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ENNEREG Good Practice
Solar lamps in Golina, Wielkopolska Region, Poland - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Products
Installation of solar lamp in Golina. The aim of this project was installation of street lighting which is powered by renewable energy sources. Ten hybrid lamps were installed on the street Stefanowski in Golina. These lamps have the photovoltaic panels and windmills in their construction, so they can draw energy from the Sun, as well as wind. Hybrid lamps are therefore independent of the electricity grids in the city, and most importantly the city does not bear any additional costs. The investment is going to repay quickly and cost savings will compensate cost of buying lamps.
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Installation of solar lamp in Golina. The aim of this project was installation of street lighting which is powered by renewable energy sources. Ten hybrid lamps were installed on the street Stefanowski in Golina. These lamps have the photovoltaic panels and windmills in their construction, so they can draw energy from the Sun, as well as wind. Hybrid lamps are therefore independent of the electricity grids in the city, and most importantly the city does not bear any additional costs. The investment is going to repay quickly and cost savings will compensate cost of buying lamps.
Aims and Objectives of this Sustainable Energy Action
The main goal of the project was to increase the safety of residents by the installation of street lighting on one of the street in the city Golina. The objective of the project was also to reduce operational costs of the installations in the future and reduce the dependence from electricity grids.
- Tactical objective – installation of street lighting, improving safety of residents.
- Strategic objective – the use of renewable energy sources, lack of cost for the generated electricity.
Results and Impacts
Project outcomes in terms of ENNEREG’s performance indicators:
- Phase I - Year 2010-2011
- Phase II - Year 2011-2012
- Cost of Investments (Phase I): 34 kEuro
- The value of the grant from the Rural Development Programme – 75% of the value of the investments
Other effects:
- Protection of the environment
- No energy costs
- Increased security on the road
Technical and Financial Implementation
- Submission of an application for financing project in the I and II call for proposals for the activities: Basic services for economy and rural population for projects in the production and distribution of energy from the renewable energy sources implemented in the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007 – 2013.
- Selection of suppliers and building of installations of street lights in the city Golina in Jarocin Municipality.
- Implementation of the project in two phases.
- In the first period, lamps have been installed in Golina by Poznan Service Company – ELproject.
The Partners and Stakeholders
- Jarocin Municipality, Golina Village
How this Action could be Replicated
The example leads to use of renewable energy sources and to independent street lights from electricity grid. It is supported by structural funds (European Agricultural Found for Rural Development) and national funds (public and private) under Rural Development Programme for the period 2007 – 2013. The applied funding model is created for increasing the safety of residents by the installation of street lighting on one of the street in the village Golina. This good practice can be replicated in each municipality or city in the Wielkopolska Region. There are no main barriers for replication of this project.
Related Information on the Regions 202020 Website:
- Sustainable Energy Theme(s): Energy Efficient Products : Renewable energy sources (RES) : :
- Region(s)/Community(ies): PL: Wielkopolska
- Country(ies): Poland
Last updated: 19/04/2013 2:22pm - Contact: Alicja NOWAK -