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The Basque Country, Spain - Becoming a Sustainable Region
This leaflet provides an update on the journey of the Basque Country towards becoming a Sustainable Energy Region.
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Boletín informativo. Octubre de 2011
Reunión de expertos para la implantación de la Directiva de Servicios Energéticos: El EVE coordina los planes de energía sostenible de 12 regiones europeas
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Buletin informatiboa. 2010eko azaroa
Euskadik "Regions 202020" deritzon sare europarra sortu du: Europako beste 11 eskualderekin batera parte hartzen du sarean Euskadik. Energia iraunkortasunaren inguruko esperientziak eta praktika onak partekatzea edo trukatzea du helburu sareak
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EVE e-bulletin, June 2011
EVEntos, EVE's monthly e-bulletin
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Covenant of Mayors in the Basque Country
Situation of the Covenant of Mayors in the Basque Country (December 2010)
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Basque Region: Energy Agency supports municipalities commitments
Thanks to the promotion efforts deployed by the Basque Energy Agency (EVE - Ente Vasco de la Energía), by 9 February 2011, ten local authorities from the Basque Country were signatories of the Covenant of Mayors, representing 42% of the Basque population.
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Energy Days caravan travels through the Basque Country, Spain
ENNEREG e-Bulletin September 2012 [EN]
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14 New ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies
ENNEREG e-Bulletin September 2012 [EN]
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Update from the ENNEREG Pioneer Regions
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 4 Autumn 2012 - EN
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Актуално от ENNEREG Пилотните Региони
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 4 ЕСЕН 2012 - BG
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Actualització de les regions pioneres de l’ENNEREG
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 4 Tardor 2012 - CA
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Aktualizace z pilotních regionů ENNEREG
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 4 Podzim 2012 - CS
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Neuigkeiten aus den ENNEREG Pionierregionen
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 4 Herbst 2012 - DE
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Τα νέα από τις περιοχές πιλότους του ENNEREG
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 4 Φθινόπωρο 2012 - EL
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Inspirando Hermanamiento, Réplica y Buenas Prácticas
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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Actualización de las Regiones Pioneras ENNEREG
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 4 Otoño 2012 - ES
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Izvješće iz ENNEREG pionirskih regija
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 4 Jesen 2012 - HR
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Újdonság az ENNEREG Pioneer Régiókban
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 4 2012. Ősz - HU
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Aggiornamento delle ENNEREG Pioneer regioni
Notizie dalle Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili
Numero 4 Autunno 2012 - IT
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Naujienos iš ENNEREG Regionų pionierių
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 4 2012 m. ruduo - LT
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Aktualności z pionierskich regionów projektu ENNEREG
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 4 Jesień 2012 - PL
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Actualize as Regiões Pioneiras ENNEREG
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 4 Outono 2012 - PT
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Actualități din Regiunile Pionere ENNEREG
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 4 Toamna 2012 - RO
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Aktuality zo zakladajúcich regiónov ENNEREG
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 4 Jeseň 2012 - SK
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Posodobitev ENNEREG pionirskih regij
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 4 Jesen 2012 - SL
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Basque Country and Castilla y León, Spain
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 3 Winter/Spring 2012 - EN
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País Basc i Castella i Lleó, Espanya
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 3 Hivern / Primavera 2012 - CA
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Promoting Local and Regional Sustainable Energy Actions in the Regions 202020 Network
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 2 Summer 2011 - EN
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Promoción de Acciones Locales y Regionales de la Energía Sostenible en la Red de Regiones 202020
Noticias Comunidades de Energía Sostenible
Número 2 Verano 2011 - ES
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ENNEREG - Regions 202020 paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 1 Autumn 2010 - EN
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Do you want to learn from the best? So do we!
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 1 Autumn 2010 - EN
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ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting
Support for Future Sustainable Energy Planning and Projects in European Regions
19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
The presentations from this invitation-only ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting are now available on this website. During the meeting ENNEREG partners summarised the results and progress of the project to date. In addition, invited speakers from Fedarene, ERRIN, EACI and ENNEREG Twin region, Tartu, provided further insight into the role regions can play in meeting European Sustainable Energy targets.
Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors
Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Conference
18 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Representatives from cities leading on sustainable energy actions gathered together in Brussels on Monday 18 March, at a European Commission forum organised by ManagEnergy. The event marked the commitment of 189 communities in going beyond the EU’s 2020 climate and energy targets. The cumulative results of the sustainable energy action plans are projected to be 2475080 MWh per annum of RES production and 5327473 MWh per annum of primary energy savings.
Energy Efficiency in European Regions
Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits
8 and 9 November 2012, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
The Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits, organised by EVE and Fedarene on 8-9 November 2012, was open to ENNEREG partners, Fedarene partners and selected invited participants. The Workshop on Thursday 8 November 2012 was a good opportunity to discuss interesting issues related to the management of energy efficiency at a regional level, and to share ENNEREG partner’s experience and good practices. The Workshop was followed on the morning of Friday 9 November by two technical visits, both in Zamudio, 10 km from Bilbao. Presentations are now available on the events page of the Regions 202020 website.
Jornada sobre el Vehículo Eléctrico / Ibilgailu elektrikoari buruzko jardunaldia
EU Sustainable Energy Week
22 de junio de 2012 / 2012ko ekainaren 22a, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain
La apuesta por el vehículo eléctrico pretende desvincular el pétroleo y sus derivados del sector transporte. Esta jornada mostrará los últimos avances en la materia de la mano de los principales agentes involucrados en su implantación.
Ibilgailu elektrikoaren aldeko apustuaren bidez, garraio alorrak petrolio eta bere eratorriekiko lotura hautsi nahi da. Jardunaldian mugikortasun elektrikoan emandako azken aurrerapenak erakutsiko dira eragile nagusien eskutik.
