Sustainable Energy Communities - SEC
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About Sustainable Energy Communities - SEC
From 2010-2012, five Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) projects joined forces to disseminate news and information on innovative local actions that can inspire cities and regions to meet EU targets for 2020 on greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and use of renewable energy.
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Regions 202020 is the website for the ENNEREG project, which ran from May 2010 to May 2013. ENNEREG collaborated with 4 other Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) projects that commenced in 2010: Energy for Mayors, CITY-SEC, come2CoM and ENESCOM by publishing Sustainable Energy Communities NEWS.
The first issue of the Newsletter, covering the initial activities of the five projects was published in Autumn 2010, with a further 3 newsletters published during the project. The newsletter is available in the News section of this website.
You can find out more ENNEREG and the other SEC projects by click on the links in the menu to the left and at the top of this page.
These five Sustainable Energy Communities projects, which represented more than 100 communities throughout Europe:
- demonstrated how these regions and communities are contributing to the EU 20-20-20 targets
- assisted with development of local and regional SEAPs and Projects (SEPs)
- encouraged and supported communities in signing the Covenant of Mayors (
- exchanged experiences, lesson learnt and good practice at the local level via EU Regions 202020
The five projects produce a joint newsletter in several European languages to be sent to thousands of sustainable energy actors.
The projects shared a common objective of demonstrating how Communities can be a key driving force in fulfilling the EU 20-20-20 climate and energy targets of at least 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 20% increase in energy efficiency and 20% of energy from renewables by 2020[1].
These goals were achieved by supporting local and regional stakeholders in the development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and Projects (SEPs), encouraging and supporting communities in signing the Covenant of Mayors ( and exchanging experiences in order to ensure replication of good practice throughout the European Union.
For more information:
- Read the
Press Release – 28 June 2010: Sustainable Energy Communities join forces to support EU 20-20-20 Targets (89 Kb PDF)
[1] EU 20-20-20 targets: a series of demanding climate and energy targets to be met by 2020, as follows: at least 20% reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions; 20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources; a 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy efficiency. See: