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Region of Upper Palatinate (Oberfalz), Germany - Becoming a Sustainable European Region
This leaflet provides an update on the journey of the Region of Upper Palatinate (Oberfalz), Germany toward becoming a European Sustainable Energy Region
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Regionales e-bulletin Oberpfalz 01/2012
Regionales e-bulletin zur Darstellung des Arbeitsstands am Regionalen Rahmenplan Energie für die Oberpfalz 01/2012, ZREU 2012
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Promoting Local and Regional Sustainable Energy Actions in the Regions 202020 Network
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 2 Summer 2011 - EN
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ENNEREG - Regions 202020 paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 1 Autumn 2010 - EN
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Do you want to learn from the best? So do we!
Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS
Issue 1 Autumn 2010 - EN
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ENNEREG – Regionen 202020 ebnen den Weg für ein Europa nachhaltiger Energien
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 1 Herbst 2010 - DE
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Willst du vom Besten lernen? Wir tun es!
Nachrichten Nachhaltiger Energiegemeinden
Ausgabe 1 Herbst 2010 - DE
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ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting
Support for Future Sustainable Energy Planning and Projects in European Regions
19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
The presentations from this invitation-only ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting are now available on this website. During the meeting ENNEREG partners summarised the results and progress of the project to date. In addition, invited speakers from Fedarene, ERRIN, EACI and ENNEREG Twin region, Tartu, provided further insight into the role regions can play in meeting European Sustainable Energy targets.
Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors
Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Conference
18 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Representatives from cities leading on sustainable energy actions gathered together in Brussels on Monday 18 March, at a European Commission forum organised by ManagEnergy. The event marked the commitment of 189 communities in going beyond the EU’s 2020 climate and energy targets. The cumulative results of the sustainable energy action plans are projected to be 2475080 MWh per annum of RES production and 5327473 MWh per annum of primary energy savings.
Energy Efficiency in European Regions
Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits
8 and 9 November 2012, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
The Regions 202020 Workshop and Technical Visits, organised by EVE and Fedarene on 8-9 November 2012, was open to ENNEREG partners, Fedarene partners and selected invited participants. The Workshop on Thursday 8 November 2012 was a good opportunity to discuss interesting issues related to the management of energy efficiency at a regional level, and to share ENNEREG partner’s experience and good practices. The Workshop was followed on the morning of Friday 9 November by two technical visits, both in Zamudio, 10 km from Bilbao. Presentations are now available on the events page of the Regions 202020 website.
Regionaler Trainings-Workshop
Energie-genossenschaften unter Anpassungsdruck – Chancen und Risiken
25 Mai 2012, Regierung der Oberpfalz
Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, die Teilnehmenden über die aktuellen Rahmenbedingungen der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Energiegenossenschaften zur Finanzierung von nachhaltigen Energieprojekten zu informieren. Neben den Vorteilen einer Finanzierung von nachhaltigen Energieprojekten über diese Organisationsform (z.B. gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz von Investitionsvorhaben für eine nachhaltige Energieerzeugung) werden am Beispiel von verschiedenen Genossenschaftsgründungen die Herausforderungen dargestellt, die mit der kommunalen Gründung dieser Modelle der Bürgerbeteiligung verbunden sind.
Regionale Netzwerkveranstaltung
Nachhaltige Energieprojekte im Spannungsfeld von kommunaler und regionaler Planung
24. Mai 2012, Regierung der Oberpfalz, Regensburg
Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, die Teilnehmenden zum einen über die aktuellen planungs- und genehmigungsrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen zur Realisierung von nachhaltigen Energieprojekten in der Oberpfalz sowie weiteren bayerischen Regierungsbezirken zu informieren. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Rahmenbedingungen zur Umsetzung von kommunalen Wind- und Solarenergieprojekten.
Regionaler Workshop
Integration von Klimaschutz- und Energie-effizienzaktivitäten als wirksame Instrumente der kommunalen Planung und Verwaltung
24. Mai 2012, Regierung der Oberpfalz, Regensburg
Ziel des Workshops ist die Darstellung und Verbreitung möglicher Strategien und Handlungsansätze zur Stärkung einer langfristigen kommunalen Planung für eine nachhaltige Energiepolitik. Der Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf dem Instrument der Energie- und Klimaschutzkonzepte als strategische Planungsgrundlage, dem Konvent der Bürgermeister als strategischem Planungsziel und dem European Energy Award als möglichem Qualitätsmanagement zur Umsetzung des kommunalen Klimaschutzes.
ENNEREG Replication Event
23 May 2012, Wielkopolska Voivodship Office, Poznan, Poland
A Replication Workshop oriented towards other Polish regions, addressing monitoring aspects of the regional SEAP.
Na Warsztaty Replikacji, poruszające aspekty „Regionalnego Planu Działań na Rzecz Zrównoważonej Energii” w kontekście innych regionów Polski.