Innovative [and practical] approaches on how to make the Covenant of Mayors a success
21 June 2012, 14:00-18:00, Charlemagne Building, Brussels, Belgium
This event, jointly organized by Climate Alliance, Energy Cities, Fedarene and ICLEI Europe will present how cities and towns link to actors that support them, available offers of training, great examples that can be replicated, and how to stimulate the green urban economy- linking to the RIO+20 outcomes. The event will explore effective multi-level governance and the role of Covenant Coordinators & Supporters.
From Research Infrastructure to Sustainable Energy
Final presentation of the FP7 RESGEN Project
18 June 2012, 14:00-19:30, Committee of the Regions, Brussels, Belgium
During the seminar, four European regional energy clusters will present how they have planned to increase the use of sustainable energy in their regions by preparing regional RTD Roadmaps 2010-2020, management of research-driven clusters and joint actions, aiming at regional energy self-sufficiency, reduction of CO2 emissions, and boosting of the regional economy. The participating clusters come from Ostrobothnia (Finland), the Basque Country (Spain), Northern Hungary (Hungary) and Cornwall (UK).
ENNEREG Replication Event
23 May 2012, Wielkopolska Voivodship Office, Poznan, Poland
A Replication Workshop oriented towards other Polish regions, addressing monitoring aspects of the regional SEAP.
Na Warsztaty Replikacji, poruszające aspekty „Regionalnego Planu Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii” w kontekście innych regionów Polski.
ENNEREG International Conference
Transfer of knowledge in the field of sustainable use of energy
22 May 2012, Wielkopolska Voivodship Office, Poznan, Poland
The morning session of the ENNEREG International Conference in Poznan, Poland presented the ENNEREG Project and Regions 202020 Network as well as the Regional SEAPs for Wielkopolska and Pomerania, as well as Regions 202020 Good Practice case studies and Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs) at the regional and inter-regional levels from the ENNEREG Pioneer regions. After lunch, a number of experience exchange workshops were organised on relevant topics. The event was followed by a Replication Workshop on 23 May 2012 oriented towards other Polish regions, addressing monitoring aspects of the regional SEAP.
La contratación de empresas de servicios energéticos (ESE) en el ámbito municipal
7 March 2012, Bilbao Exhibition Centre – Auditorium L4
El Ente Vasco de la Energía organiza la siguiente jornada para dar a conocer e impulsar las posibilidades de contratación de Empresas de Servicios Energéticos (ESEs) por parte de los ayuntamientos vascos.
The Basque Energy Agency (Ente Vasco de la Energía - EVE) organized this event to publicize and promote the use of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) by the Basque municipalities.
Common meeting: EU projects ENNEREG and Climactregions
21 October 2011, Lyon, France
Rhonalpénergie-environnement (RAEE) and the Region Rhône-Alpes are involved in the ENNEREG and Climactregions projects. Together they organized a meeting on 21 October 2011 between the representatives of the partner regions of these two projects.
Sustainable Mobility
Atelier Mobilite Durable
19 October 2011, 14:00-16:00, Lyon, France
This conference on sustainable mobility has been organised by Rhônalpénergie-Environnement (RAEE) and the Rhône-Alpes Region within the framework of the European project ClimactRegions.
Transport is the sector that most emits carbon dioxide (26% of GES emissions in France, 34% of carbon dioxide*). Road transport remains the principal responsible for these numbers. Technical advances, together with an increasingly restrictive regulation, have made vehicles less fuel-consuming and less polluting. But if vehicles consume and pollute less, road traffic, on the other hand, increases. Thus global carbon dioxide emissions by road transport have remained around 130Mt since 2001 (17% above their 1990 level*). It is then necessary to take action over urban and interurban traffics in order to regulate their growth. This issue naturally falls into the scope of the European project ClimactRegions, as it aims at feeding regional policies of fight against greenhouse effect.
Covenant of Mayors
Regions, Provinces and Networks - Key to Success
14 April 2011, 9:30-13:00, Committee of the Regions, Brussels, Belgium
Regions, provinces and networks of local authorities have a crucial role to play in the Covenant. Their work is many-sided and very important for the Covenant Signatories to reach their objectives. This discussion group is an opportunity to exchange with counterparts and get inspired by their best practices.
Biomass as a competitive energy for the household sector
13 April 2011, Bilbao, Spain
At the workshop, examples of facilities of biomass boilers that use pellets or wood chips to obtain heat for heating and hot water will be presented.
Energía Inteligente para Europa (EIE-II)
Convocatoria 2011
25 February 2011, Bilbao, Spain
Ente Vasco de la Energía and the Bilbao Chamber of Commerce are organising this following info-day with the aim of publicizing the details of the fifth edition of the European Commission programme "Intelligent Energy for Europe 2007-2013".
El Ente Vasco de la Energía organiza la siguiente jornada divulgativa con el objetivo de dar a conocer los pormenores de la quinta convocatoria del programa de la Comisión Europea “ENERGÍA INTELIGENTE PARA EUROPA 2007-2013”.
Workshop on Public Lighting with LEDs
4 November 2010, Bilbao, Spain
Street lighting is one of the most energy and financial resources consuming element for municipal councils. The efficient use thereof and the use of highly efficient lighting technologies can reduce fuel consumption and the resulting bills. This conference aimed to provide an impartial and realistic view on the potential benefits of this type of lighting.
Regions 202020 Replication Workshop
Learn from the Best
7 October 2010, 9:30 - 12:30, Brussels, Belgium
This half-day Replication Workshop took place in Brussels during the Open Days Eighth European Week of Regions and Cities.
The workshop gave European regions with a focus on developing sustainable energy action plans the opportunity to exchange experiences with some of the ENNEREG Pioneer regions.
Also see: Events for Regions in Spain »
Sustainable Energy in
Euskadi - Basque Country
Palace of Congresses and Music of Bilbao. Copyright: EVE
Orientation towards a sustainable energy development based on intensified energy efficiency programs, great launching of renewable energy, greater participation of cleaner energy and achievement of a more secure Basque energy system.
