the Programme
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Europejskie Słoneczne Dni z Wmae Sp. z o.o.
The organisation of annual "Solar Day" events on a local level aims to raise public awareness of intelligent energy solutions and behaviours, particularly for Solar Thermal and Photovoltaics.
Europejskie Słoneczne Dni z Warmińsko – Mazurską Agencją Energetyczną Sp. z o.o. rozpoczęły się 10 maja i trwały 2 dni. Pierwszego dnia zorganizowaliśmy krótkie warsztaty wprowadzające do tematyki energii słonecznej przeznaczone dla uczniów Szkół Podstawowych.
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ENNEREG Regiony na rzecz Zrównowazonego Rozwoju
Publication [PL] ENNEREG Regiony na rzecz Zrównowazonego Rozwoju to europejski projekt nalezacy do programu Inteligentna Energia dla Europy (IEE). ENNEREG ma na celu ustanowienie sieci europejskich regionów - Regiony 202020 - które nastêpnie opracuja i wdroza Plany Dzialañ na rzecz Zrównowazonego Rozwoju i projekty majace na celu zrównowazony rozwój regionu.
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Tool / Methodology [EN] Balmorel is a model for analysing the electricity and combined heat and power sectors in an international perspective. It is highly versatile and may be applied for long range planning as well as shorter time operational analysis.
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Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock
Background Information
This website of the Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock provides information on the BEENetwork and the related BEEN project as well as information on publications, activities and events related with energy efficiency in the European residential building stock, with special geographical focus on the Baltic Sea Region.
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SETatWork Emissions & Energy Assessment Tool
Tool / Methodology [EN] This Assessment Tool has been designed by the SETatWork team to help you find the most economical option for you to answer your CO2 emission problems, leading to reduction of emissions through investing in either internal or external projects.
Further information » (Last edited: 15/02/2012 3:28pm)
Porozumienie Burmistrzów
Background Information [PL] Porozumienie Burmistrzów (Covenant of Mayors) ma na celu wykroczenie poza ramy zamierzeń polityki energetycznej Unii Europejskiej (UE) w zakresie zmniejszenia emisji CO2 poprzez ograniczenie zużycia oraz czystszą produkcję i czystsze wykorzystanie energii.
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Pomorskie Dni Energii 2011 na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim
e-Bulletin [PL] W piątek, na terenie Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, przy ul. Bażyńskiego i Wita Stwosza w Gdańsku, zaczynają się Pomorskie Dni Energii 2011.
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Good Energy Exhibition, Poznan, Poland
Image [EN] UMWW staff in front of the exhibition 'Good Energy’ - 23 March 2011
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Covenant of Mayors Map
Map [EN] The Map on the Covenant of Mayors website shows the position of Covenant Stakeholders and Actions.
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Financing possibilities for local authorities - Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme
Presentation [EN] Financing possibilities for local authorities - Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme. Presentation by Vicky Argyraki, Project Officer, Renewable Energy Unit, EACI during Syros Conference & Signing Ceremony, 12-13 March 2011
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Introduction to the ENNEREG Project
Presentation [EN] The presentation gives a brief introduction to the ENNEREG Project.
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Local and Regional Energy Planning – and how it is supported via EU projects and initiatives
Presentation [EN] Presentation on Local and Regional Energy Planning from Mr. Nils Daugaard (ENNEREG Project Coordinator) and on how such work is being supported via EU initiatives.
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Regions 202020 Poster in Polish (Polski)
Publication [PL] Regions 202020 Poster in Polish (Polski) - Chcesz się uczyć od najlepszych ...? ... My też!
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ManagEnergy Map of National, Regional and Local Energy Agencies in Europe
Map [EN] This map on the ManagEnergy websiste shows the location of energy agencies throughout Europe. Local and regional energy agencies (LAREAs) support the introduction of good energy management practices, advocate the concept of sustainability, provide information and guidance, and offer a number of other local services based on specific local energy needs.