ENNEREG International Conference
Transfer of knowledge in the field of sustainable use of energy
22 May 2012, Wielkopolska Voivodship Office, Poznan, Poland
The morning session of the ENNEREG International Conference in Poznan, Poland presented the ENNEREG Project and Regions 202020 Network as well as the Regional SEAPs for Wielkopolska and Pomerania, as well as Regions 202020 Good Practice case studies and Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs) at the regional and inter-regional levels from the ENNEREG Pioneer regions. After lunch, a number of experience exchange workshops were organised on relevant topics. The event was followed by a Replication Workshop on 23 May 2012 oriented towards other Polish regions, addressing monitoring aspects of the regional SEAP.
Common meeting: EU projects ENNEREG and Climactregions
21 October 2011, Lyon, France
Rhonalpénergie-environnement (RAEE) and the Region Rhône-Alpes are involved in the ENNEREG and Climactregions projects. Together they organized a meeting on 21 October 2011 between the representatives of the partner regions of these two projects.
Europäische Förderprogramme für erneuerb. Energien u. Energieeffizienz
European Funding Schemes for EE and RES
28 September 2011, Hochschule Regensburg, Germany
In cooperation with OTTI, ZREU is organising a one day workshop to inform about financing schemes of the European Union in the field of renewable energy resources and energy efficiency. The workshop is to facilitate the development of new projects in these fields by informing about the various funding resources in different European programs. One specific session will deal with the requirements for preparing and submitting a successful proposal. Different Programms will be introduced to the audience like 7th Framework Programme, Intelligent Energy Europe, Life+, etc.
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ostbayerischen Technologie-Transfer-Institut e.V. (OTTI) informieren wir aufgrund der positiven Resonanz auch dieses Jahr wieder über Europäische Förderprogramme. Unsere Experten referieren am Mittwoch den 28. September 2011 über die Europäischen Fördermöglichkeiten und vermitteln das notwendige Fachwissen. Wir bieten Ihnen einen kompakten Überblick über die Auswahl geeigneter Fördermöglichkeiten und helfen Ihnen, eine Antragstellung für Ihr Projekt abzuschätzen.
1. ENNEREG Regio-Forum
Upper Palatinate
12 May 2011, City of Neumarkt i. d. OPf., Germany
The main objective of the 1. ENNEREG Regio-Forum for the Upper Palatinate Region was to improve the regional networking of local / regional public authorities, private energy companies, ESCOs and NGOs in the fields of energy and climate policy.
Regions 202020 Replication Workshop
Learn from the Best
7 October 2010, 9:30 - 12:30, Brussels, Belgium
This half-day Replication Workshop took place in Brussels during the Open Days Eighth European Week of Regions and Cities.
The workshop gave European regions with a focus on developing sustainable energy action plans the opportunity to exchange experiences with some of the ENNEREG Pioneer regions.
Also see: Events for Regions in Germany »
Sustainable Energy in
Oberpfalz - Upper Palatinate
Copyright: KEWOG GmbH, ZREU
Sustainable energy policy requires persistent efforts for saving energy, improving energy efficiency and expanding renewable energy generation. Since many years, the energy company ZREU (Zentrum für rationelle Energieanwendung und Umwelt, Regensburg), is offering its expertise to private and public clients to improve energy performance. For ENNEREG, ZREU aims to develop and propose elements for a regional energy strategy of Upper Palatinate, which is later to be reviewed by regional government to become more formalised as regional governance strategies for a sustainable energy supply. One important landmark for this work is the Energy Strategy of the Bavarian State, which sets ambitious objectives for a sustainable energy supply until 2020/21 (May 2011):
- Expansion of renewable electricity generation to a share of 50 % in reference to total electricity consumption and 20 % to final energy consumption
- Reduction of energy-related per capita CO2 emissions below 6 t/a
- Reduction of heat demand by 20 % in the public, residential and trading sector and of demand for process heating by 10 % in the industrial sector
For achieving these objectives, the mission of ZREU is to support public and private organizations in the region of Upper Palatinate to contributing to these objectives by…
- … developing a Sustainable Energy Action Plan focussing on regional potentials for improving energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources (focus on buildings and industry)
- … capacity-building of regional organizations to remove barriers to implementation of sustainable energy projects (e.g. financing, improvement of social acceptance, etc.)
- … assisting the establishment and operation of regional networks aimed at mutual knowledge transfer
- … contributing to the development of a regional vision for a future sustainable energy supply and convincing regional stakeholders to participate at the Covenant of Mayors
The Upper Palatinate (German: Oberpfalz) is one of the seven administrative regions of Bavaria, Germany. It has a total size of 9.691 km². The region is located in the east of the Free State of Bavaria. In the east, Upper Palatinate is bordering to the Czech Republic. 80 percent of the 1.081.417 inhabitants are living in rural areas.