Main action strategies in energy efficiency, saving and CHP in the Basque Country:
Regulations: Development of legislation at regional level for energy efficiency and participation at state level.
Promotion: Encouragement of sectoral energy saving agreements and/or plants. Institutional backing for sectoral efficiency actions.
Economic: Promotion, creation and maintenance of own schemes for financing and/or economic aid for energy investments. Adaptation/coordination of tax incentives for investment in energy.
Business: Participation in project development, R&D and efficiency.
Example-setting: Application of specific programmes of action by local authorities, government and public authorities for their centres, buildings, facilities, fleets of vehicles, etc.
Influence: Information, awareness, dissemination.
Measures for the development of renewable energy sources:
Technical: Public-sector support for research and development activities through the Basque Science and Technology Plan.
Economic: Request the central Spanish administration to keep up economic compensation for developing renewable energy. In addition, public Basque resources will be used to promote projects for harnessing renewable energy sources.
Information-education: Awareness campaigns to promote renewable energy.
Educational: Specialists in renewable energy to be trained in collaboration with other institutions (universities, vocational colleges, public administration, etc.)
Electricity Infrastructures: Promotion by the government and power companies for improvements in power grids.
Administrative: Combined and coordinated efforts by all public authorities.
Regulations: Development of regulations, especially at municipal level (bylaws, etc.) which will help promote the development of renewable energy, especially solar energy.
The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country is an area of 7.240 km2, inhabited by a population of 2.1 million people. It consists of three provinces, Gipuzkoa, Araba and Bizkaia, and its capital is Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The geography of the Basque Country is mainly mountainous and four climatic zones can be roughly distinguished: the Atlantic in the north, a sub-Atlantic climate zone, a sub-Mediterranean climate zone and the southern end, entering the Ebro depression and Rioja Alavesa, where the climate is continental with dry and hot summers.
Euskadi enjoys a high level of self-government in matters as important as health, education, security, housing or taxation. This autonomy to decide its own organisation stems from the Statute of Gernika, approved by referendum on 25 October 1979, which recognises the existence of a Government with executive powers and a Parliament with general legislative capacity. Euskadi also has two bodies inherited from the traditional Basque codes of rights in each province - the General Assembly, with regulatory and operational capacities similar to parliament, and the Provincial Council, its executive institution. Their existence gives the Autonomous Community a very decentralised organisational structure.
Another fundamental pillar of Basque self-government is the "Economic Agreement", the Autonomous Community's financial support system, which gives the Basque institutions autonomy to collect and administer public taxation depending on their own budgets and on agreements signed with the central Spanish administration.
Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao. Copyright: EVE, Spain
The Basques have built around their language an original and creative culture, marked by many different influences. Its emblematic practices and its genius creators offer the rest of the world an artistic face which is both singular and modern.
Cultural heritage encompasses all know-how (knowledge, techniques, facts and daily gestures), the spoken word (language, myths, legends, place names and all other oral traditions), social practices (games and sports, celebrations, gastronomy) and artistic productions (song, theatre, dance, plastic arts and literature).
The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country has a higher level of industrialisation than the European average and amongst the highest of any region in Spain. The region's industry originally grew out of the iron ore mined in the area, which has now been used up. Although the blast furnaces have gone, there is still a major industrial sector based on steel, metal processing and transport construction. Other non-steel industries are also important, including cement and paper.
However, in recent years, industry has tended give way to the services sector. Services now account for over 60% of GDP, as opposed to a figure of 30% for industry and less than 1% for the primary sector.
Gross energy consumption per capita in the Basque Country is 3.69 toe/capita, which is slightly above the EU-27 average. In general, Basque consumption is higher than that of countries in Southern Europe and lower than Northern Europe. Basque energy demand accounts for 5.4% of the Spanish total.
The energy in most demand is natural gas, accounting for 44.2% of the total, followed by petroleum at 39.2%. Imports of electricity represented 7.7% of demand, coal 3.2% and renewables 5.4%.
The Basque Country generates 55% of the electricity consumed, mainly in combined cycle power plants.
Industry and transport are the two sectors with the highest energy consumption in the Basque Country. The industrial profile of the Basque economy, combined with the climatic characteristics of the region mean that consumption by sectors is quite different to the European average; in the Basque Country industry and the tertiary sector (residential and services) account for 46.6% and 20% of consumption respectively, whereas in EU-15 they represent 27% and 39%. The sectors with the greatest growth in consumption in 2000 were transport (31%) and services (21%).
The current Energy Strategy of the Basque Country for the period 2001-2010 is a great challenge, in terms of strategic objectives, environmental commitments and value creation for Basque society. The 3E2010 Strategy sets out the criteria laid down by the Basque Parliament, EU energy directives and the economic, social and territorial conditioning factors of the Basque Country. These directives and the targets to 2010 may be summarised as follows:
- Highlighting energy efficiency actions in all sectors that will help reduce energy consumption in overall terms and in terms of energy intensity, in accordance with EU targets. The aim is to achieve energy savings of 15%, incorporating measures that will enable annual energy savings of 975,000 toe.
- Greater efforts to increase the harnessing of renewable resources in line with EU targets. It is planned to multiply the use of renewable energy sources fourfold to 978,000 toe, representing 12% of Basque energy demand and to triplicate the use of natural gas to 4.7 bcm (billion cubic metres).
- Improved supply security, competitiveness and quality of the Basque energy system, through better energy infrastructures and reinforced interconnections. The goal is to restructure existing generating plants, replacing conventional thermal power stations with 2,800 MW of more competitive, less pollutant natural-gas-fired combined-cycle facilities that will allow the right balance to be struck between Basque power demand and supply.
- Contributing to meeting Kyoto targets, and improving environmental quality at local level. With this aim in mind, it is planned to limit any increase in greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption to less than 15% of 1990 emissions by 2010.