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Events for Regions in Poland
Past Events
ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting
Support for Future Sustainable Energy Planning and Projects in European Regions
19 March 2013, Brussels, BelgiumThe presentations from this invitation-only ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting are now available on this website. During the meeting ENNEREG partners summarised the results and progress of the project to date. In addition, invited speakers from Fedarene, ERRIN, EACI and ENNEREG Twin region, Tartu, provided further insight into the role regions can play in meeting European Sustainable Energy targets.
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Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors
Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Conference
18 March 2013, Brussels, BelgiumRepresentatives from cities leading on sustainable energy actions gathered together in Brussels on Monday 18 March, at a European Commission forum organised by ManagEnergy. The event marked the commitment of 189 communities in going beyond the EU’s 2020 climate and energy targets. The cumulative results of the sustainable energy action plans are projected to be 2475080 MWh per annum of RES production and 5327473 MWh per annum of primary energy savings.
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Energy Efficiency in European Regions
Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits
8 and 9 November 2012, Bilbao, Basque Country, SpainThe Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits, organised by EVE and Fedarene on 8-9 November 2012, was open to ENNEREG partners, Fedarene partners and selected invited participants. The Workshop on Thursday 8 November 2012 was a good opportunity to discuss interesting issues related to the management of energy efficiency at a regional level, and to share ENNEREG partner’s experience and good practices. The Workshop was followed on the morning of Friday 9 November by two technical visits, both in Zamudio, 10 km from Bilbao. Presentations are now available on the events page of the Regions 202020 website.
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Pomorskie Dni Energii 2012
25-26 października 2012, Gdańsk, PolskaStowarzyszenie „Pomorskie w Unii Europejskiej” zaprasza Państwa do wzięcia udziału w największych targach poświęconych tematyce energetycznej w północnej Polsce – Pomorskich Dniach Energii 2012 w Gdańsku, które odbędą się w nowym Centrum Wystawienniczo-Kongresowym Międzynarodowych Targów Gdańskich w dniach 25-26 października 2012 roku.
Pomorskie Dni Energii są dynamiczną imprezą targową skupiającą wystawców z branży energetycznej, instytucje naukowe, podmioty zajmujące się edukacją ekologiczną. W połączeniu z towarzyszącymi jej 8. Targami Techniki Przemysłowej, Nauki i Innowacji Technicon-Innowacje 2012 oraz Międzynarodowymi Targami Termoizolacji i Termomodernizacji TERMO-BUD stanowi silny punkt na mapie działań promocyjnych największych firm z branży energetycznej, budowlanej i naukowej.
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ManagEnergy Workshop
Stimulating SEAP development in Wielkopolska Region
17-18 October 2012, Poznan, Wielkopolska Region, PolandThe scope of the workshop was to build capacities of authorities and related stakeholders in the Wielkopolska Region to design and implement sustainable energy actions. It was organised in joint cooperation of the regional authority in the Marshal Office UMWW, the regional energy agency WAZE and EC Network and took place in Poznan, 17-18 October 2012.
Eight municipalities in Wielkopolska (municipalities of: Golina, Szamotuly, Czarnkow, Lubasz, Krotoszyn, Kalisz, Przykona, Poznan), one representative of the regional authority UMWW, four representatives of the regional energy agency WAZE and around 10 other stakeholders (consultants, researchers or from the financial sector) participated the workshop.
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Low carbon Trendsetter in 2020
Energy for Mayors International Workshop
3-4 October 2012, Krakkow, PolandAll organisations and local authorities engaged in the Covenant of Mayors initiative are cordially invited to take part in the upcoming International Workshop for Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters LOW CARBON TREND-SETTERS IN 2020, organised within the framework of the Energy for Mayors project. This interesting and motivating free event will take place on 3rd and 4th of October 2012 in Krakow (Poland).