The region of Upper Palatinate is mainly characterised by low range mountains and a high number of lakes and ponds. Due to being situated in the Eastern part of South Germany, the climate is rather cool and windy climate in comparison with other Bavarian and South German regions.
The gross domestic product of the region of Upper Palatinate has substantially increased between 2003 and 2008 by 21,6% up to 35.7000 Mio. €. In 2008, the specific gross domestic product per capita in the region of Upper Palatinate was 32.868 € which was produced by 560.000 employess. With about 350.000 employees in the service sector, it is with 62% the biggest economic sector. One third of the employees is working in the industry sector and with narrow 4 % the primary sector with agriculture and forestry is the smallest of the economic sectors. The regional economy is characterised by small and medium-sized enterprises. Some of them are counting to the marked leader worldwide, like BMW, Continental, Infineon and Toshiba Europe.
Land Use
As a rather rural are, the region of Upper Palatinate is characterised by a large share of farm and forest land. Including the area of water, the share of natural landscape is more than 85 %. Accordingly significant potentials for the use bioenergy exist.
The energy balance for the region of Upper Palatinate can only be assessed on the basis of per-capita calculations considering the energy data of the energy balance of the Free State of Bavaria (reference year 2008). Based on this approach, the final energy consumption is still dominated by the use of fossil fuels.
Final energy consumption is distributed over these energies:
- Petroleum products: 47,8%
- Gases: 21,4%
- Electricity: 21,5%
- Renewable energy sources (without solar and wind energy): 4,5%
- District heating: 3,1%
- Coal: 1,2%
- Others 0,5%
There are potentials for for expanding different types of renewable energy sources, especially in wind and bioenergy.
Next to the consumption sector of households and other small consumers, the transport sector is having a large share in final energy consumption. This is specifically the case in the region of Upper Palatinate, which is thinly settled and having a significant share of commuters.
One part of regional sustainable energy action is to improve the data basis on the generation and use of energy. By a stepwise approach, data on regional energy consumption in the building and industrial sector will be refined. Based on the results of a regional energy balance, more detailed analyses will illustrate existing energy saving potentials and potentials for the expansion of renewable energy sources.
The regional activities for initiating sustainable energy projects will focus on:
- Energy-efficient buildings: carbon-neutral public buildings, schools, etc.
- Renewable energy: PV, wind power, biomass, etc.
- Energy Services and Financing: contracting, public-private co-investment schemes, etc.
- IE education: seminars on SEP financing, low-cost measures for improving energy efficiency
The replication activity that is to ensure a European dissemination of successful regional projects will focus on projects in industry and renewable energy. The Czech region Karlovarský kraj (Carlsbad) is a potential twinning partner with twinning options especially in renewable energy.
In the context of ENNEREG, one essential target is to develop a SEAP for Upper Palatinate, which will focus on specific sectors of energy generation and consumption. At the moment there are just some sustainable energy action plans and energy concepts for some districts and cities, but no regional concept for addressing the issues of energy efficiency and sustainable energy supply.
Taking into account the difficult data situation and availability regarding the use of energy sources at regional level, the SEAP for the Region of Upper Palatinate is to be realized in a stepwise approach:
- Building sector: development of an energy and emissions baseline, differentiating between the residential and public buildings, assessment energy saving potentials via building refurbishment, building-related expansion potentials for use of renewable energy sources, recommendation of measures
- Energy production: assessment of regional energy generation of non-grid-bound energy sources (heating oil, coal, wood) for buildings, rough estimation of energy generation in large power plants (obliged under EU ETS) and other installations, renewable energy generation
- Industrial sector: development of an energy and emissions baseline, differentiating between existing industrial sectors
You can download intermediate results of the SEAP development from the resources section under presentations below ("ENNEREG - Regions 202020, Entwicklung eines regionalen Energienutzungsplans in der Oberpfalz", Dr. André Suck, 12. Mai 2011).
The City of Neumarkt was and still is the first municipality having signed the Covenant of Mayors in the Region of Upper Palatinate. Therefore the City of Neumarkt serves as a role model to other municipalities to engage in the CoM initiative. One main objective of ENNEREG is to inform and motivate other cities in the Region to participate in this initiative and follow the example of the City of Neumarkt. Moreover accession to the CoM will be promoted by informing municipalities about funding and financing options for developing their own SEAP.
Leitfaden Zur Erstellung Eines Aktionsplans Für Nachhaltige Energie (APNE)
[DE] Der aktuelle Leitfaden bietet detaillierte und schrittweise Empfehlungen für den gesamten Prozess der Ausarbeitung der lokalen Energie- und Klimastrategie, und zwar von den ersten politischen Verpflichtungen bis hin zu ihrer Umsetzung.