- Promoting agreements and participation between the various agents with a view to reinforcing research and technological development in the area of energy, especially in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
At present, a new Energy Strategy of the Basque Country is under development that will cover the period 2011 – 2020.
The basic directives behind Basque energy policy for the period 2001-2010 are founded on the criteria established by the Basque Parliament, the European Union’s directives on energy and sustainable development, and the economic, social and territorial conditioning factors of the Basque Country.
These guidelines of Basque energy policy may be summarized as:
- To enhance actions in energy efficiency in all sectors that will help reduce energy consumption in overall terms and in terms of energy intensity, in keeping with EU targets.
- To intensity efforts to achieve greater use of local resources and renewable energy sources, especially in line with EU targets.
- To improve self-sufficiency, competitiveness and quality of the Basque energy system, by improving energy infrastructures and reinforcing interconnections, a priority objective for the European union. In generation, to promote the progressive closure of conventional thermal power stations, ad their replacement with more energy-efficient and environmentally sound power generating plant.
- To contribute to meeting the targets set in the Kyoto Protocol, and improve environmental quality at local level.
- To promote agreements and participation between the various agents with a view to reinforcing research and technological development in the area of energy, especially in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
Energy Strategy for the Basque Country 2020
[EN] Sustainable energy action plan for the Basque Country, approved by the Basque Government in December 2011.
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[EN - English]
Further information »
Estrategia energética de Euskadi 2010
En la actualidad se está llevando a cabo una reflexión en materia energética al horizonte 2020.
Gaur egun, energiari buruzko gogoeta estrategikoa egiten ari da 2020.
A process of deliberation is currently underway on the issue of energy to a horizon of 2020.
Go to the Website
[ES - Castellano]
Further information »
To date, 17 municipalities (Donostia-San Sebastián, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Areatza, Bilbao, Irun, Abanto-Zierbena, Balmaseda, Amezketa, Basauri, Oñati, Tolosa, Portugalete, Hondarribia, Usurbil, Mungia, Amurrio and Errenteria) among which are the three Basque capitals, have joined the Covenant of Mayors. As result, 50% of Basque inhabitants are committed to the European Commission’s objectives of 20-20-20. These municipalities are committed to develop and adopt a SEAP.
Ten municipalities have submitted their SEAP, although only one (Vitoria-Gasteiz) has been approved by the EC up to now.
Vitoria-Gasteiz: ciudad neutra en carbono Escenario 2020-2050
[ES] Se realiza un ejercicio de prospectiva con objeto de analizar por una parte, las potencialidades que tiene el territorio municipal y el provincial en generación de energías renovables: eólica, hidráulica, térmica, etc., y por otra, las potencialidades de reducción y eficiencia energética de cada uno de sectores consumidores de energía. Para cada sector se especifica el contexto y cuál es la energía básica para su funcionamiento. Una energía que se calcula en base a una determinada reducción y eficiencia, acorde con el contexto, la tecnología y los conocimientos actuales.
Go to the Website
[ES - Castellano]
Further information »
Vitoria-Gasteiz Plan against Climate Change 2010-2020. Executive Summary.
[EN] This document presents a strategy to achieve by 2020 a reduction in the emissions of precursors of greenhouse gases (GhG) and a mitigation of the effects caused by climate change through actions on energy efficiency and production. The starting point is the Covenant of Mayors.
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[EN - English]
Further information »
Guía - "Cómo Desarrollar Un Plan De Acción Para La Energía Sostenible (PAES)"
[ES] La presente guía proporciona recomendaciones detalladas, explicadas paso a paso, para todo el proceso de elaboración de una estrategia local energética y medioambiental, desde el compromiso político inicial hasta la implementación.
Go to the Website
[ES - Castellano]
Further information »
Covenant of Mayors - Plan de Lucha contra el Cambio Climático de Vitoria-Gasteiz (2010-2020)
[EN] Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Vitoria-Gasteiz on the Covenant of Mayors website.
Go to the Website
[EN - English]
Further information »
Implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects in the ENNEREG Pioneer Regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
This report aims to evaluate the impacts of the implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs) in all ENNEREG Pioneer Regions during ENNEREG’s project implementation between May 2010 and April 2013.
It is hoped that this publication will act as Inspiration to others developing SEPs in their own regions and local communities.
Development of ENNEREG Regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This document includes an evaluation of the achievements of the activities carried out in the ENNEREG partner’s regions related to the development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) and promoting sustainable energy since the beginning of the project. The document shows the added value of the ENNEREG project in the 12 participating regions, which not only have very different characteristics with respect to their size and their social features and the use of energy, but they also have had different starting points for this process.
Report on overall results and strategy plans for continued promotional activities in EU regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This report aims to record the overall results of the work of each regional partners of the ENNEREG project as it was expressed in the last workshop. It is combined with the “Strategy on future action” regarding regions’ further perspectives of enhancing the adoption of sustainable energy.
ENNEREG Summary of Project Achievements
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This document includes an evaluation of the achievements of the activities carried out during the ENNEREG project related to the development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and promoting sustainable energy since the beginning of the project. The document shows the added value of the ENNEREG project in the 12 participating regions, as well as in Europe as a whole. As such it serves as the Publishable Report of the project achievements.
Evaluation of ENNEREG Communication and Dissemination Activities - Summary Report
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This report on the Evaluation of ENNEREG Communication and Dissemination Activities provides an analysis of the dissemination activities of the ENNEREG project. In particular it evaluates the effectiveness of the online dissemination via the ENNEREG Regions 202020 website. The aim of this Summary Report, is to illustrate the effectiveness of the Regions 202020 website and Regions 202020 Network as a dissemination, promotion, networking and communications platform for Sustainable Energy Regions throughout Europe.
