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Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Programme
On this page:
Further Information:
- BEn
- BioEnerGIS
- City_SEC
- come2CoM
- Energy for Mayors
- ENNEREG Regions 202020
- ManagEnergy
- Sunflower
- Covenant capaCITY
About IEE Programme
There are many untapped opportunities to save energy and encourage the use of renewable energy sources in Europe, but market conditions do not always help. The Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) programme of the European Commission is the EU's tool for funding action to improve these conditions and move us towards a more energy intelligent Europe.
The five Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) projects featured on this website - ENNEREG (Regions 202020), Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM and ENESCOM - are funded under the IEE programme. Details of other past and current IEE projects with activities of interest to local and regional energy actors can be found in the IEE project database and on the ManagEnergy website.
IEE Programme News Articles
News Articles
Five New Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) Projects
In May 2010, five Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) projects joined forces to disseminate news and information on innovative local action that can inspire cities and regions to meet EU targets for 2020 on greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and use of renewable energy.
The five projects - ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM and ENESCOM, which represent more than 100 communities throughout Europe, are producing this joint newsletter in several European languages to be sent to thousands of sustainable energy actors.
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 1 Autumn 2010 - EN
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With over 70% of the population living in urban areas, cities and towns use huge amounts of energy. In light of the vast energy challenges facing Europe, the European Union (EU) recognised the importance of local and regional initiatives to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions as well as to increase the use of renewable energy.
The flagship initiative Covenant of Mayors was launched by the European Commission to offer public authorities a democratic response to climate change and to provide a platform for exchange and collaboration. The Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme offers technical support to public authorities through the financing of the recently relaunched ManagEnergy portal, as well as IEE projects; the Sustainable Energy Communities projects featured in this Newsletter were financed under the 2009 call and are specifically aimed at helping communities to be, or become, members of the Covenant of Mayors.
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 1 Autumn 2010 - EN
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С над 70% от населението, живеещо в урбанизирани зони, големите и малките градове потребяват огромно количество енергия. В светлината на значителните енергийни предизвикателства пред Европа, Европейският съюз (ЕС) осъзнава важността на местните и регионалните инициативи за намаляване на консумацията на енергия и емисиите въглероден диоксид (CO2), както и за увеличаване използването на възобновими енергийни източници.
Водещата инициатива Конвент на кметовете (Covenant of Mayors) беше стартирана от Европейската комисия с цел предлагането на обществените органи на демократичен отговор на проблема с промените на климата и осигуряването на платформа за обмен на опит и сътрудничество. Програмата "Интелигентна енергия – Европа" (Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE)) предлага техническа подкрепа на обществените органи чрез финансиране посредством наскоро стартирания отново портал ManagEnergy, както и проекти по IEE; проектите "Устойчиви енергийни общности" (Sustainable Energy Communities), описани в настоящия бюлетин, бяха финансирани по процедурата от 2009 г. и специфичната им насоченост е към подкрепата за общностите за настоящото или бъдещото им членство в Конвента на кметовете.
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 1 Есен 2010 - BG
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Пет нови проекта по "Интелигентна енергия – Европа - IEE" на "Устойчиви енергийни общности" (SEC)
През май 2010 г. пет проекта по Интелигентна енергия - Европа (ИЕЕ) на Общности за устойчива енергия (SEC) обединиха усилия за разпространение на новини и информация относно иновативни дейности на местно ниво, които могат да окуражат градовете и регионите да осъществят целите на ЕС за 2010 г. в областта на парниковите емисии, енергийната ефективност и използването на възобновими енергийни източници.
Петте проекта - ENNEREG, Енергия за кметовете (Energy for Mayors), City_SEC, come2CoM и ENESCOM, които представляват повече от 100 общности от цяла Европа, изработват настоящия съвместен бюлетин на няколко европейски езика, с цел разпространението му до хиляди заинтересовани в областта на устойчивата енергия.
Новини от Общността относно устойчивото развитие на енергетиката
Брой 1 Есен 2010 - BG
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Amb més del 70% de la població que viu en zones urbanes, les ciutats i els pobles utilitzen grans quantitats d’energia. Davant de l’abast dels reptes energètics que afecten Europa, la Unió Europea(EU) va reconèixer la importància de les iniciatives locals i regionals per reduir el consum energètic i les emissions de CO2 i d’incrementar la utilització d’energies renovables.
La destacada iniciativa del Pacte d’Alcaldes va ser engegada per part de la Comissió Europea amb l’objectiu d’oferir a les autoritats locals una resposta democràtica al canvi climàtic i crear una plataforma per l’intercanvi i la col·laboració. El Programa Energia Intelligent per Europa (EIE) ofereix suport tècnic a les autoritats locals a través del finançament del portal ManagEnergy, recentment renovat, i també a través dels projectes EIE; els projectes de les Comunitats Energèticament Sostenibles descrits en aquest Butlletí van ser finançats en la convocatòria 2009 i cerquen sobretot ajudar a les comunitats a ser o a esdevenir membres del Pacte d’Alcaldes.
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 1 Tardor 2010 - CA
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Cinc Nous projectes Energia Intelligent - Europa (IEE) de Comunitats Energèticament Sostenibles (SEC)
Al Maig del 2010, cinc projectes Energia Intelligent - Europa (IEE) de Comunitats Energèticament Sostenibles (SEC) van unir esforços per difondre notícies i informació en acció innovadora local que pugui inspirar les ciutats i les regions a assolir els objectius UE pel 2020 en emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle, eficiència energètica i ús d’energies renovables.
Els cinc projectes - ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM i ENESCOM, que representen més de 100 comunitats d’arreu d’Europa, estan elaborant conjuntament aquest butlletí en diverses llengües Europees per tal d’enviar-lo a milers d’actors d’energia sostenible.
Notícies de les Comunitats d’Energia Sostenible
Número 1 Tardor 2010 - CA
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Více než 70% populace žije v městských oblastech, městech a velkoměstech a využívá ohromné množství energie. Ve světle rozsáhlých energetických změn, kterým čelí Evropa, Evropská Unie (EU) si uvědomuje důležitost lokálních a regionálních iniciativ pro snížení spotřeby energie a emisí CO2 jako i zvýšení používání obnovitelných zdrojů energie. Vlajková loď iniciativy Pakt starostů vydaná Evropskou komisí nabízí veřejným institucím demokratickou odpověď na klimatické změny a poskytuje platformu pro výměnu zkušeností a spolupráci.
Schválení této iniciativy od lokálních a regionálních institucí je velmi povzbudivé, s více než 1.900 podpisy přistoupení ke Convenant of Mayors, všechny zaměřené na rozvoj a implementaci akčních plánů obnovitelné energie. Tyto lokální iniciativy podstatně přispívají k dosažení evropských cílů a zajištění udržitelné budoucnosti pro všechny.