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[DE - Deutsch]
Further information »
Evaluation of ENNEREG Communication and Dissemination Activities - Summary Report
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This report on the Evaluation of ENNEREG Communication and Dissemination Activities provides an analysis of the dissemination activities of the ENNEREG project. In particular it evaluates the effectiveness of the online dissemination via the ENNEREG Regions 202020 website. The aim of this Summary Report, is to illustrate the effectiveness of the Regions 202020 website and Regions 202020 Network as a dissemination, promotion, networking and communications platform for Sustainable Energy Regions throughout Europe.
Report on ENNEREG Knowledge Transfer Workshops
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This document reports and evaluates each of the 4 Knowledge Transfer Workshops that were organised among regional partners of the ENNEREG project. The main aim of these workshops was to ensure cross-regional transfer of experience within the various cooperation topics (Sustainable Energy Themes) of the project. By sharing their experiences, the 12 ENNEREG regions hope to inspire and assist other regions in developing, implementing and evaluating their own Sustainable Energy Action Plans.
Evaluation of the regional programmes for coordinated promotional activities
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] The purpose of this document is to report on the investigation of the status of regional activities in the ENNEREG Regions as far as implementation and evaluation are concerned. It includes a status update from each region and itemises the lessons learned during the project.
ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Action Plan Implementation Report
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] The purpose of this document is to describe how ENNEREG regional partners worked towards the successful implementation of promotional activities regarding the Sustainable Energy Action Plans, the Sustainable Energy Projects and the Covenant of Mayors Initiative in their region and in other regions for replication.
ENNEREG Guidelines for promotional activities at the regional level
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] The main purpose of this document is to serve as a guide for promotional activities in the ENNEREG Regions. These promotional activities will ensure the successful implementation of the project. They are a useful exercise for the region and can act as an example of good practice for other replication regions.
Strategy for future action in the ENNEREG regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
During the project, the ENNEREG partners have worked in the development of sustainable energy action plans (SEAP) in their represented regions and in the promotion of sustainable energy projects (SEP). The objective of this document is to present how they intend to continue their efforts after the end of the project, developing the activities planned in the regional SEAP and ensuring the attraction of the necessary resources to promote sustainable energy projects.
Some of the SEAPs defined with the support of the project have been approved by the respective administrations and others still need to be matured to be accepted at the regional level and to be implemented. Thus, the situation is not the same in every region, and the approach to work in sustainable energy is not the same either. This document summarizes the common as well as the specific aspects about how the regions expect to organize and carry on the work on sustainable energy in the next future.
Development of ENNEREG Regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This document includes an evaluation of the achievements of the activities carried out in the ENNEREG partner’s regions related to the development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) and promoting sustainable energy since the beginning of the project. The document shows the added value of the ENNEREG project in the 12 participating regions, which not only have very different characteristics with respect to their size and their social features and the use of energy, but they also have had different starting points for this process.
ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Twinning Programme Summary
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] As part of the project, 12 Pioneer ENNEREG Regions have been producing regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and initiating Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs). The ENNEREG Pioneer Regions have been sharing their experience directly with 12 ENNEREG Twin Regions and ENNEREG has also been actively promoting replication in Sustainable Regions throughout Europe. This report concerns the ENNEREG Pioneer Regions’ support activities to twin regions.
Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers - Report from ENNEREG Pioneer Region - Upper Palatinate Region, Germany
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions [EN] This report has the objective of disseminating to a broad European audience what has come out of the ENNEREG intervention in the Upper Palatinate Region. It represents the contribution of the ZREU to the ENNEREG Inspiration Guide for Regional Decision-makers.
Sponsorship Strategy - Report from the ENNEREG Pioneer Regions
Experience from the ENNEREG Regions
The regional and local authorities committed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions have numerous sources of financing to develop their sustainable energy action plans (SEAPs) and finance the sustainable energy projects (SEPs) defined in them, including local and regional authorities own resources, municipal, regional and national subsidies or public-private partnerships.
The objective of this document is to present in a general way the possibilities of financing for SEAPs and SEPs at a regional level, and to summarize the financing tools available at national and regional level for the 12 regions participating in the ENNEREG Project.
ENNEREG Good Practice - NEW Neue Energien West eG - The energy cooperative "Bürger-Energiegenossenschaft West eG", Upper Palatinate Region Germany, ENNEREG Good Practice in Cooperation - Energy Services and Financing
The NEW Neue Energien West eG / Bürger-Energiegenossenschaft West eG is one successful regional example for a renewable energy coop originally being funded as inter-communal cooperation between 8 municipalities, all located in the administrative district of Neustadt/Waldnaab / Upper Palatinate (27.02.2009).