Report on ENNEREG Knowledge Transfer Workshops
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This document reports and evaluates each of the 4 Knowledge Transfer Workshops that were organised among regional partners of the ENNEREG project. The main aim of these workshops was to ensure cross-regional transfer of experience within the various cooperation topics (Sustainable Energy Themes) of the project. By sharing their experiences, the 12 ENNEREG regions hope to inspire and assist other regions in developing, implementing and evaluating their own Sustainable Energy Action Plans.
Evaluation of the regional programmes for coordinated promotional activities
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] The purpose of this document is to report on the investigation of the status of regional activities in the ENNEREG Regions as far as implementation and evaluation are concerned. It includes a status update from each region and itemises the lessons learned during the project.
ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Action Plan Implementation Report
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] The purpose of this document is to describe how ENNEREG regional partners worked towards the successful implementation of promotional activities regarding the Sustainable Energy Action Plans, the Sustainable Energy Projects and the Covenant of Mayors Initiative in their region and in other regions for replication.
ENNEREG Guidelines for promotional activities at the regional level
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] The main purpose of this document is to serve as a guide for promotional activities in the ENNEREG Regions. These promotional activities will ensure the successful implementation of the project. They are a useful exercise for the region and can act as an example of good practice for other replication regions.
Strategy for future action in the ENNEREG regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
During the project, the ENNEREG partners have worked in the development of sustainable energy action plans (SEAP) in their represented regions and in the promotion of sustainable energy projects (SEP). The objective of this document is to present how they intend to continue their efforts after the end of the project, developing the activities planned in the regional SEAP and ensuring the attraction of the necessary resources to promote sustainable energy projects.
Some of the SEAPs defined with the support of the project have been approved by the respective administrations and others still need to be matured to be accepted at the regional level and to be implemented. Thus, the situation is not the same in every region, and the approach to work in sustainable energy is not the same either. This document summarizes the common as well as the specific aspects about how the regions expect to organize and carry on the work on sustainable energy in the next future.
ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Twinning Programme Summary
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] As part of the project, 12 Pioneer ENNEREG Regions have been producing regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and initiating Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs). The ENNEREG Pioneer Regions have been sharing their experience directly with 12 ENNEREG Twin Regions and ENNEREG has also been actively promoting replication in Sustainable Regions throughout Europe. This report concerns the ENNEREG Pioneer Regions’ support activities to twin regions.
Brochure for Greek regional authorities
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EL] Brochure for Greek regional authorities with examples of good practices that can be replicated in Greek islands.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Basque Country, Spain
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in the Basque Country. It represents the contribution of the Basque Energy Agency (EVE - Ente Vasco de la Energía) to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Sponsorship Strategy - Report from the ENNEREG Pioneer Regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
The regional and local authorities committed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions have numerous sources of financing to develop their sustainable energy action plans (SEAPs) and finance the sustainable energy projects (SEPs) defined in them, including local and regional authorities own resources, municipal, regional and national subsidies or public-private partnerships.
The objective of this document is to present in a general way the possibilities of financing for SEAPs and SEPs at a regional level, and to summarize the financing tools available at national and regional level for the 12 regions participating in the ENNEREG Project.
Providing regional energy balances in Eurostat format, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Cooperation - Monitoring
Pioneer regions in Europe should compare their energy situation with energy situations of other regions or countries. They should thus use a standard format for energy balances. Due to the size of regional statutory corporations, the calculation of energy balances at the regional level is a challenging task. EUROSTAT, which is the official statistical office of the European Union, has developed a coherence and harmonized system of energy statistics, based on data provided by the Member States.
During the ENNEREG Project, the Basque Country (2.7 mio.inhabitants) and the Region of Rhône-Alpes (6.2 mio. inhabitants) have exchanged their experience on the way how to elaborate Regional Energy Balance in EUROSTAT format.
Eco Driving - Wales, Greece & Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Cooperation – Intelligent Energy Education
[EN] It is recognized that smarter driving techniques can save up to 15% on your fuel bill. There are simple rules that can be applied to save money on fuel, whilst reducing your carbon footprint. The projects featured here look at ways to make this happen.
Geothermal Exchange System, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
The object of the project is to use low-enthalpy geothermal exchange system for heating and cooling one building in the University of Deusto, Bilbao.
The project is based on an agreement between the University of Deusto and the Basque Energy Agency (EVE).
Nearly Zero Energy Building in Portugalete - ENNEREG Good Practice on Energy Efficient Buildings
The Housing Department of the Basque Government is promoting a social dwelling building in Portugalete as a demonstration project of nearly zero energy buildings (NZEB). The building will be partially funded by the Buildsmart project.
The high energy performance of the building is based on an optimized architectonic design (solar gains, insulation levels and thermal mass), the integration of active innovative envelope elements (trombe wall and active curtain wall) and RES and DG technology deployment. The Optimized control of systems and active envelope elements plays also a key role.
Technology Interpretation Centre, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Education
[EN] The aim of BTEK, the Technology Interpretation Centre of the Bizkaia Technology Park, is to bring technology closer to young people, mainly at secondary school level, promoting the scientific and technological culture. To achieve this objective, this space has been designed for a broad range of technological areas, and divided into various modules.
Electric mobility centre in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Sustainable Transport
One of the strategic central themes for the penetration of the electric vehicle is the creation of a critical mass of vehicles. This penetration is going to be very slow during the first few years for several reasons: the renewal of the car fleet is very slow, the car production provided by major manufacturers for the next few years will be very limited and because the first electrical vehicles that will be commercialized will have high prices. For these reasons, the Basque Government tries to ensure that a critical mass of electric vehicles is put into action, to reach the market breaking point as soon as possible.
One of the strategies to achieve this is the Implementation of a Mobility Center. A mobility centre is a is a point of information on the electric vehicle in which people can be informed about aspects of the electric vehicle such as grants, rents, recharging points, e-vehicles models, etc. E-vehicles renting (through Ibilek) and recharging (Ibil) is also possible.
Window replacement program, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Sustainable Buildings
The object of the project promoted by the Basque Government is to replace old and inefficient windows in residential buildings through grant programs, covering a maximum of 22% of the replacement cost.
