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e-Bulletin December 2011 [EN]
Welcome to the ENNEREG e-Bulletin for December 2011.
In this e-Bulletin we summarise the status of the project after the first 18 months, providing information on the progress of the 12 ENNEREG Pioneers towards becoming Sustainable Energy Regions, as well as the role that Regions can play in achieving the 20-20-20 European objectives.
During the second half of the project, the ENNEREG Pioneers will work with ENNEREG Twins and Replication Regions to inspire development and implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and Projects (SEPs) throughout Europe.
This e-Bulletin also outlines how your region and local communities can become involved in Paving the Way for Sustainable Energy in Europe by exchanging experience via the Regions 202020 Network, or replicating the actions described in the Good Practice section of this website.
ENNEREG Pioneers - Becoming Sustainable Energy Regions
The ENNEREG Pioneer Regions have recently updated their regional profiles on the Regions 202020 website and have produced leaflets providing an update on their journey towards "Becoming a Sustainable Energy Region", including details of their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and ENNEREG twinning activities. The articles summarise the unique circumstances in each region and identify some of the lessons learnt to date. They also include links to the leaflets and further information about each region. View the Article »
The role of the regions in achieving the 20-20-20 European objectives
In October 2011, EVE made a presentation to CA-ESD on the role of the regions in the development of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans. EVE is coordinating the drawing up of regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) in the 12 regions participating in the ENNEREG project. The CA-ESD provides a structured framework for the exchange of information between the 27 Member States and Croatia during their implementation of the Energy Service Directive. View the Article »
Exchange Experience with European Sustainable Energy Regions
Find out how you can become involved in Paving the Way for Sustainable Energy in Europe by contributing to the Regions 202020 Network and exchanging experience with other regions and local communities throughout Europe. Also read about Regione Liguria, Italy, which has used the site to share its experience on becoming a Sustainable Energy Region including details of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for the province of Genoa. View the Article »
10 New ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies
The Good Practice section of the Regions 202020 website has now been launched. The first ENNEREG Good Practice Case Studies cover:
Energy Efficient Buildings: Churches and Chapels Guide, Wales, UK; Thermo-modernization of buildings, Tczew, Poland; Improving the technical conditions of buildings with large slabs, Goldap, Poland; Mur-Mur campaign, Rhône-Alpes, France;
Energy Efficient Products: Potable Water Unit, Syros, Greece;
Energy Services: ESCOs, Middelfart, Denmark;
Sustainable Transport: Charging points for electric cars, Triangle Region, Denmark; E-Car sharing Company, Basque Country, Spain;
Energy Monitoring: OREGES Observatoire de l’énergie et des gaz à effet de serre de Rhône-Alpes, France;
Intelligent Energy Education: Famille à énergie positive, Rhône-Alpes, France
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