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Konferencja podsumowująca konsultacje społeczne projektu
Strategii wzrostu efektywności energetycznej i rozwoju odnawialnych źródeł energii w Wielkopolsce na lata 2012-2020
22 June 2012, 10:00-13:00, PWSZ, ul. Nowy Świat 4, Kalisz, PolandKonferencja podsumowująca konsultacje społeczne projektu: Strategii wzrostu efektywności energetycznej i rozwoju odnawialnych źródeł energii w Wielkopolsce na lata 2012-2020
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Innovative [and practical] approaches on how to make the Covenant of Mayors a success
21 June 2012, 14:00-18:00, Charlemagne Building, Brussels, BelgiumThis event, jointly organized by Climate Alliance, Energy Cities, Fedarene and ICLEI Europe will present how cities and towns link to actors that support them, available offers of training, great examples that can be replicated, and how to stimulate the green urban economy- linking to the RIO+20 outcomes. The event will explore effective multi-level governance and the role of Covenant Coordinators & Supporters.
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Sustainable energy investments in cities and regions
ManagEnergy Annual Conference
20 June 2012, 09:00 - 13:00, Charlemagne Building, Brussels, BelgiumThe ManagEnergy Annual Conference, traditionally among the most popular events of the EUSEW, is aimed at a broad spectrum of energy actors, from local and regional authorities, to energy agencies, policy makers, regional representatives, energy consultants and anyone interested in energy efficiency and renewable energy actions in local communities! Now in its twelfth year, the conference will host an impressive range of speakers from EU institutions, as well as from public authorities and energy agencies across Europe. This year’s conference will focus on sustainable energy investments.
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EUSEW 2012
EU Sustainable Energy Week
18-22 June 2012 , Brussels & throughout EuropeSave the date! EUSEW 2012 will take place all over Europe and in Brussels from 18 to 22 June 2012. Between 18 and 22 June 2012 hundreds of events organised in all parts of Europe will show, promote, discuss and celebrate renewable energy and energy efficiency - and you can be a part of it.
Below you will find further details of events of specific interest to Regions and Local Communities in Europe:
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Wielkopolski Dzień Energii
16 June 2012 to 17 June 2012, Lisków, PolandWydarzenia w ramach Wielkopolskiego Dnia Energii: 1. konkursy dla dzieci (quiz, konkurs na hasło związane z „zieloną energią”, konkurs plastyczny); 2. pokaz filmów nt. OZE i efektywności energetycznej; 3. „porady energetyczne” u specjalistów WAZE; 4. promocja „zielonej energii”.
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ENNEREG Replication Event
23 May 2012, Wielkopolska Voivodship Office, Poznan, PolandA Replication Workshop oriented towards other Polish regions, addressing monitoring aspects of the regional SEAP.
Na Warsztaty Replikacji, poruszające aspekty „Regionalnego Planu Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii” w kontekście innych regionów Polski.
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Międzynarodowej Konferencji projektu ENNEREG pt.
Transfer wiedzy w dziedzinie zrównoważonego wykorzystania energii
22 maja 2012 r. , Wielkopolski Urząd Wojewódzki w Poznaniu (Polska)W części pierwszej konferencji, przedstawiony zostanie projekt ENNEREG, sieć Regions 202020 a także „Regionalny Plan Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii” (SEAPs) dla Województwa Wielkopolskiego i Pomorskiego. Zaprezentowane będą również przykłady Dobrych Praktyk - Regions 202020 oraz prowadzonych projektów i działań dotyczących zrównoważonej energii (SEPs) na poziomie regionalnym i lokalnym przez regiony pionierskie projektu ENNEREG. Na konferencji obecny będzie również Pan Krzysztof Gierulski, przedstawiciel Komisji Europejskiej DG ENNER, który wygłosi krótką prelekcję na temat polityki UE w odniesieniu do podmiotów na poziomie lokalnym i regionalnym.
W części drugiej konferencji, zaraz po lunchu, zapraszamy na warsztaty dotyczące wymiany doświadczeń w pokrewnych konferencji tematach.
Serdecznie zapraszamy również następnego dnia, 23 maja 2012 r., na Warsztaty Replikacji, poruszające aspekty „Regionalnego Planu Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii” w kontekście innych regionów Polski.