In any case, the maximum subsidy for each house is 1,200 Euro.
The replacement program has been implemented in 6,765 households during 2010-2011.
Begiralea: Energy consumption monitoring project, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Monitoring
The Begiralea project aims to raise awareness about the importance of saving energy and also aims to involve directly workers of municipal buildings to reduce energy consumption. For this purpose, municipal workers will have information available about the real consumption of the building with tools for its analysis and advices that will help them achieve important levels of energy saving.
All this is possible thanks to the building monitoring system for the energy consumption that the Association of Basque Municipalities-EUDEL has developed with the advice of the Basque Energy Agency-EVE making possible to know how much and how is consumed energy in each building.
Thus, good practices and new habits developed by workers will have their reflection in the energy consumption and it may be checked in the comparatives with previous months.
E-Car sharing Company - IBILEK, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Sustainable Transport and Mobility Management
An example of sustainable energy project in the transport sector is described. It is a car sharing company operating only with EV and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Source: Ente Vasco de la Energía - EVE - Copyright: EVE, 2011. Permissions: Reproduction permitted for non-commercial use provided source is acknowledged as follows. Source: Ente Vasco de la Energía - EVE
District Heating with biomass in Orozko, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
This project supplies a range of 432 houses and 2 municipal buildings (the school and the sports centre) with warm sanitary water and heating through a centralized system which has biomass as its main source of primary energy.
This project promoted by the Orozko municipality aims to meet the thermal demand (heating and warm sanitary water) through a centralized system which has biomass as its main source of primary energy. The project is implemented in two phases: the first phase provides heating for the sports centre and the elementary education centre. The second phase is a district heating network for a new housing development.
The installation of district heating centralized system offers several advantages: avoids chimneys and installations of heat in buildings, improves the quality of air, average savings higher than 15% compared with traditional systems, savings on the initial investment of more than 22% and savings of required surface for installations.
Electric cars in Cruces Hospital, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Sustainable Transport
[EN] The Cruces University Hospital has replaced a part of its fleet of petrol and diesel cars with a new one composed by 6 electric vehicles that offer the same service with a substantial energy and environmental improvement. These e-vehicles are used in the health care service and home delivery of medicines.
Eco-driving courses, Basque Country, Spain - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Education
Eco-driving courses given by experienced professionals encourage a new style for vehicle driving, obtaining 15% reductions in fuel consumption. Eco-Driving means smarter and more fuel-efficient driving and it represents a new driving culture that makes best use of advanced vehicle technologies, while improving road safety.
Courses given by experienced professionals on efficient driving for cars and industrial vehicles for encouragement of energy efficiency in the transport sector.
Basic courses last for 3 hours and consist in a practical class on a car followed by a theoretical one on good practices for efficient. Finally, the car is taken again to put into practice what have been learned and to make measurements of consumption, speeds, and other indicators. Furthermore, it is intended that the course attendees understand the technical basis which justify the efficient driving.
The Sunflower Project: Renewable Energy Good Practice Case Studies
[EN] The Sunflower Project promoted, disseminated and implemented these good practice examples of Renewable Energy Sources and their contribution to Local Sustainable Development.
Interaction with other initiatives at the Regional, National or European level:
The ENNEREG project is very closely linked to the Covenant of Mayors initiative, where EVE has been a Supporting Structure since the year 2009. One of the objectives of the project is to promote the creation of Supporting Structures in the participating regions. In this sense, EVE can contribute with its experience.
EVE, as the Basque Government’s energy agency has under its mission to elaborate the Energy Strategy for the Basque Country. Currently, EVE is working with different stakeholders to adopt this strategy for the period 2011-2020 and the work undertaken in the ENNEREG project is helping to do so.
Resources for Related Initiatives
STOP CO2 Euskadi
Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan klima aldaketaren arloan abian jarri den lehenengo ekimena da Stop CO2 Euskadi. Ekimenak herritarren, enpresen eta administrazio publikoen ekintzak biltzen ditu.
STOP CO2 Euskadi is the first action initiative for fighting against climate change implemented in the Basque Autonomous Community (Basque Country), which encompasses activities undertaken by the general public, the companies and the public authorities.
Stop CO2 Euskadi es la primera iniciativa de acción en materia de lucha contra el cambio climático puesta en marcha en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco que engloba las actuaciones de la ciudadanía, empresas y de las administraciones públicas.
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First phase of implementing sustainable energy projects (SEPs) in the ENNEREG regions
Publication [EN] This report aims to evaluate the first phase of implementing sustainable energy projects (SEPs) in the ENNEREG regions. The report covers the period from May 2010 to April 2011 (first twelve months of ENNEREG`s project time). The report comprises a description of SEP measures in each region, especially with respect to Performance Indicators, which were defined with the start of the ENNEREG project.
ENNEREG Regional network establishment and approach for SEAP development - Summary document
Publication [EN] This document has been drafted based on the information provided by the regional partners of the ENNEREG project, at an early stage of the development of the ENNEREG foreseen activities and describes the activities that are planned in each region for the SEAP development. The regions shall work in this task with different approaches adapted to the characteristics of the region and its governance structures and will provide at a later phase of the project a description of the performed activities and update it in a second phase.
ENNEREG Regional energy survey and establishment of initial goals “Conclusions document”
Publication [EN] This document summarizes the regional energy surveys provided by the partners of the 12 different regions in the ENNEREG project. There are important differences among these regions with respect to their size and population (from 70.000 to 6 million), or with respect to the energy sources they use.
ENNEREG Guidelines for RES and RUE assessment at regional level
The purpose of this document is to provide guideline criteria to the ENNEREG project partners and other regions for preparing the following regional documents:
• Regional energy survey and targets to 2020
• Regional SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans)
Inspire and... be inspired - The Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide - taster leaflet
Publication [EN] This 2 page A5 leaflet provides a short introduction to the Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide.