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 1 Podzim 2010 - CS
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5 nových inteligentních projektů o inteligentní energii - Evropské projekty (IEE) o udržitelné energii
V květnu, 5 nových inteligentních projektů o inteligentní energii - Evropské projekty (IEE) o udržitelné energii spojilo své síly, aby vydávaly časopis a informace o inovativních lokálních aktivitách, které mohou inspirovat města a regiony, aby plnily cíle EU pro rok 2020 ohledně emisí skleníkových plynů, energetické efektivnosti a využití obnovitelné energie.
5 projektů - ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM a ENESCOM, které reprezentují více než 100 komunit v celé Evropě, vydávají tento časopis v několika evropských jazycích, aby mohl být zasílán tisícům aktivních účastníků.
Udržitelná energie společenství Novinky
Vydání 1 Podzim 2010 - CS
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Mit einem Bevölkerungsanteil von mehr als 70% im urbanen Raum, verbrauchen große und kleine Städte riesige Mengen an Energie. Angesichts der immensen energiepolitischen Herausforderungen vor denen Europa steht, hat die Europäische Union (EU) die Bedeutung von lokalen und regionalen Initiativen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs sowie der CO2-Emissionen und für eine verstärkte Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien erkannt.
Die Pilotinitiative Konvent der Bürgermeister/innen (Covenant of Mayors) wurde von der Europäischen Kommission ins Leben gerufen, um Städte und Gemeinden eine demokratische Antwort auf die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels zu geben und eine Plattform für Austausch und Zusammenarbeit zu bieten. Das Programm Intelligente Energie Europa (Intelligent Energy Europe – IEE) bietet Kommunen technische Unterstützung durch die Finanzierung des erst kürzlich neuaufgelegten ManagEnergy-Portals wie auch IEE-Projekte. Die Projekte der Nachhaltigen Energiegemeinden (Sustainable Energy Communities), die in diesem Nachrichtenblatt vorgestellt werden, wurden im Rahmen der Ausschreibung von 2009 finanziert und haben vor allem das Ziel, die Kommuen, die Mitglieder des Konvents der Bürgermeister/innen sind oder es werden wollen, zu unterstützen.
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 1 Herbst 2010 - DE
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Fünf neuen Projekte des Programms Intelligente Energie – Europa (IEE), Nachhaltige Energiegemeinden (Sustainable Energy Communities – SEC)
Im Mai 2010 schlossen sich fünf Projekte „Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden“ (Sustainable Energy Communities – SEC) des Programms für Intelligente Energie - Europa (IEE) zusammen, um Nachrichten und Informationen über innovative lokale Aktionsprogramme zu verbreiten und auf diese Weise, Städte und Regionen zu motivieren, die EU-Ziele für 2020 zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen, Energieeffizienz und Nutzung erneuerbarer Energieträger zu erfüllen.
Die fünf Projekte – ENNEREG, Energie für Bürgermeister/innen (Energy for Mayors), City_SEC, come2CoM und ENESCOM, die mehr als 100 Gemeinden in ganz Europa vertreten, produzieren dieses gemeinsame Nachrichtenblatt in mehreren europäischen Sprachen, um ihn an Tausende von Akteuren zur Förderung nachhaltiger Energie zu versenden.
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 1 Herbst 2010 - DE
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Πέντε νέα έργα της Δράσης Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) του Προγράμματος Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE)
Το Μάιο 2010, πέντε έργα που υποστηρίζονται από το ευρωπαϊκό χρηματοδοτικό πρόγραμμα Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) ένωσαν τις δυνάμεις τους για να διαδώσουν ειδήσεις και πληροφορίες σχετικά με καινοτόμες τοπικές δράσεις, που μπορούν να αποτελέσουν πηγή έμπνευσης για πόλεις και ευρύτερες περιοχές (κοινότητες), προκειμένου να επιτύχουν τους στόχους της ΕΕ για το 2020 για τις εκπομπές των αερίων του θερμοκηπίου, την ενεργειακή αποδοτικότητα και τη χρήση των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας.
Τα πέντε έργα - ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM και ENESCOM, που εκπροσωπούν περισσότερες από 100 κοινότητες στην Ευρώπη, παράγουν από κοινού αυτό το ενημερωτικό δελτίο σε πολλές ευρωπαϊκές γλώσσες, που αποστέλλεται σε χιλιάδες ενδιαφερόμενους για τη βιώσιμη (αειφόρο) ενέργεια.
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 1 Φθινόπωρο 2010 - EL
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Με περισσότερο του 70% του πληθυσμού να ζει σε αστικές περιοχές, οι πόλεις καταναλώνουν τεράστιες ποσότητες ενέργειας. Υπό το φως των μεγάλων ενεργειακών προκλήσεων που αντιμετωπίζει η Ευρώπη, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (ΕΕ) αναγνώρισε τη σημασία των τοπικών και περιφερειακών πρωτοβουλιών τόσο για τη μείωση της ενεργειακής κατανάλωσης και των εκπομπών CO2, όσο και για την αύξηση της χρήσης των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας.
Η κυρίαρχη πρωτοβουλία του Συμφώνου των Δημάρχων αναπτύχθηκε από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή για να προσφέρει στις δημόσιες αρχές μία δημοκρατική απάντηση στην κλιματική αλλαγή και να παρέχει μία πλατφόρμα για ανταλλαγή και συνεργασία. Το πρόγραμμα Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) παρέχει τεχνική υποστήριξη στις δημόσιες αρχές, μέσω της χρηματοδότησης της πρόσφατα ανανεωμένης δικτυακής πύλης ManagEnergy, καθώς και της χρηματοδότησης έργων του IEE. Tα έργα της Δράσης Sustainable Energy Communities, που παρουσιάζονται σε αυτό το ενημερωτικό δελτίο, χρηματοδοτήθηκαν από την πρόσκληση του 2009 του ΙΕΕ και αποσκοπούν ειδικά στο να βοηθήσουν τις κοινότητες να είναι, ή να γίνουν, μέλη του Συμφώνου των Δημάρχων.
Νέα των Ενεργειακά Βιώσιμων Κοινοτήτων
Τεύχος 1 Φθινόπωρο 2010 - EL
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Avec plus de 70% de la population vivant dans des territoires urbains, les villes et métropoles utilisent de grandes quantités d’énergie. Au regard des vastes défis énergétiques auxquels est confrontée l’Europe, l’Union Européenne (EU) a reconnu l’importance des initiatives locales et régionales pour réduire la consommation d’énergie et les émissions de CO2 et pour augmenter l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables.
L’initiative phare Convention des Maires a été lancée par la Commission Européenne pour offrir aux autorités publiques une réponse démocratique au changement climatique et pour créer une plateforme d’échange et de collaboration. Le programme Energie Intelligente de l’Europe (IEE) offre un soutien technique aux autorités publiques à travers le financement du portail ManagEnergy récemment relancé, tout comme à travers les projets IEE ; les projets Communautés d’Energie Durable présentés dans cette Newsletter ont été financés par l’appel de 2009 et visent spécifiquement à aider les collectivités à être ou devenir membres de la Convention des Maires.