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ENNEREG International Conference
Transfer of knowledge in the field of sustainable use of energy
22 May 2012, Wielkopolska Voivodship Office, Poznan, PolandThe morning session of the ENNEREG International Conference in Poznan, Poland presented the ENNEREG Project and Regions 202020 Network as well as the Regional SEAPs for Wielkopolska and Pomerania, as well as Regions 202020 Good Practice case studies and Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs) at the regional and inter-regional levels from the ENNEREG Pioneer regions. After lunch, a number of experience exchange workshops were organised on relevant topics. The event was followed by a Replication Workshop on 23 May 2012 oriented towards other Polish regions, addressing monitoring aspects of the regional SEAP.
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Use of structural funds in sustainable development projects
7 March 2012, Koprivnica, CroatiaREA North in cooperation with Croatian Chamber of Economy – county Koprivnica, city of Koprivnica and support of Podravka company, organizes international conference „Use of structural funds in sustainable development projects“. Guest speakers are from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia.
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Biomass for the agricultural biogas plants in the Wielkopolska Region
4 November 2011, Poznan, PolandThis conference in Poznan, Poland, organised by Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region (UMWW), will present the ENNEREG project, offering participants an invitation for cooperation & expert support. Discussion will focus on the inter-regional SEP concerning energy self-sufficient communes.
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European Conference of Regions on Climate Action
20-21 October 2011, Lyon, FranceOn October 20-21, 2011, The Region of Rhône-Alpes, nrg4SD and The Climate Group invite European regions, local authorities, businesses, NGOs and representatives of civil society to attend a conference in Lyon. The event will take place in the run up to UNFCCC COP2 17 Durban, to provide a European follow up to the sub-national commitments in the agreed Cancun Statement and initiate more regular European exchange.
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Open Days 2011: Regions Delivering on Sustainable Energy Strategies
Good Practice Examples from Regional Players
Tuesday, 11 October 2011, 9:00 -10:45, Cente Borschette, Brussels, BelgiumThis workshop, which takes place on 11 October 2011 in Brussels as part of the Open Days: 9th European Week of Regions and Cities - 10-13 October 2011, will provide good practice examples from regional players on how they help and promote sustainable energy planning in their region.
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Konferencja Energii w Wielkopolsce
4 lipca 2011, Poznań, PL4 lipca 2011 roku o godz. 10:00 w Poznaniu, w Sali Sesyjnej Wielkopolskiego Urzędu Wojewódzkiego, Al. Niepodległości 16/18 obędzie się konferencja podsumowująca konsultacje społeczne do opracowania Strategii Wzrostu Efektywności Energetycznej i Rozwoju Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii w Wielkopolsce na lata 2011-2020. Dokument ten będzie jednocześnie stanowić podstawę do aktualizowanej Strategii rozwoju województwa wielkopolskiego w zakresie odnawialnych źródeł energii i efektywności energetycznej, przygotowywanej przez Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Wielkopolskiego.
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Sustainable Energy & Covenant of Mayors in our Cities
6 May 2011, Warsaw, PolandThe workshop focused on Polish cities that are already convinced of the benefits of local sustainable energy policies and those that signed up to the Covenant of Mayors initiative. The main objective was to find solutions which ensure the smooth implementation of the Covenant initiative within the Polish context.
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First Pomeranian Energy Days
during EUSEW 2011
15-17 April 2011, Poland - GdańskThe first edition of Pomeranian Energy Days under Energy Sustainable Week took place on 15th April, 2011. The main organizer of the event was Pomorskie in the European Union Association, while Baltic Energy Conservation Agency was the co-organizer. The event aimed to promote environmental protection and presentation how energy influents everyday life. There was a conference “Environment – Technology – Innovation”, starting with contemporary challenges of energy and energy policy. Later, first Pomeranian Mayors will sign the intention letter to join the Covenant of Mayors: Gdynia, Kościerzyna, Władysławowo, Hel and Gniewino.
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Covenant of Mayors
Regions, Provinces and Networks - Key to Success
14 April 2011, 9:30-13:00, Committee of the Regions, Brussels, BelgiumRegions, provinces and networks of local authorities have a crucial role to play in the Covenant. Their work is many-sided and very important for the Covenant Signatories to reach their objectives. This discussion group is an opportunity to exchange with counterparts and get inspired by their best practices.