Workshop report for Be SMART-think CITY! - Workshop during Open Days 2012 - 9 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium
Conclusions [EN] Sustainable and integrated development of European cities is an essential part of the EUROPE 2020 strategy. The multidisciplinary debate Be SMART – think CITY! brought together representatives of the European institutions, thirteen European regions in consortium led by Pomorskie Region and the City of Łódź and networks such as ERRIN to discuss Smart Cities and the possible ways of applying the concept in urban areas.
How to Develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) – Covenant of Mayors Guidebook
Publication [EN] The current guidebook provides detailed step-by-step recommendations for the entire process of elaborating a local energy and climate strategy, from initial political commitment to implementation.
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Sunflower Project "Guide to Create A Start-Up Company in Renewable Energy Sources"
Tool / Methodology
This Guide addresses one of the main barriers to the successful development of the
renewable energy industry across Europe; the availability of trained and skilled people. The Guide details how to start a renewable energy business at a European level from initial idea to the developed project. There are sections dealing with trading, financial and legal aspects and several case studies of best practice. Job profiles and market trends are also analysed.
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Vitoria-Gaseiz - European Green Capital Winner 2012
Publication [ES]
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The Energy Strategy for the Basque Country 2020 presented in Brussels to the EC
Event Resource [ES] La delegada del Gobierno Vasco en Bruselas, Marta Marín, hizo entrega de una copia de la Estrategia Energética de Euskadi 2020 a Jan Panek, Responsable de Unidad de Energía de la Comisión Europea en el marco del foro que reunió el pasado lunes 18 de marzo a representantes de 189 municipios que lideran actuaciones en energía sostenible. Estas actuaciones persiguen reducir el consumo de energía y las emisiones por encima de los objetivos fijados por la Unión Europea para el año 2020.
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ENNEREG - Regions 202020 - paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe
Publication [EN] ENNEREG Regions paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe is a European project supported by the Intelligent Energy - Europe programme. ENNEREG aims to establish and inspire a network of regions throughout Europe – Regions 202020 - to produce regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and Implement Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs).
Opportunities for geothermal energy as a solution in building
Event Resource [ES] Ente Vasco de la Energía-EVE organizes a Conference on February 21 in order to show the advantages of low enthalpy geothermal resources as highly efficient and effective renewable energy to meet the needs of air conditioning of buildings. The Conference will be held in the Auditorium of Bilbao Exhibition Centre (BEC).
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Las regiones ENNEREG preparando el camino para una energía sostenible en Europa
Publication [ES] ¿Quieres aprender de los mejores? ¡Nosotros también! - Las regiones ENNEREG preparando el camino para una energía sostenible en Europa es un proyecto europeo apoyado por el programa Energía Inteligente Europa. ENNEREG pretende establecer e inspirar una red de regiones a lo largo de Europa – Regions 202020 – para producir Planes de Acción en Energía Sostenible (PAES) regionales e implementar Proyectos de Energía Sostenible (PES).
Regions 202020 Poster in Basque (Euskera)
Publication [EU] Regions 202020 Poster in Basque (Euskera) - Hoberenengandik ikasi nahi duzu? Guk ere bai!
ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Twinning Programme Summary
[EN] This presentation by Thomas Jensen, South Denmark European Office (SDEO), was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
ENNEREG and its key achievements
[EN] This presentation by ENNEREG Coordinator, Nils Daugaard, was made on 18 March 2013 during the Intelligent Energy - Europe / ManagEnergy Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors.
Effective collaboration between local and regional actors, experience from the Basque Country
[EN] This presentation by Natalia Díaz de Arcaya from ENNEREG Pioneer Region, the Basque Country, was made on 18 March 2013 during the Intelligent Energy - Europe / ManagEnergy Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors.
SEP initiation in the ENNEREG regions – organization and finance (Preliminary Results)
[EN] This presentation by André Suck, ZREU – Zentrum für rationelle Energieanwendung und Umwelt GmbH, Germany, was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
SEAP organization in the ENNEREG regions – current and future planning challenges
This Presentation by Mr Álvaro Pérez de Laborda, EVE - Basque Country Energy Agency was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013
Brussels, Belgium
Regions 202020 Platform and Inspiration Guide
[EN] This presentation by Edward Rice, Regions 202020 website developer and Communications Officer for the ENNEREG Project, was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium.
Euskadi - Basque Country Smart Cities in a Smart Community: Covenant of Mayors and Regions
[EN] This presentation by Natalia Díaz de Arcaya, EVE, Basque Region, Spain was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
The Basque Energy Strategy (3E2020): a case of regional SEAP in the framework of the ENNEREG Project
[EN] This presentation by Mr. José Ignacio Hormaeche, EVE Managing Director, was made during the ENNEREG Regions 202020 Workshop: Energy Efficiency in European Regions on 8 November 2012.
Collaborative Model between the Basque Country and its local authorities on SEAP issues
[EN] The regional energy agency in the Basque Country (EVE) was invited by the European Commision's Executive Agency for Competitiveness & Innovation (EACI) to present its experience as regional Coordinator of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) in the Intelligent Energy - Europe Info Day, held on 24 January 2012 in Brussels, Belgium. EVE attended representing the ENNEREG project and the Regions 202020 Network. EVE shared its speech with the Muncipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz, which is the seat of the regional government of the Basque Country and has been the first city to approve the CoM in the Basque Country.
Steps taken to approve and develop the SEAP for Vitoria-Gasteiz
[EN] Vitoria-Gasteiz is a medium sized city covering an area of 276,81 km² with 240.580 inhabitants and 63 villages (5.135). One-third of the municipal area is forest and one-third of the urban surface is green. The municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz, represented by Iñaki Arriba, had the opportunity to present in the Intelligent Energy - Europe Info Day 2012 the steps taken to approve and develop the city’s SEAP and to explain the general outline of the document and the foreseen actions in the residential buildings and services sector and sustainable mobility, promoting public transport and mobility by foot and bicycle. The SEAP of Vitoria-Gasteiz targets a 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
Experience and Innovation in Smartgrids
[EN] This presentation by ZIV describes their capacities in the area of Smart Grids. ZIV is a metering device manufacturer located close to Bilbao.