Actualités des Communautés de l’Energie Durable
Numéro 1 Automne 2010 - FR
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Cinq Nouveaux Projets Energie Intelligente - Europe (IEE) de Communautés d’Energie Durable
En Mai 2010, cinq projets Energie Intelligente – Europe (IEE) de projets de Communautés d’Energie Durable (SEC) ont regroupé leurs forces pour diffuser des actualités et de l’information sur des actions locales innovantes qui peuvent inspirer des villes et des régions pour atteindre les objectifs de l’UE d’ici 2020 sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, l’efficacité énergétique et l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables.
Les 5 projets - ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City-SEC, come2CoM et ENESCOM - qui représentent plus de 100 communautés à travers l’Europe, élaborent cette newsletter commune dans plusieurs langues européennes afin qu’elle soit envoyée à des milliers d’acteurs de l’énergie durable.
Actualités des Communautés de l’Energie Durable
Numéro 1 Automne 2010 - FR
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Gradovi troše goleme količine energije, s obzirom na to da u njima živi više od 70% svjetskog stanovništva. U svjetlu teških izazova očuvanja energije s kojima se Europa suočava, Europska unija (EU) prepoznala je važnost lokalnih i regionalnih inicijativa za smanjenje potrošnje energije i emisija CO2 i pojačano korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije.
Vodeću inicijativu pod nazivom Sporazum gradonačelnika pokrenula je Europska komisija kako bi tijelima javne vlasti ponudila demokratski odgovor na klimatske promjene i izgradila platformu za suradnju i razmjenu iskustava. Program Inteligentna energija u Europi (IEE) nudi tehničku podršku tijelima javne vlasti kroz financiranje portala ManagEnergy, koji je nedavno ponovno pokrenut, te raznih projekata programa IEE. Projekti pod zajedničkim nazivom Energetski održive zajednice o kojima se u ovoj e-brošuri govori financirani su sredstvima prikupljenima javnim pozivom 2009. i služe kao pomoć zajednicama koje su članice Sporazuma gradonačelnika ili to žele postati.
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 1 Jesen 2010 - HR
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Energetski održive zajednice (SEC) – pet novih projekata unutar programa Inteligentna energija u Europi (IEE)
U svibnju 2010, pet projekata pod nazivom Energetski održive zajednice (SEC) unutar programa Inteligentna energija u Europi (IEE) udružilo je snage kako bi širilo vijesti i informacije o inovativnoj lokalnoj akciji koja može potaknuti gradove i regije da postignu ciljeve Europske unije za 2020. te smanje emisije stakleničkih plinova i potaknu energetsku učinkovitost i korištenje obnovljive energije.
Pet projekata - ENNEREG, Energija za gradonačelnike, City_SEC, come2CoM i ENESCOM, koji predstavljaju više od stotinu zajednica diljem Europe, stvaraju ovu zajedničku e-brošuru na nekoliko europskih jezika koja će se slati tisućama sudionika u projektima razvoja obnovljive energije.
Vijesti Energetski održivih zajednica
izdanje 1 Jesen 2010 - HR
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A népesség több mint 70 %-a városi területeken él, és a kis és nagyvárosok hatalmas mennyiségű energiát használnak fel. Figyelembe véve az Európa előtt álló hatalmas energetikai kihívásokat, az Európai Unió (EU) felismerte a helyi és regionális kezdeményezések jelentőségét az energiafogyasztás és a szén-dioxid kibocsátás csökkentése, valamint a megújuló energiaforrások növelésének területén.
A zászlóshajó kezdeményezésnek számító Polgármesterek Szövetségét az Európai Bizottság hozta létre, hogy egy demokratikus válaszadási lehetőséget kínáljanak a helyi önkormányzatoknak az éghajlatváltozásra, továbbá biztosítsanak egy platformot az együttműködésre és a tapasztalatcserére. Az Intelligens Energia Európa (IEE) program technikai segítségnyújtást kínál a helyi önkormányzatoknak a nemrég indított ManagEnergy portál finanszírozásán keresztül, valamint IEE projektekkel, a Fenntartható Energia Közösségi projektek ebben, a 2009 évi támogatással létrehozott hírlevélben mutatkoznak be, különösen azzal a céllal, hogy támogassák a közösségeket hogy maradjanak, vagy legyenek a Polgármesterek Szövetségének tagjai.
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 1 2010 őszén - HU
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5 új Intelligens Energia Európa (IEE) Fenntartható Energia közösségek projekt
2010 májusában, 5 Intelligens Energia – Európa (IEE) Fenntartható Energia Közösségek projekt egyesítette erejét, hogy terjesszék a helyi innovatív tevékenységekkel kapcsolatos híreket és információkat, amely ösztönzőleg hat a városokra és régiókra, hogy megfeleljenek az EU 2020-as célkitűzésének az üvegházhatást okozó gázok kibocsátására, energiahatékonyságra és a megújuló energiaforrásokra vonatkozóan.
Az 5 projekt, -ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM és ENESCOM, melyek több mint 100 közösséget képviselnek Európa-szerte, ezt a közös hírlevelet számos európai nyelven készíti el, melyet kiküldenek a fenntartható energia szereplők ezreinek.
Fenntartható Energia Közösségek Híreket
Kiadás 1 2010 őszén - HU
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Cinque nuovi progetti Energie Intelligenti per l’Europa (EIE) – Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili (SEC)
Nel maggio 2010, cinque progetti del programma Energia Intelligente per l’Europa (EIE) Comunità energeticamente sostenibili (SEC) hanno unito le forze per disseminare notizie e informazioni su un’azione locale innovativa che possa incitare città e regioni al raggiungimento degli obiettivi europei per il 2020 relativi alle emissioni di gas serra, all’efficienza energetica e all’uso delle energie rinnovabili.
I cinque progetti - ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM ed ENESCOM, che rappresentano più di 100 Comunità in tutta Europa, stanno pubblicando questa newsletter comune in variate lingue Europee perché possa essere inviata a migliaia di soggetti impegnati nel campo dell’energia sostenibile.
Notizie dalle Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili
Numero 1 Autunno 2010 - IT
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Con più del 70% della popolazione che vive nelle aree urbane, le città utilizzano enormi quantità di energia. Alla luce delle importanti sfide nel campo dell’energia che l’Europa si trova ad affrontare, l’Unione Europea (EU) ha riconosciuto l’importanza delle iniziative locali e regionali di ridurre i consumi di energia e delle emissioni di CO2 e nello stesso tempo di aumentare l’uso delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili.