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ManagEnergy Capacity Building Workshop on the ELENA facility
14 April 2011, 14:30-17:30, Committee of the Regions, rue Van Maerlant 2, Brussels, BelgiumFollowing the successful ManagEnergy ELENA (European Local ENergy Assistance) workshop that was held during the 2010 EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), a second ManagEnergy ELENA capacity building workshop took place on 14 April 2011.
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Covenant of Mayors
Local and Regional Actions for Sustainable Energy
13 April 2011, 14:30 to 18:30, Charlemagne Building, Brussels, BelgiumWhat local actions are being undertaken in the Covenant of Mayors? How is European funding being used? What difference has the Covenant made? Find the answers during this Covenant of Mayors afternoon!
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The event will present practical results of the Covenant of Mayors among signatory cities and regions, the role of ICT for energy efficiencyat the local and regional level and line-up to the Smart Cities initiative.
Specific session on financing will address the current and new opportunities for financing of sustainable energy measures at local and regional level, including structural funds, ELENA facility and a new EU energy efficiency investment facility. Practical examples and lessons learned will be presented and discussed.
Take this opportunity to obtain new information and to learn from others!
ManagEnergy Annual Conference
Local and regional action for sustainable energy
13 April 2011, 9:00 to 13:00, Charlemagne Building, Brussels, BelgiumAimed at energy agencies, public authorities and energy actors with a local and regional focus, the ManagEnergy Annual Conference 2011 hosted high-level speakers from the European Commission, the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, cities and energy agencies from across Europe.
City_SEC Zero Emission Days
11-15 April 2011, Various City_SEC RegionsThe Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) set up within the framework of City_SEC project, and composed of municipalities involved in Italy, Hungary, Greece, Sweden, Poland and Croatia, organized a joint initiative, “City_SEC project Zero Emission Day” on the occasion of EUSEW - EU Sustainable Energy Week 2011.
The initiative included a wide range of training, promotion and dissemination activities organized by the project partners with the involvement of municipalities that joined the City_SEC project, with the aim to sensitize and increase awareness of citizens on energy savings behaviours and promote the shift to a more sustainable lifestyle.
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Porozumienie Burmistrzow
inicjatywa Komisji Europejskiej w świetle potencjału energetycznego Wielkopolski
23 March 2011, Poznan, PolandPorozumienie Burmistrzow – inicjatywa Komisji Europejskiej w świetle potencjału energetycznego Wielkopolski (Covenant of Mayors – initiative of European Commission in terms of the energy potential of the Wielkopolska Region) was organized by Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Wielkopolskiego (UMWW) in cooperation with Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Siec Energie Cités (Cracow) – one of the partners in the IEE project Energy for Mayors.
During the conference there was also an exhibition called ‘Good Energy’ promoting Polish and Ukraine Covenant of Mayors (CoM) signatory towns and cities.
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NREAP at Work
Implementing local and regional energy actions for achieving the EU RES Directive
24 February 2011 , Gdańsk, PolandThe objective of this workshop has been to raise awareness of the targets and strategies set in the Polish National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) and improve the capacities of the workshop participants to implement the NREAP, in order to meet the 2020 targets.
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Training Seminar for Supporting Structures
18-19 November 2010, Huelva (Provincial Council), SpainA 2-day open training seminar for Supporting Structures took place on 18th and 19th of November 2010 in Huelva (Spain). Seminar gathered approx. 80 representatives of existing and potential SSt of the Covenant of Mayors. The aim of the event was to develop SSt capacity based on the needs identified in the recently conducted survey and to optimize assistance provided by SSt to cities and towns.
During the seminar a number of presentations were given and an interactive workshop was organised. From the presentations you can learn about the Covenant of Mayors initiative, its implementation, experiences and good practices of model Supporting Structures and financial opportunities for stakeholders engaged in the Covenant. During the interactive workshop participants exchanged ideas on how to create and operate a Supporting Structure and shared their experiences in this area.
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