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Workshop on Public Lighting with LEDs

4 November 2010
Bilbao, Spain

Language(s): ES - Castellano

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Regions 202020 Network Member(s) Organising Event:

Descarga de las Ponencias

LEDsPhoto of participantsPhoto of participantsPhoto of participants

Street lighting is one of the most energy and financial resources consuming element for municipal councils. The efficient use thereof and the use of highly efficient lighting technologies can reduce fuel consumption and the resulting bills.

This conference aimed to provide an impartial and realistic view on the potential benefits of this type of lighting. The workshop has been very successful in terms of both participation and achievement of objectives. The most interesting topic in the view of the participants was, not surprisingly, the LED market for public lighting. Nevertheless all the subjects were marked very high as far as interest is concerned.

El alumbrado de las calles es uno de los elementos de uso público que mayor consumo de energía y de recursos económicos municipales en los Ayuntamientos. El uso eficiente del mismo y la utilización de tecnologías de iluminación altamente eficientes puede reducir el consumo y la factura derivada de este servicio.

Esta jornada tiene por objeto dar una visión imparcial y realista sobre las posibles ventajas que supone este tipo de alumbrado mediante LEDs para una correcta toma de decisiones con respecto a las nuevas tecnologías sobre alumbrado público.

Jornada dirigida exclusivamente a Técnicos Municipales.

Further Information

Target Audience: Basque Country, Municipal technicians

Venue: EVE’s Auditorium, Alameda de Urquijo 36, 1, 48011 Bilbao, Spain

Contact for further information: 

Olatz Ajuria Astobiza
Ente Vasco de la Energía
Alameda de Urquijo, 36 1º, Edificio Plaza Bizkaia, 48011 Bilbao