L’iniziativa principale, il Patto dei Sindaci, è stata lanciata dalla Commissione Europea per offrire alle autorità pubbliche una risposta democratica ai cambiamenti climatici e per fornire una base per lo scambio di esperienze e la collaborazione. Il Programma Energie Intelligenti per l’Europa offre supporto tecnico alle autorità pubbliche attraverso il finanziamento del recentemente rilanciato portale ManagEnergy, e i progetti EIE; i progetti relativi alle Comunità Energeticamente Sostenibili compresi in questa Newsletter sono stati finanziati nel bando 2009 e sono specificatamente mirati ad aiutare le comunità ad essere, o diventare, membri del Patto dei Sindaci.
Notizie dalle Comunità Energeticamente sostenibili
Numero 1 Autunno 2010 - IT
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Penki nauji programos Pažangi Energetika – Europai (PEE) Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms projektai
2010 metų gegužės mėnesį penki programos Pažangi Energetika – Europai (PEE) Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms (DEB) projektai sujungė jėgas skleisdami naujienas ir informaciją apie pažangias vietines veiklas, įkvepiančias kitus miestus ir regionus siekti ES tikslų mažinant CO2 emisijas, didinant energijos efektyvumą ir atsinaujinančios energijos išteklių panaudojimą.
Penki projektai - ENNEREG, Energetika Merams, DEB Miestas, come2CoM bei ENESCOM, atstovaujantys daugiau nei 100 bendruomenių iš visos Europos, pristato šį naujienlaiškį tūkstančiams darnios energijos vartotojų.
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 1 2010 metų ruduo - LT
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Daugiau nei 70 % žmonių gyvena miestuose bei miesteliuose, suvartodami didelį energijos kiekį. Atsižvelgdama į Europai tenkančius iššūkius Europos Sąjunga (ES) pripažįsta vietinių bei regioninių iniciatyvų svarbą mažinant CO2 emisijas bei didinant atsinaujinančių energijos šaltinių panaudojimą.
Europos Komisija pradėjo Merų Pakto iniciatyvą norėdama savivaldybėms suteikti demokratinį atsaką klimato kaitai, suteikiant platformą bendradarbiavimui ir informacijos apsikeitimui. Pažangi Energetika Europai (PEE) programa suteikia techninę pagalbą savivaldybėms finansuodama internetinę svetainę ManagEnergy, taip pat ir PEE programos projektus; Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms projektai aprašyti šiame naujienlaiškyje buvo finansuoti pagal 2009 metų pateiktas paraiškas ir yra skirti padėti savivaldybėms tapti Merų Pakto narėmis bei vykdyti jo įsipareigojimus.
Darni Energetika Bendruomenėms Naujienos
leidimas 1 2010 metų ruduo - LT
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Billi iżjed minn 70% tal-popolazzjoni tgħix fiż-żoni urbani, l-ibliet u l-irħula jużaw ammonti kbar ħafna ta’ enerġija. Fid-dawl tal-isfidi enerġetiċi enormi li qiegħda tħabbat wiċċha magħhom l-Ewropa, l-Unjoni Ewropea (UE) irrikonoxxiet l-importanza tal-inizjattivi lokali u reġjonali sabiex jitnaqqsu l-konsum tal-enerġija u l-emissjonijiet ta’ CO2 kif ukoll jiżdied l-użu tal-enerġija rinnovabbli.
L-inizjattiva ewlenija Konvenzjoni tas-Sindki tnidiet mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea sabiex toffri lill-awtoritajiet pubbliċi risposta demokratika għall-bdil fil-klima u tipprovdi pjattaforma għal skambju u kollaborazzjoni. Il-Programm tal-Enerġija Intelliġenti-Ewropa (EIE) joffri appoġġ tekniku lill-awtoritajiet pubbliċi permezz tal-finanzjament tal-portal ManagEnergy li tnieda mill-ġdid dan l-aħħar, kif ukoll tal-proġetti tal-EIE; il-proġetti tal-Komunitajiet tal-Enerġija Sostenibbli li jidhru f’din in-Newsletter ġew finanzjati taħt is-sejħa tal-2009 u huma mmirati b’mod speċifiku sabiex jgħinu l-komunitajiet ikunu, jew isiru, membri tal-Konvenzjoni tas-Sindki.
Aħbarijiet dwar il-Komunitajiet tal-Enerġija Sostenibbli
Ħarġa 1 Ħarifa 2010 - MT
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Ħames Proġett ġodda tal-Komunitajiet tal-Enerġija Sostenibbli (KES) tal-Enerġija Intelliġenti-Ewropa
F’Mejju tal-2010, ħames proġetti tal-Komunitajiet tal-Enerġija Sostenibbli (KES) tal-Enerġija Intelliġenti-Ewropa ngħaqdu flimkien sabiex ixerrdu l-aħbarijiet u informazzjoni dwar azzjoni lokali innovattiva li tista’ tispira l-ibliet u r-reġjuni sabiex jilħqu l-miri tal-UE għall-2020 dwar l-emissjonijiet tal-gassijiet serra, l-effiċjenza enerġetika u l-użu tal-enerġija rinnovabbli.
Il-ħames proġetti - ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM u ENESCOM, li jirrappreżentaw iżjed minn 100 komunità madwar l-Ewropa, qegħdin jipproduċu din in-newsletter konġunta f’diversi lingwi Ewropej sabiex tintbagħat lil eluf ta’ atturi tal-enerġija sostenibbli.
Aħbarijiet dwar il-Komunitajiet tal-Enerġija Sostenibbli
Ħarġa 1 Ħarifa 2010 - MT
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Ponad 70% ludności Europy żyje w miastach, które wykorzystują ogromne ilości energii. W świetle olbrzymich wyzwań energetycznych stojących przed Europą, Unia Europejska (UE) zwróciła uwagę na wagę lokalnych i regionalnych inicjatyw na rzecz redukcji zużycia energii i emisji CO2 oraz wzrostu wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii.Komisja Europejska wdrożyła kluczową inicjatywę pn. Porozumienie Burmistrzów, by dać władzom publicznym możliwość reakcji na zmiany klimatu oraz stworzyć platformę wymiany doświadczeń i współpracy. Program Inteligentna Energia dla Europy (IEE), finansując ponowne uruchomienie portalu ManagEnergy oraz projekty ukierunkowane na zrównoważony rozwój energetyczny gmin, oferuje natomiast władzom publicznym wsparcie techniczne. Projekty przedstawione w niniejszym biuletynie otrzymały dofinansowanie w ramach naboru wniosków, który miał miejsce w 2009 roku, a ich głównym celem jest pomoc gminom w przystąpieniu do Porozumienia Burmistrzów oraz w wywiązaniu się z wynikających z tego zobowiązań.
