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Low carbon Trendsetter in 2020
Energy for Mayors International Workshop

3-4 October 2012
Krakkow, Poland

Language(s): EN - English : PL - Polski

Event Website

Programme of the workshop | On-line registration form

ENERGY for Mayors logoCovenant of Mayors logoAll organisations and local authorities engaged in the Covenant of Mayors initiative are cordially invited to take part in the upcoming International Workshop for Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters LOW CARBON TREND-SETTERS IN 2020, organised within the framework of the Energy for Mayors project. This interesting and motivating free event will take place on 3rd and 4th of October 2012 in Krakow (Poland).

The workshop will focus on the crucial role played by local governments in moving towards a low-carbon economy and smart city infrastructure. The aim is to support and empower Coordinators and Supporters (C&S) of the Covenant of Mayors. This will be achieved through experience exchange among the C&S attending and municipalities on how to facilitate communities on their path towards sustainable energy development.

During the workshop the important and mobilizing role of the Covenant Coordinators and Supporters will be analysed and highlighted. Participants will also have an opportunity to learn about the experiences and achievements of European cities who signed the Covenant of Mayors.

Moreover, this motivating workshop will provide instructions for data collection, elaboration of the Baseline Emission Inventory and development and implementation of a Sustainable Energy Action Plan, highlighting best practices of experienced local governments. Last (but not least), an update on sustainable energy communities projects will be presented together with methods and tools useful for CoM signatories, Coordinators and Supporters focusing on financial instruments and options to achieve the vision of a low carbon future.

The workshop languages are English and Polish (Polish-English simultaneous translation will be provided).

Participation in the workshop is free of charge. In order to register, please use the on-line registration form. You should then receive an e-mail with confirmation of registration and more detailed information about the event.