Until today, the NEW eG invested into three large-scale groundmounted PV installations (solar farm Döllnitz, 1.3 MW; solar farms Barbaraberg 1 / 2, 3.1 MW) and several smaller roof-mounted PV systems.
The NEW and Bürger eG are also offering other services supporting the sustainable use of energy in the region, e.g. energy consulting services, thermalgraphy of buildings, issue of energy performance certificates for buildings, cleaning of PV modules, joint procurement, etc.
Program for Building Refurbishment and Construction, City of Neumarkt i.d.OPf., Upper Palatinate Region, Germany - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
As signatory to the Covenant of Mayors, the City of Neumarkt i.d.OPf. is striving for very ambitious energy and climate objectives in the next years. One objective is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 55 % until 2020 in comparison with 1990.
Since 2009 this municipality is very effectively supporting building-related construction and refurbishment measures with an own local funding programme (“Förderprogramm Gebäudesanierung und energetisches Bauen”). The funding program is subsidizing measures in residential and non-residential as well as for newly constructed buildings.
In combination with other national funding schemes energy efficient buildings, this program has so far supported measures in over 150 buildings on the territory of Neumarkt, thus contributing significantly to the defined municipal targets.
ENNEREG Good Practice - Relearning Sustainability - Impulses from Micro-Projects, City of Neumarkt i.d. OPf., Upper Palatinate Region, Germany
[EN] The funding programme “Relearning Sustainability – Impulses from Micro-Projects” was launched to motivate and involve local organizations, associations and working groups to contribute to sustainable development with the implementation of educational projects. So far 19 educational projects were finalized. The basic idea of this funding programme is to activate and support civil and voluntary engagement with small financial incentives in different educational projects. Projects can be linked to such topics as climate protection, healthy nutrition, fair trade, environmental protection and nature conservation, etc.
Large PV installation on commercial building, Upper Palatinate Region, Germany - ENNEREG Good Practice in Renewable Energy
EuPD Research estimated the PV potential of commercial buildings in Germany at about 25 GW – so far only 4.8 percent have been realized.
A good example for tapping this potential is the company of Glapor from Mitterteich, Bavaria. Due to the installation of a photovoltaic system on its 13.000 square meter flat roof, Glapor is playing a pioneering role in terms of environmental protection. The annual generation of electricity about 750 MWh is resulting in a reduction of CO2 emissions of about 300 – 350 tonnes per year, thus significantly contributing to climate protection. In the future, industrial companies will not only be a current consumer – quite contrary, they will actively engage in energy transition.
Bioenergie Mitterteich GmbH & CO. KG, Upper Palatinate Region, Germany - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Services and Financing
In the Upper Palatinate excellent preconditions exist for the use of biomass due to large areas of agricultural and forest land. However, this form of energy use is clearly limited. Only an environmentally sustainable use of biomass does not endanger the protection of nature and environment.
A good example for a regional energy company offering sustainable heat and electricity for local stakeholders is the Bioenergie Mitterteich GmbH & CO. KG.
The company operates a heating installation based on biomass, which is exclusively supplied with wood chips from regional foresters. Large wood resources and short transportation distances ensure a sustainable energy supply.
Additionally to a local district heating system, Bioenergie Mitterteich GmbH & CO. KG installed 3 PV systems on public buildings in September 2012.
Seminar on European Funding Schemes for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Upper Palatinate Region, Germany - ENNEREG Good Practice in Intelligent Energy Education
In September 2011, ZREU organized a national seminar about European Funding Schemes at the premises of University of Applied Science in Regensburg. The objective of the seminar was to inform regional and national stakeholders on possible financing schemes for sustainable energy projects (SEPs) from European funding schemes. Accordingly the seminar addressed possible solutions for reducing existing financing barriers of SEP implementation.
The target group was experts and management of research and development, engineers, municipalities, companies of the renewable energy sector and the building industry.
The seminar was attended by about 15 participants who were very satisfied with the content of it.
Energy-efficient secondary school Lappersdorf, Upper Palatinate Region, Germany - ENNEREG Good Practice in Energy Efficient Buildings
The EU Directive on the energy performance of buildings (Directive 2010/31/EC) obliges Member States in Article 9 to ensure that after 31 December 2018 all new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities are nearly zero-energy buildings.
The District Government of Regensburg, Bavaria, aims to fulfill this role model function by the construction of a new low carbon school building for a secondary school in Lappersdorf. The construction of this innovative building, which was finalized in September 2012, strives for achieving nearly carbon-neutrality as regards the annual generation and use of energy. Although not achieving the passive house standard in total (maximum heating demand of 15 kWh/(m²*a), heating load of max. 10 W/m²), it is an excellent example that current state-of-art technology is established for realizing nearly-zero emission buildings.