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 1 Jesień 2010 - PL
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Pięć nowych projektów z zakresu zrównoważonego rozwoju energetycznego gmin finansowanych z programu „Inteligentna Energia dla Europy” (IEE)
W maju 2010 roku realizatorzy pięciu projektów z zakresu zrównoważonego rozwoju energetycznego gmin, finansowanych z programu „Inteligentna Energia dla Europy” (IEE), połączyli siły, by wspólnie rozpowszechniać wiadomości i informacje na temat innowacyjnych lokalnych działań, które mogą zainspirować miasta i regiony do osiągania unijnych celów w zakresie emisji gazów cieplarnianych, efektywności energetycznej i wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii, które zostały ustalone dla 2020 roku.
Realizatorzy owych pięciu projektów - zatytułowanych ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM i ENESCOM i obejmujących swoim zasięgiem ponad 100 gmin z całej Europy - podjęli się wydawania wspólnego biuletynu, który w kilku wersjach językowych rozsyłany będzie do tysięcy podmiotów zainteresowanych zrównoważonym rozwojem energetycznym.
Biuletyn Zrównoważonych Energetycznie Gmin
Wydanie 1 Jesień 2010 - PL
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Com mais de 70% da população vivendo em áreas urbanas, as cidades e vilas utilizam enormes quantidades de energia. À luz dos grandes desafios na área da energia que a Europa enfrenta, actualmente, a União Europeia (UE) reconheceu a importância das iniciativas locais e regionais para reduzir o consumo de energia e as emissões de CO2, bem como o incremento da utilização de energias renováveis.
Uma iniciativa emblemática denominada Pacto dos Autarcas foi lançada pela Comissão Europeia no sentido de disponibilizar às autoridades públicas uma resposta democrática para as alterações climáticas e promover uma plataforma de intercâmbio e colaboração. O Programa Energia Inteligente para a Europa (IEE) disponibiliza apoio técnico às entidades públicas por via do financiamento, através do recém relançado portal ManagEnergy, bem como de projetos IEE; os projetos das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável apresentados neste Boletim foram financiadas no âmbito do convite de 2009, e visam especificamente ajudar as comunidades a ser, ou a tornarem-se, membros do Pacto de Autarcas.
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 1 Outono de 2010 - PT
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Cinco Nova Energia Inteligente - Europa (EIE) Comunidades Sustentáveis de Energia (SEC) Projetos
Em Maio de 2010, cinco projetos sobre Energia Inteligente - Europa (IEE) e de Comunidades de Energia Sustentável (SEC) uniram- se para divulgar notícias e informações sobre acções locais inovadoras que possam inspirar as cidades e regiões para responder às metas definidas pela UE para emissões de gases de efeito estufa, eficiência energética e utilização de energias renováveis para 2020.
Os cinco projetos - ENNEREG, Energia para Autarcas, City_SEC, come2CoM e ENESCOM - que representam mais de 100 comunidades por toda a Europa, estão a produzir estas newsletters conjuntas em várias línguas europeias, para serem enviadas para milhares de agentes na área da energia sustentável.
Boletim das Comunidades de Energia Sustentável
Edição 1 Outono de 2010 - PT
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Cu peste 70% din populaţie trăind în zone urbane, regiunile folosesc cantităţi uriaşe de energie. Având în vedere provocările energetice cu care se confruntă Europa, Uniunea Europeană (UE) a recunoscut importanţa iniţiativelor locale şi regionale de a reduce consumul de energie şi emisiile de CO2, precum şi de a spori gradul de utilizare a energiei regenerabile.
Iniţiativa “Pactul primarilor” - Covenant of Mayors a fost lansată de către Comisia Europeană pentru a oferi autorităţilor publice un răspuns democratic la schimbările climatice şi pentru a oferi o platformă pentru schimburi şi colaborare. Programul Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) oferă suport tehnic autorităţilor publice atât prin finanţarea portalului ManagEnergy, relansat recent, cât și a proiectelor IEE; proiectele Sustainable Energy Communities, prezentate în acest buletin informativ au fost finanţate în cadrul apelului 2009 şi au drept scop sprijinirea comunităţilor în a fi, sau deveni, membri ai Covenant of Mayors.
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 1 Toamnă 2010 - RO
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Cinci noi proiecte Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC)
În mai 2010, 5 proiecte “Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC)” și-au unit forţele pentru a disemina ştiri şi informaţii cu privire la posibile acţiuni locale inovatoare, ce ar putea inspira alte oraşe şi regiuni în îndeplinirea obiectivelor UE 2020, privind: reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră, îmbunătățirea eficienţei energetice şi utilizarea energiei regenerabile.
Cele cinci proiecte - ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM și ENESCOM, reprezentând împreună peste 100 de comunităţi din întreaga Europă, realizează acest buletin comun, în mai multe limbi europene, astfel încât acesta să poată fi transmis către mii de actori europeni activi in domeniul energiei durabile.
Știri privind Comunitățile Energetice Durabile News
Ediția 1 Toamnă 2010 - RO
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Viac ako 70% populácie žije v mestských oblastiach, mestách a veľkomestách a využíva ohromné množstvá energie. Vo svetle rozsiahlych energetických zmien, ktorým čelí Európa, Európska Únia (EÚ) si uvedomuje dôležitosť lokálnych a regionálnych iniciatív pre zníženie spotreby energie a emisií CO2 ako aj zvýšenie používania obnoviteľných zdrojov energie.
Vlajková loď inciatívy Dohovor starostov, je vydaná európskou komisiou a ponúka verejným inštitúciám demokratickú odpoveď na klimatické zmeny a poskytuje platformu pre výmenu skúseností a spoluprácu. Program Inteligentná energia Európy (IEE) poskytuje technickú podporu verejným inštitúciám pomocou financovania posledne obnoveného portálu ManagEnergy, ako aj projektov IEE, projekty Udržateľné energetické spoločenstvá, spomenuté v tomto časopise boli financované pod výzvou z roku 2009 a sú špeciálne zamerané na pomáhanie inštitúciám byť alebo stať sa členmi Dohovoru starostov.
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 1 Jeseň 2010 - SK
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5 nových inteligentných projektov o inteligentnej energii – Európske projekty (IEE) o udržateľnej energii.
V máji, 5 nových inteligentných projektov a inteligentnej energii – Európske projekty (IEE) o udržateľnej energii spojilo svoje sily, aby vydávali časopis a informácie o inovatívnych lokálnych aktivitách, ktoré môžu inšpirovať mestá a regióny, aby plnili ciele EÚ pre rok 2020 ohľadne emisií skleníkových plynov, energetickej efektívnosti a využitia obnoviteľnej energie.
5 projektov - ENNEREG, Dohovor starostov, City_SEC, come2CoM a ENESCOM, ktoré reprezentujú viac ako 100 komunít v celej Európe, vydávajú tento časopis v niekoľkých európskych jazykoch, aby mohol byť zasielaný tisícom aktívnych účastníkov.
Novinky o udržateľných energetických spoločenstvách
Vydanie 1 Jeseň 2010 - SK
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Več kot 70% prebivalstva, ki živi v urbanih območjih in mestih, uporablja ogromne količine energije. Glede na velike energetske izzive s katerimi se sooča Evropa, je Evropska unija (EU) prepoznala pomen lokalnih in regionalnih pobud za zmanjšanje porabe energije in emisij CO2, kot tudi za povečanje uporabe obnovljivih virov energije.
