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Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
ENNEREG Summary of Project Achievements
This document includes an evaluation of the achievements of the activities carried out during the ENNEREG project related to the development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and promoting sustainable energy since the beginning of the project. The document shows the added value of the ENNEREG project in the 12 participating regions, as well as in Europe as a whole. As such it serves as the Publishable Report of the project achievements.
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ENNEREG - Regions paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe is a European Project supported by the Intelligent Energy ‐ Europe programme. The project started on 1st May 2010 and ran until 30th April 2013.
This document includes an evaluation of the achievements of the activities carried out during the ENNEREG project related to the development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and promoting sustainable energy since the beginning of the project. The document shows the added value of the ENNEREG project in the 12 participating regions, as well as in Europe as a whole. As such it serves the Publishable Report of the project achievements.
We hope it will act as inspiration and provide guidance to other regions with wide-ranging characteristics with respect to their size and their social features and the use of energy, wherever they are along the process to become a Sustainable Energy Region by planning, developing and implementing their Sustainable Energy Action Plans and Projects.
The ENNEREG Project has produced a number of reports based on input from the ENNEREG Project Partners providing supporting material for the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for regional decision-makers.
The Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide for Sustainable Energy Regions, along with supporting documents including Good Practice Case Studies, Regional SEAPs and many other resources, can be found on the Regions 202020 website at:
Contents include:
- Introduction
- Project Data
- About the ENNEREG Project – Executive Summary
- The European Perspective
- The Regional SEAP Process
- Developing a Regional SEAP
- The SEAP Process
- Phase 1 Initiation
- Phase 2: Planning
- Phase 3: Implementation
- Phase 4: Monitoring
- Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
- Development of Regional SEAPs
- Supporting Sustainable Energy Projects
- Silistra Region, Bulgaria
- Upper Palatinate, Germany
- The Triangle Region, Denmark
- Basque Country, Spain
- Rhône-Alpes, France
- The Cyclades Islands, Greece
- Kaunas County, Lithuania
- Pomerania, Poland
- Wielkopolska, Poland
- Madeira, Portugal
- Blekinge, Sweden
- Cymru - Wales, UK
- Twinning and Replication
- Twinning Activities
- Replication Activities
- ENNEREG Dissemination
- Regions 202020 Platform (and website)
- Dissemination in the Partner and Twin Regions
- ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies
- Annex 1: ENNEREG Partners Contact
- Partner Organisations
- Associated networks
Related Information on the Regions 202020 Website:
- Sustainable Energy Theme(s): Education and Training : Energy Efficiency in Industry : Energy Efficient Products : Energy monitoring : Energy services (ESCOs, Building Performance Contracts, etc) : Finance & Funding : Renewable energy sources (RES) : Sustainable / Energy Efficient Buildings : Sustainable transport and mobility management
- Region(s)/Community(ies): BG: Silistra : : DE: Allgäu : DE: Oberpfalz - Upper Palatinate : : : DK: Triangle : EE: Tartu County (Tartu maakond) : ES: Castilla y León : ES: Euskadi - Basque Country : FR: Rhône-Alpes : GR: Cyclades : GR: Dodecanese : : IE: Mid-West Region : PL: Opole Region : PL: Pomerania : PL: Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship (Warmia–Masuria Region) : PL: Wielkopolska : PT: Madeira : : PT: Oeste : : : RO: Medgidia Municipality : SE: Blekinge : UK: Cymru - Wales
- Country(ies): Bulgaria : Germany : Denmark : Estonia : Spain : France : Greece : Croatia : Ireland : Lithuania : Poland : Portugal : Romania : Sweden : United Kingdom
Last updated: 07/10/2013 4:11pm - Contact: Nils DAUGAARD -