ENNEREG Regional network establishment and approach for SEAP development - Summary document
Publication [EN] This document has been drafted based on the information provided by the regional partners of the ENNEREG project, at an early stage of the development of the ENNEREG foreseen activities and describes the activities that are planned in each region for the SEAP development. The regions shall work in this task with different approaches adapted to the characteristics of the region and its governance structures and will provide at a later phase of the project a description of the performed activities and update it in a second phase.
ENNEREG Regional energy survey and establishment of initial goals “Conclusions document”
Publication [EN] This document summarizes the regional energy surveys provided by the partners of the 12 different regions in the ENNEREG project. There are important differences among these regions with respect to their size and population (from 70.000 to 6 million), or with respect to the energy sources they use.
ENNEREG Guidelines for RES and RUE assessment at regional level
The purpose of this document is to provide guideline criteria to the ENNEREG project partners and other regions for preparing the following regional documents:
• Regional energy survey and targets to 2020
• Regional SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans)
Inspire and... be inspired - The Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide - taster leaflet
Publication [EN] This 2 page A5 leaflet provides a short introduction to the Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide.
How to Develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) – Covenant of Mayors Guidebook
Publication [EN] The current guidebook provides detailed step-by-step recommendations for the entire process of elaborating a local energy and climate strategy, from initial political commitment to implementation.
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[EN - English]
Further information »
First phase of implementing sustainable energy projects (SEPs) in the ENNEREG regions
Publication [EN] This report aims to evaluate the first phase of implementing sustainable energy projects (SEPs) in the ENNEREG regions. The report covers the period from May 2010 to April 2011 (first twelve months of ENNEREG`s project time). The report comprises a description of SEP measures in each region, especially with respect to Performance Indicators, which were defined with the start of the ENNEREG project.
ENNEREG - Regions 202020 - paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe
Publication [EN] ENNEREG Regions paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe is a European project supported by the Intelligent Energy - Europe programme. ENNEREG aims to establish and inspire a network of regions throughout Europe – Regions 202020 - to produce regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and Implement Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs).
ENNEREG – Regionen 202020 ebnen den Weg für ein Europa nachhaltiger Energien
Publication [DE] Das Projekt ENNEREG – Regionen ebnen den Weg für ein Europa nachhaltiger Energien hat zum Ziel, ein Netzwerk von Regionen in ganz Europa – Regionen 202020 – anzuregen und zu gründen, um regionale Aktionspläne für nachhaltige Energie (Sustainable Energy Action Plans – SEAPs) zu erstellen und nachhaltige Energieprojekte (Sustainable Energy Projects – SEPs) umzusetzen.
Regions 202020 Poster in German (Deutsch)
Publication [DE] Regions 202020 Poster in German (Deutsch) - Wollen Sie von den Besten lernen...? ...Wir auch!
ENNEREG Sustainable Energy Twinning Programme Summary
[EN] This presentation by Thomas Jensen, South Denmark European Office (SDEO), was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
ENNEREG and its key achievements
[EN] This presentation by ENNEREG Coordinator, Nils Daugaard, was made on 18 March 2013 during the Intelligent Energy - Europe / ManagEnergy Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy Communities – delivering on the Covenant of Mayors.
SEP initiation in the ENNEREG regions – organization and finance (Preliminary Results)
[EN] This presentation by André Suck, ZREU – Zentrum für rationelle Energieanwendung und Umwelt GmbH, Germany, was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting on 19 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.
SEAP organization in the ENNEREG regions – current and future planning challenges
This Presentation by Mr Álvaro Pérez de Laborda, EVE - Basque Country Energy Agency was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013
Brussels, Belgium
Regions 202020 Platform and Inspiration Guide
[EN] This presentation by Edward Rice, Regions 202020 website developer and Communications Officer for the ENNEREG Project, was made during the ENNEREG Advisory Board Meeting, 19 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium.
ENNEREG: Regionen fördern nachhaltige Energien in Europa - Entwicklung eines regionalen Energienutzungsplan in der Oberpfalz
[DE] Entwicklung eines regionalen Energienutzungsplan in der Oberpfalz - Dr. André Suck, KEWOG Städtebau - ZREU
ENNEREG - Regionen fördern nachhaltige Energien in Europa
[DE] ENNEREG: Regionen fördern nachhaltige Energien in Europa - Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Josef Konradl, KEWOG Städtebau - ZREU
Die Umsetzung der Energiewende mit Energiegenossenschaften – Erfolgsbilanz am Beispiel verschiedener Organisationsmodelle, Hr. Hornauer, Bayerischer Genossenschaftsverband e.V.