Pobuda za Konvencijo županov se je začela s strani Evropske komisije, da ponudi javnim organom demokratični odziv na podnebne spremembe in zagotovi platformo za izmenjavo in sodelovanje. Program Inteligentna energija Evrope (IEE) ponuja tehnično podporo javnih organov preko financiranja nedavno prenovljenega portala ManagEnergy, kot tudi IEE projektov; v teh E-novicah so predstavljeni projekti Skupnosti za trajnostno rabo energije, ki so bili financirani v okviru razpisa za leto 2009 in, ki so posebej namenjeni pomagati skupnostim, ki so, ali bodo pristopile h Konvenciji županov.
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 1 Jesen 2010 - SL
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Projekt petih novih skupnosti s trajnostno izrabo energije (ang. SEC) v okviru programa Inteligentna energija Evrope (IEE)
V maju leta 2010, je pet projektov programa Inteligentna energija - Evropa (IEE) v okviru Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije (ang. Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC)) združilo moči za širjenje novic in informacij o inovativnih lokalnih dejavnostih, ki lahko spodbudijo mesta in regije za izpolnitev ciljev EU do leta 2020 glede emisij toplogrednih plinov, energetske učinkovitosti in uporabe obnovljivih virov energije.
Pet projektov - ENNEREG, Energy for Mayors, City_SEC, come2CoM in ENESCOM, ki predstavljajo več kot 100 skupnosti po vsej Evropi, je ustvarilo to skupno glasilo v več evropskih jezikih, ki bo poslano več tisočim soustvarjalcem trajnostne energije.
Novice Skupnosti s trajnostno rabo energije
Številka 1 Jesen 2010 - SL
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IEE Programme Publications, Presentations and Other Resources
Below is a list of IEE Programme publications, presentations and other resources available on this Regions 202020 Website. Further publications, news articles and resources may be available on the main IEE Programme website:
- IEE Programme Publications
- Good Practice Case Studies and Collections
- Presentations
- Tools and Methodologies
- Other Resources
IEE Programme Publications
Clearinghouse Facilitation - Cost and Energy Savings for RUE measures in buildings
Publication [EN] The overall aim of this report is to help develop standardised solutions for RUE in buildings. The main objectives of the work were to collect and prepare information on technical issues related to retrofitting buildings for RUE and to encourage an adequate level for RUE applications in new buildings, as well as to evaluate the impact of retrofitting RUE applications in buildings.
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Make your building smile - Renewable energy in buildings
Publication [EN] This publication from the European Commission (2009) covers 25 projects funded by the IEE programme within the Renewable Energy sector. It shows that although buildings are amongst the greatest consumers of energy, they also have the greatest potential to reduce the EU’s conventional energy consumption by combining energy-saving measures with renewable energy sources, the total consumption of conventional energy in buildings can be reduced to zero. Buildings can even become net producers of clean energy since they can be fitted with solar water and space heating and cooling.
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The beauty of efficiency - Energy-efficient homes and buildings
This publication (2008) from the European Commission covers 48 projects funded by the IEE programme in the Energy Efficiency sector. A key element of the programme concerns energy-efficient buildings with the aim to tap into the energy saving potential through innovative measures designed to raise the energy
performance of new and existing buildings. The savings potential is estimated at around 28%, mainly through environmentally-friendly retrofitting enabling European citizens to benefit in the short term from improved comfort and reduced environmental impact.
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Consume green - Energy-efficient products
Publication [EN] This publication from the European Commission (2008) covers projects funded by the Intelligent Energy-Europe programme within the Energy Efficiency sector. It indicates that about 17 % of energy used in European households went on lighting, cooking and other electrical appliances. Considerable effort has gone into reducing energy consumption by appliances, but changes in lifestyle have offset a large part of this. The IEE programme supports action aimed at overcoming nontechnological market barriers for energy efficient products and aims to enforce the application and enhance the awareness of EU labels and minimum energy efficiency standards, as well as suggesting life cycle approaches so that products are designed, manufactured, purchased, installed, used and disposed of in the most energy-intelligent way.
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Renewable electricity - Make the switch
Publication [EN] This publication (2008) comes from the European Commission and deals with 22 projects funded by the IEE programme within the renewable energy section. In its actions to promote electricity from renewable energies, the IEE programme supports projects which will bring down the barriers to the use of renewables – like market deficiencies, adverse regulations, and the lack of information, communication, know-how and skills. It also supports projects which provide potential users with access to renewable energy solutions and increase familiarity with renewable energy technologies.
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Biofuels. Topping up the fuel mix.
Publication [EN] This publication (2008) from the European Commission covers 16 projects on carbon efficiency labelling, local supply chain networks and conversion strategies supported under the renewable energy actions of the IEE programme. the EU is supporting alternative fuels, in particular biofuels, with the triple objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, diversifying fuel supply and developing longterm replacements for fossil fuels. Boosting biofuel production is also expected to create job opportunities in rural areas.
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Energy efficiency in industry - lightening the energy load
Publication [EN] This is a project report published by the European Commission in 2009 that describes 24 projects funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The industry projects presented here run for 2–3 years on average, with consortia varying in size from four to 23 partners, involving practically all Member States as well as non-EU members. The projects address industrial energy efficiency from a general perspective providing guidelines, tools and support for energy management, including auditing and benchmarking tools.
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Overview on the status of ecodriving integration in the driver education and testing
Publication [EN] ECODRIVE, the predecessor to the ECOWILL project, was a European-wide campaign - aimed to improve driving behaviour, energy-efficiency and traffic safety among drivers of passenger cars, delivery vans, lorries and buses – was organised within the Ecodriven project. Conducted between 2006 and 2008, the project was supported by the European Commission's "Intelligent Energy Europe" Programme. The main deliverable from the ECODRIVE project was the publication "Overview on the status of ecodriving integration in the driver education and testing".
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Sustainable energy Communites - Common actions for common goals
Publication [EN] This publication (April 2009) covers 34 projects dealing with sustainable communities funded under the integrated initiatives action of the IEE programme of the European Communities. Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) are communities that implement a set of sustainable energy policy measures in the field of renewable energy, rational use of energy and sustainable mobility with the strong involvement of the local population in the planning and implementation process. More than 30 projects have been funded involving more than 290 cities and regions across Europe representing most European countries.
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Energy Efficiency Transport - Green Mobility on the Move
Publication [EN] This publication (2009) from the European Commision cover 34 projects funded by the Intelligent Energy – Europe programme promoting energy efficiency in transport. It indicates that Transport plays an essential role in the social and economic life of every European and accounts for about 20% of Europe’s primary energy consumption. About 98% of the energy used by the transport sector comes from fossil fuels, which makes it a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Since transport is the fastest growing sector in terms of energy use the EU is determined to do something about this situation through the STEER programme, a mobility action that addresses energy aspects of transport.