Smart Grids challenges vision R&D activities
[EN] Presentation by TECNALIA about their activities in RTD in the area of Smart Grids. Tecnalia is a Technological Centre located in the Basque region.
Smart Grids Bidelek Sareak Project
[EN] Presentation by EVE of the Bidelek project. EVE is participating in this project with the electrical utility - Iberdrola. More than 200,000 smart meters are being installed in Bilbao.
The role of the regions in the achievement of the 202020 European objectives
[EN] Álvaro Pérez de Laborda of Ente Vasco de la Energía (the Basque Energy Board – EVE) gave a speech in Warsaw on the 26th of October 2011 representing the ENNEREG project in the framework of the Concerted Action for the Energy Service Directive (CA-ESD). The CA-ESD provides a structured framework for the exchange of information between the 27 Member States and Croatia during their implementation of the Energy Service Directive.
The regional energy balance in Euskadi
[EN] Presentation given by EVE during the first meeting of the ENERGee-Watch network, on 5th October 2012
Regional energy balances in Eurostat format
[EN] Presentation given by EVE during the European Conference on Regional Observatories in Lyon, December 2012.
Externalización de servicios energéticos en el ayuntamiento de Alegría-Dulantzi
[ES] The municipality of Alegría-Dulantzi has been one of the regional pioneers in managing the energy facilities in municipal buildings through energy service companies. This presentation describes their experience.
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Mancomunidad del Txorierri. Camino hacia la sostenibilidad en Alumbrado Público. Telegestión, empleo verde, eficiencia energética y ahorro energético.
[ES] This presentation shows the approach taken by the Community of Municipalities of Txorierri to improve energy efficiency at a local level.
Planificación Energética Municipal
[ES] This presentation shows how to carry out the energy management of a Muncipality in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors initiative.
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Eficiencia Energética - Caso Práctico. Departamento de Interior Gobierno Vasco
[ES] The Home Office of the Basque Government carries out the maintenance of its facilities through the contracting of service companies. This presentation shows the project for improving their energy efficiency through the use of ESCO.
La contratación de empresas de servicios energéticos (ESEs) en el ámbito municipal. Plan 100ESE del Gobierno Vasco
[ES] Directive 2006/32/EC establish the need to make improvements in the managemenbt of administrative buildings through the implementation of energy service contracts. The Basque Government has established the 100ESE Plan to move forward in this field and improve the energy efficiency in the Regional Government's facilities, and also in the provincial and local administration facilities.
Redes de calor municipales con biomasa. Una oportunidad para ayuntamientos y ESEs
[ES] A district heating network is a centralized hot water system which provides heating and hot water to buildings in towns. The advantages of this type of systems using biomass as a source of energy for small municipalities are shown in the presentation.
Introduction to the ENNEREG Project
[EN] The presentation gives a brief introduction to the ENNEREG Project.
Kubik experimental building for testing sustainable energy technologies
[EN] Participants in the Regions 202020 Workshop “Energy Efficiency in European Regions”, Bilbao, Spain on 8 November 2012 will be able to join a technical visit to the Kubik experimental building for testing sustainable energy technologies.
Windmill Image 1, Basque Region, Spain
Windmill Image 1, Basque Region, Spain. Copyright: EVE, Spain
Windmill Image 2, Basque Region, Spain
Windmill Image 2, Basque Region, Spain. Copyright: EVE, Spain
BIMEP - Biscay Marine Energy Platform
BIMEP - Biscay Marine Energy Platform – is an ocean infrastructure for research, demonstration and operation of wave-energy capturing systems on the open sea.
BIMEP - Biscay Marine Energy Platform - itsas azpiegitura bat da eta itsaso zabalean olatuen energia sistemak ikertu, erakutsi eta ustiatzea du helburu.
El BIMEP - Biscay Marine Energy Platform - es una infraestructura marina para la investigación, demostración y explotación de sistemas de captación de energia de las olas en mar abierto.
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Car sharing system using sustainable vehicles
[EN] A company has been created In the Basque Country, Ibilek, to implement a new car sharing system using sustainable vehicles, providing access to electrical and plug-in hybrid vehicles with sizes and features suited to the different needs of mobility.
District Heating with biomass in Orozko, Spain
[EN] This project promoted by the Orozko municipality aims to meet the thermal demand (heating and warm sanitary water) through a centralized system which has biomass as its main source of primary energy.
The Basque Country
Coastal area in the Basque Country
Source: Ente Vasco de la Energía - EVE
Copyright: EVE, 2011
Permissions: Reproduction permitted for non-commercial use provided source is acknowledged as follows. Source: Ente Vasco de la Energía - EVE
El vehiculo eléctrico / Ibilgailu elektrikoa / Electric vehicle
Los vehículos eléctricos - mejora de la eficiencia energética en el transporte.
Ibilgailu elektrikoa - garraioaren energia-eraginkortasuna hobetzea.
Electric vehicles - transport, energy-efficiency improvements.
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Eco-driving courses
[EN] Eco-Driving means smarter and more fuel-efficient driving and it represents a new driving culture that makes best use of advanced vehicle technologies, while improving road safety.
Geothermal Exchange System in the University of Deusto
[EN] The object of the project is to use low-enthalpy geothermal exchange system for heating and cooling one building in the University of Deusto, Bilbao.
Electric cars in Cruces Hospital
The Cruces University Hospital has replaced a part of its fleet of petrol and diesel cars with a new one composed by 6 electric vehicles that offer the same service with a substantial energy and environmental improvement.
These e-vehicles are used in the health care service and home delivery of medicines.