[DE] Das Organisationsmodell der Genossenschaft vermag zur Umsetzung der Ziele einer Energiewende in Deutschland besonders auf der kommunalen Ebene einen großen Beitrag zu leisten. Hr. Hornauer zeigt in seinem Überblicksvortrag, welche Rolle den Energiegenossenschaften für die genannten Zielsetzungen zukommt und in welchem Umfang diese Organisationsform die Verwirklichung der Energiewendeziele in Deutschland bereits unterstützt. Die Grundlagen zur Gründung einer Genossenschaft werden ebenso erläutert wie der Aufbau und die Funktionsweise dieses Organisationsmodells. Verschiedene Modelle zur Gründung von Bürgerenergie-Genossenschaften werden für die Technologiebereiche Photovoltaik, Windkraft und Nahwärme vorgestellt.
Darstellung des Gründungsprozesses von Energiegenossenschaften am Beispiel der KERL eG und BERR eG in der Region Regensburg, Fr. Politzka, Landratsamt Regensburg
[DE] Der Landkreis Regensburg hat im Dezember 2011 bzw. Januar 2012 zwei Energiegenossenschaften gegründet, um im Landkreis die Errichtung von Anlagen zur Erzeugung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Energien zu fördern und damit die regionalen Wirtschaftskreisläufe zu stärken. Für diese Ziele wurde zum einen die Kommunale Energie Regensburger Land eG (kurz: KERL eG) gegründet, an der sämtliche Gemeinden des Landkreises wie auch der Landkreis als eigene Gebietskörperschaft beteiligt sind. Diese Energiegenossenschaft übernimmt im Wesentlichen regionale Steuerungs- und Koordinationsaufgaben zur Projektierung möglicher Energieanlagen. Ergänzt wird diese kommunale Energiegenossenschaft durch die Bürger Energie Region Regensburger Land eG (kurz: BERR eG), an der sich Bürger- u. sonstige juristische Personen an der Finanzierung, dem Bau und Betrieb von Anlagen zur Energiegewinnung aus erneuerbaren Energien beteiligen können. Fr. Politzka stellt in ihrem Vortrag die politischen Hintergründe wie auch die Motivation und Ziele vor, die zur Gründung dieses Genossenschaftsmodells geführt haben.
WELT: Windenergie Landkreis Tirschenreuth GmbH & Co. KG - Interkommunales Modell mit Bürgerbeteiligung, Fr. Hehenberger-Risse, KEWOG Energie und Dienste GmbH
[DE] Die Bayerische Staatsregierung verfolgt bis zum Jahr 2021 das Ziel, den Anteil des durch Windenergie erzeugten Stroms am Gesamtstromverbrauch von derzeit ca. 0,6 % auf 6 bis 10% zu vervielfachen. Zur Verwirklichung dieses Ziels ist die Errichtung von mindestens 1.500 Windenergieanlagen in Bayern erforderlich. Ein wichtiges Instrument zur Sicherstellung der erforderlichen Akzeptanz dieses Windenergieausbaus ist die Planung, Errichtung und der Betrieb der neuen Anlagen über kommunale Organisationsformen, die sowohl eine Kooperation zwischen beteiligten Kommunen als auch eine angemessene Bürgerbeteiligung ermöglichen. Fr. Hehenberger-Risse stellt am Beispiel der WELT: Windenergie Landkreis Tirschenreuth GmbH & Co. KG die derzeitige Realisierung eines solchen Modells für die Region der nördlichen Oberpfalz vor.
Rechtsfragen zu kommunalen Bürgerbeteiligungsmodellen, Hr. Dr. Thomas Wolf, Rödl & Partner GbR
[DE] Die Gründung von Energiegenossenschaften stellt nur eine mögliche Form zur wirtschaftlichen Betätigung von Kommunen dar. In seinem Vortrag gibt Hr. Dr. Wolf einen Überblick über die verschiedenen organisationsrechtlichen Möglichkeiten für eine wirtschaftliche Betätigung von kommunalen Gebietskörperschaften im Energiesektor. Hierbei werden unterschiedliche Rechtsfragen zu kommunalen Bürgerbeteiligungsmodellen bei den verschiedenen Organisationsformen vertiefend behandelt. Als Beteiligungsmodelle werden die GmbH, die GmbH & Co. KG sowie die Genossenschaft erläutert.
ENNEREG - Ein regionaler Rahmenplan Energie für die Oberpfalz, Hr. Dr. André Suck, ZREU GmbH
[DE] In dem Vortrag werden die wichtigsten Zwischenergebnisse des ZREU für den Regionalen Rahmenplan Energie für die Oberpfalz als Grundlage für einen nachhaltigen Aktionsplans Energie dargestellt.
European Energy Award® - Ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem zur Umsetzung des kommunalen Klimaschutzes, Hr. Martin Sambale, eza! energie- und umweltzentrum allgäu gGmbH
[DE] Wie kann eine Gemeinde oder Stadt sicherstellen, dass die Ziele ihres erstellten Energie- oder Klimaschutzkonzeptes dauerhaft umgesetzt werden? Welche Instrumente und Strategien bestehen, damit die kommunale Querschnittaufgabe Klimaschutz nachhaltig in die Verwaltungs- und Verfahrensabläufe der öffentlichen Verwaltung eingebunden werden? In seinem Vortrag stellt Hr. Sambale den European Energy Award (eea®) als dauerhaft zu implementierendes Prozessmanagementsystem für die Umsetzung des kommunalen Klimaschutzes vor.
