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European Commission - Intelligent Energy eLibrary - Energy Efficiency in Industry

This portal supported by the Intelligent Energy Programme of the EC provides a list of tools and guidebooks on energy efficiency in industry. It is divided into several section that cover Energy Audits, Energy Management/Benchmarking and Energy Saving Measures.


View the Website [EN - English]

European Commission - Intelligent Energy eLibrary - Energy Efficiency in Industry

This is one of four sections of the website listing tools and guidebooks included in the online IEe-library. This focuses on energy efficiency in industry and is aimed at facilitating the dissemination of energy management and energy saving practices and technologies in industry.

This part of the Intelligent Energy e-library includes items funded under the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme and a selection of relevant instruments picked from over 2,500 EU funded projects (under Altener and Save, CIVITAS, Structural and regional funds, LIFE, RTD 2002-2006 and Phare). In addition, nationally and regionally funded tools and guidebooks have been included from the EU 27 Member States, Norway, Croatia, Iceland, the US, Canada and some international organisations.

The aim of this inventory is to disseminate good practice, advice and practical instruments throughout Europe and beyond. Here businesses, energy professionals, researchers and policymakers alike can profit from a wide range of freely available material to help them in their everyday work. The IEe-library will also be a good starting point for (future) applicants and contractors to the IEE programme, to allow their projects to save time and costs by profiting from available tools and guidebooks rather than duplicating them. All the tools and guidebooks included in this inventory are available free, ready to download and use. Most are in English, but many are also available in other European languages.

The quickest and easiest way to use this library is simply to go to the section on the topic that interests you most and browse through the descriptions of the tools and guidebooks. An advanced search may also be carried out by selecting multiple criteria such as topic, target audience, type of tool, keyword, language and country from drop-down menus. The selected information can be downloaded free of charge.


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Last updated: 06/03/2012 9:32am - Contact: Katy HALL -