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Sustainable Energy Communities:

About ClimactRegions

Website: http://www.climactregions.eu

In the global context of fighting against climate change, the European Union (EU) has committed itself to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% by 2020.  The ClimactRegions project is part of this dynamic and aims to strengthen regional capacity to develop and implement policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).


  • enable Regions to efficiently monitor and observe greenhouse gases
  • develop regional policies for greenhouse gas mitigation using good governance processes
  • strengthen the dialogue between Regions and the EU on climate change policies and their implementation in the field.


The identification of good practices in terms of GHG reduction in European regions is the main focus of the ClimactRegions project. These good practices include:

  • the observation of GHG emissions
  • the development of policies to reduce GHG emissions
  • regional governance.

The ClimactRegions project will develop assessment methodologies and will produce guides in three areas: GHG observatory, regional policies and governance. This will be based on the exchange of experiences and good practices identified by partners, the recommendations, aimed at developing specific actions to reduce GHG emissions in the territories, can then be used by policy makers.


Partner Organisations

Note: only project partners who have added their organisation to the Regions 202020 database are listed below. See the ClimactRegions website for details of all partners.


RAEE - Rhônalpénergie-Environnement 10 rue des Archers

Created in 1978 under associative shape, Rhônalpénergie-Environnement, the regional energy agency of Rhône-Alpes advises local authorities and public companies in energy saving, in promotion of the renewable energies, the environmental protection and put into practice by the sustainable development

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FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local organisations which implement, co-ordinate and facilitate sustainable energy and environment policies.

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Logo ARE completo Light

ARE LIGURIA Agenzia Regionale per l'Energia della Liguria

ARE Liguria is the "operative tool of the Regione Liguria in the energy field" as laid down by the Regional Law 22/2007. Has a team of experienced professionals and consultants that boasts technical, commercial, managerial, communication and training skills.

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ClimactRegions Publications, Presentations and Other Resources

Below is a list of ClimactRegions publications, presentations and other resources available on this Regions 202020 Website. Further publications, news articles and resources may be available on the main ClimactRegions website: http://www.climactregions.eu

ClimactRegions Publications

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ClimactRegions Guidelines Manuals

Publication [EN] Climactregions wants to improve the capacity of regions to build and apply greenhouse gases reduction policies, in order to contribute to climate protection. With the identification of good practices in terms of GHG reduction in European regions, Climactregions released three guidelines manuals on the three main topics:
- observation of greenhouse gas emissions
- strategies and actions to mitigate climate change
- dedicated modes of governance

Go to the Website [EN - English]

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Good Practice Case Studies and Collections

Climact Regions Map of Best Practices

Good Practice Collection / Publication [EN] Climactregions partners identified more than 120 best practices in 60 regions representing 23 countries in the field of greenhouses gas observation, climate protection policies, and governace.

Go to the Website [EN - English]

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Past Events

  • Sustainable Mobility
    Atelier Mobilite Durable

    19 October 2011, 14:00-16:00, Lyon, France

    This conference on sustainable mobility has been organised by Rhônalpénergie-Environnement (RAEE) and the Rhône-Alpes Region within the framework of the European project ClimactRegions.

    Transport is the sector that most emits carbon dioxide (26% of GES emissions in France, 34% of carbon dioxide*). Road transport remains the principal responsible for these numbers. Technical advances, together with an increasingly restrictive regulation, have made vehicles less fuel-consuming and less polluting. But if vehicles consume and pollute less, road traffic, on the other hand, increases. Thus global carbon dioxide emissions by road transport have remained around 130Mt since 2001 (17% above their 1990 level*). It is then necessary to take action over urban and interurban traffics in order to regulate their growth. This issue naturally falls into the scope of the European project ClimactRegions, as it aims at feeding regional policies of fight against greenhouse effect.

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