Best-Practice-Beispiel: Die Gemeinde Wasserburg (Bodensee) als Beispiel einer erfolgreichen eea®-Gemeinde, Hr. Bgm Thomas Kleinschmidt, Gemeinde Wasserburg a. Bodensee
[DE] Hr. Bgm Kleinschmidt stellt in seinem Vortrag die Gemeinde Wasserburg als Energie- und Klimabündnisgemeinde vor. Ein Schwerpunkt des Vortrags liegt auf der Darstellung der Arbeiten des mit dem Energieteam im Rahmen des eea® umgesetzten Maßnahmen sowie des Prozesses der eea® -Zertifizierung. Dieser Prozess führte in der Gemeinde Wasserburg im Jahr 2010 zur Verleihung des eea®.
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Energienutzungsplan oder Klimaschutzkonzept - Konkurrierende Förderinstrumente für nachhaltig kommunale Energieplanung?, Hr. Josef Konradl, ZREU GmbH
[DE] Für die strategische Energieplanung auf kommunaler Ebene bestehen verschiedene methodische Ansätze mit jeweils eigener Förderung: Klimaschutzkonzepte nach der Förderung der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative / BMU und Energienutzungspläne nach dem Bayerischen Programm Rationellere Energiegewinnung und -verwendung. In dem Vortrag werden die wesentlichen inhaltlich-methodischen sowie finanziellen Unterschiede einer Förderung kommunaler Energiekonzepte über die beiden Förderprogramme erläutert.
Planungs- und genehmigungsrechtliche Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von nachhaltigen Energieprojekten, Herr RD Stefan Kraus, Oberste Baubehörde im Bayerischen Staatsministerium des Innern
[DE] Der Vortrag gibt einen aktuellen Überblick über die planungs- und genehmigungsrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für die Errichtung von Anlagen zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien in Deutschland und im Bundesland Bayern (Stand Mai 2012). Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Technologien Fotovoltaik, Windenergie, Geothermie, Wasserkraft und Biomasse.
Die Photovoltaik als Bestandteil der kommunalen Energiewende in Bayern, Hr. Stefan Dobler, Iliotec Solar GmbH
[DE] Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung "Energiewende in Bayern - Spielräume und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für eine nachhaltige kommunale Planung" stellt dieser Vortrag vor dem Hintergrund der laufenden Novellierung des EEG im Bereich der Photovoltaik die aktuellen und voraussichtlichen rechtlichen Rahmbedingungen zur Errichtung von PV-Anlagen dar (Stand Mai 2012).
Kommunale und regionale Rahmenbedingungen eines Ausbaus der Windenergie in Bayern, Hr. Dr. Peter Niebauer, Bundesverband Windenergie e.V.
[DE] In diesem Vortrag werden die aktuellen kommunalen und regionalen Rahmenbedingungen für einen Ausbau der Windenergie in Bayern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zielsetzungen im Bayerischen Energiekonzept aus Sicht des Bundesverbandes WindEnergie e.V. dargestellt (Stand Mai 2012).
Introduction to the ENNEREG Project
[EN] The presentation gives a brief introduction to the ENNEREG Project.
ENNEREG Regionale Exkursion zum Windpark Brenntenberg, Beratzhausen, Landkreis Regensburg
ENNEREG Regional study tour to “Windfarm Brenntenberg, Beratzhausen, District of Regensburg“
Windfarm Brenntenberg, Beratzhausen, District of Regensburg
The wind farm “Brenntenberg” is the most recent in the District of Regensburg. This wind farm was realized in cooperation between the wind project developer Ostwind GmbH and the regional utility Technische Werke Schussental (TWS), which is located in Baden-Wurttemberg.
Mit dem Windpark Brenntenberg wurde durch die Unternehmen OSTWIND und die Technischen Werke Schussental (TWS), ein regionales Energieversorgungsunternehmen aus Baden-Württemberg, der neueste Windpark im Landkreis Regensburg verwirklicht.
come2CoM Video präsentiert: Konvent der Bürgermeister/innen
[DE] Dieses Video wurde im Rahmen des IEE-geförderten Projekt come2CoM produziert. Es ist in Deutsch, Schwedisch, Dänisch, Italienisch, Slowenisch, Portugiesisch, Polnisch und Tschechisch verfügbar. Fühlen Sie sich frei, um die come2CoM Team zu kontaktieren, um eine DVD-Kopie anzufordern.