Events » Supporting Structures Training Seminar - 18-19 November 2010
Training Seminar for Supporting Structures
18-19 November 2010
Huelva (Provincial Council), Spain
Language(s): EN - English
A 2-day open training seminar for Supporting Structures took place on 18th and 19th of November 2010 in Huelva (Spain). Seminar gathered approx. 80 representatives of existing and potential SSt of the Covenant of Mayors. The aim of the event was to develop SSt capacity based on the needs identified in the recently conducted survey and to optimize assistance provided by SSt to cities and towns.
During the seminar a number of presentations were given and an interactive workshop was organised. From the presentations you can learn about the Covenant of Mayors initiative, its implementation, experiences and good practices of model Supporting Structures and financial opportunities for stakeholders engaged in the Covenant. During the interactive workshop participants exchanged ideas on how to create and operate a Supporting Structure and shared their experiences in this area.
Programme and Presentations
- Covenant of Mayors and the important role of Supporting Structures – Jana Cicmanova, Covenant Events Officer, Covenant of Mayors Office
- Introducing the Energy for Mayors project - Dario Miroglio, Project Coordinator,Genoa Provincial Council
- The role of the Capital Cities and Energy Agencies in Supporting, Marijan Maras, Head of City Office for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, City of Zagreb, Croatia
- Provincial guidance for cities and towns – Isabel Brito, Huelva Provincial Council, Spain
- Support offered by a local government network – Miguel Morcillo, Climate Alliance, Project Manager CO2 balance
- Results from Energy for Mayors survey: SSt methodologies and needs identified, Helena Perxacs Motgé, Environmental Officer, Barcelona Provincial Council, Diputació de Barcelona (DIBA), Spain
- The Climate Municipalities, Sweden (Klimatkommunerna) – Håkan Samuelsson, Coordinator
- Polish Network Energie-Cites (PNEC) - Anna Jaskuła, Deputy Director
- Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA) - Elena Simeonova, Project Coordintor
- Supporting Municipalities to implement a Baseline Inventory and search for funds to develop SEAPs Actions - Fabio Cervi, Energy Officer, Modena Provincial Council, Italy
- CHAMP project: training of municipalities - Esther Kreutz, Project Coordinator CHAMP Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC)
- Communication: approach of Province of Genova (information, coordinating Energy Days in communities) - Dario Miroglio, Genova Provincial Government, Italy
- Organising participation processes: experiences of Barcelona Provincial Council (involving communities, joint actions, Local Agenda 21 approach) - Rafael Ocaña Barbero, Environmental Officer, Barcelona Provincial Council, Spain
- Key elements to be considered in a participative approach – Antonio Kaulard, Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane, Italy
- ELENA financing to support cities: the 1st experience of clustering projects - Francesc de Sárraga, Environmental Area, Barcelona Provincial Council
- Introducing the Energy for Mayors “toolbox” concept and discussion – Maryke van Staden, ICLEI Europe