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Good Practice Case Studies and Collections
Case studies on Build Up - the European Portal for energy solutions for better buildings
Good Practice Collection / Publication [EN] As part of the Build Up website this section covers case studies. It is divided into two sub-sections, Highlighted Cases and Cases of Good Practice in Energy Saving. In all around 250 cases are presented from around the world with an emphasis on European Member States.
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Alter-Motive Show Case Directory
Good Practice Collection / Publication
The core objective of the Alter-Motive project has been to derive an action plan for implementing effective least-cost policy strategies (for the EU, specific countries & regions) to achieve a significant increase in innovative alternative fuels (AF) and corresponding alternative more efficient automotive technologies (AAMT) to head towards a sustainable individual & public transport system. AF comprise bioethanol, biodiesel, synthetic fuels, biogas, hydrogen,renewable electricity, LPG & natural gas, whilst AAMT include biofuel, fuel cell & electric vehicles and various types of hybrid systems as well as systems based on natural or biogas.
This Intelligent Energy - Europe project has developed a number of resources, including a Show Case Directory.
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Further information »
Intelligent Energy - Europe: European Info Day 2012
Presentation [EN] The European IEE Info Day 2012 was held in Brussels on 24 January 2012. Over 700 participants attended the event. From this webpage you can download the programme and presentations and view the video recordings.
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Further information »
Lessons from the IEE projects ClearSupport and ENNEREG as how to develop SEP investments
Presentation [EN] Nils Daugaard, Energy Consulting Network, Denmark - coordinator or the ENNEREG project - presents two IEE projects, ClearSupport and ENNEREG, that both entail a systematic approach on how to develop sustainable energy investments and seeking financing of those, as well a informing about Good Practice and Lessons learned of the project activities.
Financing possibilities for local authorities - Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme
Presentation [EN] Financing possibilities for local authorities - Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme. Presentation by Vicky Argyraki, Project Officer, Renewable Energy Unit, EACI during Syros Conference & Signing Ceremony, 12-13 March 2011
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Tools and Methodologies
Alter-Motive Policy Tools
Tool / Methodology
The core objective of the Alter-Motive project has been to derive an action plan for implementing effective least-cost policy strategies (for the EU, specific countries & regions) to achieve a significant increase in innovative alternative fuels (AF) and corresponding alternative more efficient automotive technologies (AAMT) to head towards a sustainable individual & public transport system. AF comprise bioethanol, biodiesel, synthetic fuels, biogas, hydrogen,renewable electricity, LPG & natural gas, whilst AAMT include biofuel, fuel cell & electric vehicles and various types of hybrid systems as well as systems based on natural or biogas.
This Intelligent Energy - Europe project has developed a number of resources, including the Alter-Motive Policy Toolbox and a Internet based scenarios tool.
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Further information »
European Commission Intelligent Energy eLibrary - Renewable Energy
Tool / Methodology [EN] This web site, supported by the European Commission, provides tools and guidebooks covering small scale renewables applications, heating and cooling applications and biofuels. It is divided into the following sub-sections: Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal, Mini Wind, Renewable integration into buildings, Small Hydro, Solar and Transport Biofuels (supply side).
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Further information »
European Commission - Intelligent Energy eLibrary - Local/Regional Energy Management
Tool / Methodology [EN] This portal supported by the Intelligent Energy Programme of the EC provides a list of tools and guidebooks covering Local/Regional Energy Management. It is divided into several sections covering Islands, Regions, Rural Areas and Urban Areas. It includes guidelines, guidebooks, action plan models, contract models for green procurement, decision support systems, communication and training strategies and tools, evaluation systems and many other tools.
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Further information »
European Commission - Intelligent Energy eLibrary - Energy Efficiency in Industry
Tool / Methodology [EN] This portal supported by the Intelligent Energy Programme of the EC provides a list of tools and guidebooks on energy efficiency in industry. It is divided into several section that cover Energy Audits, Energy Management/Benchmarking and Energy Saving Measures.
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Further information »
European Commission Intelligent Energy eLibrary - Bibliography - 4 Transport
Tool / Methodology [EN] This portal provided by the European Commission Intelligent Energy Programme provides a database of tools and guidebooks in the area of transport. The contents are divided into the following thematic sub-sections: Alternative Fuels and Vehicles, Collective Passenger Transport, Cycling and Walking, Freight and Mobility Management.
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Benchmarking and Energy Management Schemes for SMEs
Tool / Methodology [EN] This website provides results from the IEE project BESS and its subsequent extension through 'Expanding BESS' under the general heading the European website for energy efficiency in Small and Medium Sized Enterpises. It gives access to three on-line facilities: 1. Reasons for implementing energy management; 2) The BESS energy management implementation model (EMIM); 3) Energy management specifications and linking list as well as numerous other energy monitoring and benchmarking functions.
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European Smart Metering Alliance (ESMA)
Tool / Methodology [EN] The European Smart Metering Alliance (ESMA) was formed by a number of interested organizations to provide information about smart metering for all kinds of people and organisations. Originally supported by the Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Programme this project has now concluded but the tools developed during the project are available on the IEE website.
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SMART SPP – innovation through sustainable procurement
Tool / Methodology [EN] SMART SPP is an IEE project that promoted the introduction of new, innovative low carbon emission technologies and integrated solutions to the European market. This was done by encouraging early market engagement between public authority procurers and suppliers and developers of new innovative products and services in the pre-procurement phase of public tenders
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Long Term Agreements Uptake (LTP Uptake) website
Tool / Methodology [EN] The LTA UPTAKE website, supported by the European Commission Intelligent Energy Programme, aimed to develop a toolkit to help sectorial associations and governments draw up Long-Term Voluntary Agreements (LTAs) on energy efficiency in order to gain mutual benefits: to save energy costs, produce less environmental legislation, reduce the administrative burden for the sector, improve the environmental image of the sector and achieve national environmental targets.
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Other Resources
European Citizens Climate Cup
The European Citizens Climate Cup is a household competition between different countries/regions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. ECCC addresses European private householders, families and singles, and is based on the energy consumption of their houses. Participants have one year to implement in their own houses strategies and measures to reduce their overall energy consumption – the greater the reduction the bigger their chance of winning the competition!
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What can you apply for? (see next year's - 2012 - IEE programme)
Initiative [EN] A summary of the 2012 Intelligent Energy - Europe call prepared by the Central Denmark EU Office, including: EIB-Elena; KfW-ELENA (and EBRD-ELENA); CEB-ELENA; MLEI (Mobilising Local Energy Investment); EEE-F
Shining Examples for the Implementation of the Energy End-use Efficiency & Energy Services Directive (MINUS 3%)
Initiative [EN] The goal of the project was to establish shining examples for the implementation of the Energy End-Use Efficiency & Energy Services Directive (2006/32/EC) in cities. The participating cities aimed to show that it was possible to save 3% of the City Authority’s own energy consumption per year. The energy reduction targets are long term aiming to reach minus 30% by 2020.
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Certified European Passive House Designer
Initiative Throughout Europe interest in Passive Houses has risen sharply in recent years and the "Passive House Standard" has now become widely known amongst stakeholders in the construction sector. This website provides information on the concept as well as resources and links for the quality requirements for the Passive House standard. It includes information indicating how designers and architects are able to acquire the required skills to meet these objectives, for example in a course for passive house designers.
Build Up - Energy solutions for better buildings
Initiative [EN] The European web portal for energy efficiency in buildings, covering news, events, publications, case studies and tools as well as links to organizations, networks and useful information from throughout Europe.
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RES Champions League
Initiative [EN] The RES Champions League is a network of national RES leagues, which aims at creating a positive renewable energy competition between European cities, towns and villages.
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Intelligent Energi – Europa 2012 – Forventninger til det nye program
Background Information [DA] EU programmer – et overblik v. Ture Hammar, Energistyrelsen: Forslag til europæiske samarbejdsprojekter; Mobilisering af lokale energiinvesteringer; Projektstøtte fra ELENA og energieffektiviseringsfond af genopretningsmidler; Covenant of Mayors – EU’s borgmesterpagt - Seminar; Informationsmøder om indkaldelsen 2012
European project on consumer response to energy labels in buildings
Initiative [EN] The European Union has committed itself to increase energy efficiency with 20% up to the year 2020. A main instrument for reaching this target in the residential sector is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), originally introduced in 2002 and recently recast by Directive 2010/31/EU. This European directive proposes, among others actions, the introduction of energy performance labels for dwellings in all European Member States.
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GreenBuilding - Improved Energy Efficiency for Non-Residential Buildings
In 2005 the European Commission launched the GreenBuilding Programme (GBP), a voluntary programme aiming at improving the energy efficiency of non-residential buildings in Europe. The programme encourages owners of non-residential buildings to implement cost-effective measures which enhance the energy efficiency of their buildings in one or more technical areas. The programme covers both existing and new buildings.
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Mobility Management for Business and Industrial Zones (MoMa.BIZ)
Initiative [EN] Industrial areas are often difficult to reach, frequently located on vacant land on the periphery of medium-sized cities and so the car becomes the only means by which workers can reach them. The Mobility Management for Business and Industrial Zones (MoMa.BIZ) project aims to alleviate this problem and reduce substantially car use through the implementation and promotion of sustainable mobility.
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ECOWILL - ECOdriving – Widespread Implementation for Learner Drivers and Licensed Drivers
Initiative [EN] The ECOWILL project, launched in May 2010, aims at reducing carbon emission by up to 8 Mt until 2015 by boosting the application of eco-driving across Europe. To reach such an ambitious target the project will roll out short duration eco-driving training programs for licensed drivers in 13 European countries. At the same time, ECOWILL promotes the education of eco-driving for learner drivers.
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EnerCities - Stimulate energy awareness of youngsters with online serious gaming
Project EnerCities created an online elearning game for young people to experience energy-related implications. The goal of the game is to create and expand virtual cities dealing with pollution, energy shortages, renewable energy etc. The game is web-based and suitable to play on low-budget computers.
Commercial Finance for Sustainable Energy Projects
Initiative [EN] This website gives access to the results of the CF-SEP project funded by the European Commission through the IEE programme. The objective of this project was to help to overcome the disconnection between project developers and financial institutions. It included representatives from five EU Member States The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
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Further information » - Best products for Europe
Topten is a consumer-oriented online search tool, which presents the best appliances in various categories of products. The key criteria are energy efficiency, impact on the environment, health and quality. As a communication tool it helps to show how our energy consumption causes climate change and what we can do personally to reduce our impact. It is also a powerful instrument to influence manufacturers.
Past Events
Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors
Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Conference
18 March 2013, Brussels, BelgiumRepresentatives from cities leading on sustainable energy actions gathered together in Brussels on Monday 18 March, at a European Commission forum organised by ManagEnergy. The event marked the commitment of 189 communities in going beyond the EU’s 2020 climate and energy targets. The cumulative results of the sustainable energy action plans are projected to be 2475080 MWh per annum of RES production and 5327473 MWh per annum of primary energy savings.
Intelligent Energy Europe workshop
during EU Sustainable Energy Week 2012
20 June 2012, 14:30 to 18:30, Charlemagne Bldg, Brussels, BelgiumThis workshop is one of a series of important consultations organised in the next few months by ENER/EACI to prepare the market uptake activities to be supported in the period 2014-2020. The event will mark the launch of the public consultation on the successor to the IEE II programme.
Intelligent Energy - Europe Info Day 2012
24 January 2012, Brussels and live on the internetApplying for Intelligent Energy - Europe funding is a competitive process, and only the best project proposals will be selected for funding. The European Info Day 2012 provides useful information about the process, priority topics, previous projects and much more.
Vejen til Grøn Vækst
EUs Borgmesterpagt og støttemuligheder til regionale og kommunale klimainvesteringer
24 November 2011, Skanderborg, DenmarkDenne begivenhed gav deltagerne med en status på Borgmesterpagt (Covenant of Mayors - CoM), input om, hvordan man udarbejde en SEAP, en introduktion til EU-støtteprogrammer og Elena faciliteter, der er relevante for SEPS og en hands-on eksempel fra Region Sjælland om, hvordan man ansøge om en ELENA (EIB) TA tilskud.
Open Days 2011: Regions Delivering on Sustainable Energy Strategies
Good Practice Examples from Regional Players
Tuesday, 11 October 2011, 9:00 -10:45, Cente Borschette, Brussels, BelgiumThis workshop, which takes place on 11 October 2011 in Brussels as part of the Open Days: 9th European Week of Regions and Cities - 10-13 October 2011, will provide good practice examples from regional players on how they help and promote sustainable energy planning in their region.
Bioenergy planning in European regions
5 October 2011, Fondation Universitaire, Brussels, BelgiumThis Joint Final Conference will present the great results achieved by three Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme (IEE) co-funded projects BEn, BioEnerGIS, MAKE-IT-BE in rolling out bioenergy potential at European regional level.
Energía Inteligente para Europa (EIE-II)
Convocatoria 2011
25 February 2011, Bilbao, SpainEnte Vasco de la Energía and the Bilbao Chamber of Commerce are organising this following info-day with the aim of publicizing the details of the fifth edition of the European Commission programme "Intelligent Energy for Europe 2007-2013".
El Ente Vasco de la Energía organiza la siguiente jornada divulgativa con el objetivo de dar a conocer los pormenores de la quinta convocatoria del programa de la Comisión Europea “ENERGÍA INTELIGENTE PARA EUROPA 2007-2013”.